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Of course, the effective learning methods they learned during the use of our PEGACPDS88V1 Preparation materials also greatly enhanced their work. All of them had praised that our PEGACPDS88V1 exam questions are the best choice they had made to buy. So what are you waiting for? Just rush to buy our PEGACPDS88V1 practice guide!r >> Test PEGACPDS88V1 King <<r Test PEGACPDS88V1 King u2013 The Latest New Guide Files for Pegasystems PEGACPDS88V1: Certified Pega Data Scientist 88V1r The PEGACPDS88V1 mock exams not just give you a chance to self-access before you actually sit for the certification exam, but also help you get an idea of the Pegasystems exam structure. It is well known that students who do a mock version of an exam benefit from it immensely. Some Pegasystems certified experts even say that it can be a more beneficial way to prepare for the Certified Pega Data Scientist 88V1 exam than spending the same amount of time studying.r Pegasystems Certified Pega Data Scientist 88V1 Sample Questions (Q80-Q85):r NEW QUESTION # 80 The mapping of the input fields of a third-party predictive model is done in ther A. Predictive Model ruler B. Predictive Model decision componentr C. Predictive Analytics Director portalr D. Customer class definitionr Answer: Ar Explanation:ExplanationThe mapping of the input fields of a third-party predictive model is done in the Predictive Model rule. The Predictive Model rule defines how to invoke and interpret the results of a third-party predictive model that is imported in PMML format. References: NEW QUESTION # 81 To enable an assessment of its reliability, the Adaptive Model produces three outputs: Propensity, Performance and Evidence. The performance of an Adaptive Model that has not collected any evidence is_________.r A. 1-0r B. 0.5r C. 0.0r D. nullr Answer: Br Explanation:ExplanationWhen an adaptive model has not collected any evidence, its performance is 0.5, which means that it has no predictive power and is equivalent to a random guess. As more evidence is collected, the performance can increase or decrease depending on how well the model predicts customer behavior. References: NEW QUESTION # 82 When implementing Next-Best-Action, the Customer Lifetime Value Threshold is typically used to_________.r A. calculate the customer's lifetime valuer B. prioritize customersr C. determine if the customer is eligibler D. prioritize high value propositionsr Answer: Br Explanation:ExplanationThe Customer Lifetime Value Threshold is typically used to prioritize customers based on their expected long-term value to the business. Customers who have a higher lifetime value than the threshold are considered high-value customers and receive more personalized and relevant offers. References: NEW QUESTION # 83 Prediction Studio supports keyword-based topic detection, model-based topic detection and the combination of these. When using machine learning,r A. the Must keywords are required to detect the topicr B. the keywords are ignoredr C. the Must keywords function as positive featuresr D. keywords have a higher impact on the model than the training datar Answer: Cr Explanation:ExplanationWhen using machine learning, the Must keywords function as positive features.r NEW QUESTION # 84 Adaptive model predictors are selected from the____________.r A. similar propositionsr B. customer profiler C. proposition profiler D. communication channelr Answer: Br Explanation:ExplanationAdaptive model predictors are selected from the customer profile, which contains information about the customer's attributes and behavior. Predictors can be either scalar or aggregate properties that capture customer context, such as channel, location, time, etc. References: NEW QUESTION # 85......r It is human nature to pursue wealth and success. No one wants to be a common person. In order to become a successful person, you must sharpen your horizons and deepen your thoughts. Our PEGACPDS88V1 study materials can help you update yourself in the shortest time. You just need to make use of your spare time to finish learning our PEGACPDS88V1 Study Materials. So your normal life will not be disturbed. 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