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Models for EO Data Exploitation: Innovation, Harmonization, Technology

This workshop focuses on standardization and harmonization to enhance European space infrastructure for EO data exploitation and promote competitiveness. Discussions include technology requirements and cooperative practices among European space agencies and industry players. The objectives are to analyze existing services, outline potential ESA Research and Service Support model advancements, and develop harmonized research and service support models. Join to explore the future of EO data processing and service delivery.

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Models for EO Data Exploitation: Innovation, Harmonization, Technology

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  1. Models for scientific exploitation of EO data: Innovation, harmonization, technologyIntroduction Pier Giorgio Marchetti pier.giorgio.marchetti@esa.int EOP-GSR

  2. Models for scientific exploitation of EO data: Innovation, harmonization, technology Workshop organized by the HMA AWG • HMA Architecture Working Group Composition: Full members • AgenziaSpazialeItaliana - ASI: TBD • Canadian Space Agency - CSA: Bob Banik, Yanmei Wu • Centre National d'EtudesSpatiales- CNES: Jean-Noël Hourcastagnou, Jerome Gasperi • DeutschesZentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt - DLR: Stephan Kiemle, ChristophReck • European Space Agency - ESA: Jolyon Martin, SveinungLoekken • European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites - EUMETSAT: Michael Schick • United Kingdom Space Agency - UK Space Agency: CorentinGuillo • Technical Secretary: Pier Giorgio Marchetti ESA Ex-officio members • Digital Earth and Reference Data Unit JRC: Par Astrand, Giovanni Di Matteo • European Union Satellite Centre EUSC: LucioColaiacomo Other EU Institutions in the HMA AWG mail list • European Maritime Safety Agency EMSA : Samuel Djavidnia EOP-GSR

  3. To manage and reduce technical risks in EO systems and operations. To manage and reduce the cost of EO systems and operations. To establish the baseline for the development of the European space infrastructure in the context of the GMES Programme capable of harmonising and exploiting relevant national initiatives and assets. To allow interoperability within and across organisations. To increase competitiveness of the European space (and downstream) industry. To maintain the leadership in EO systems and operations and avoid insurgence of undesired standards To ensure that technology drivers for the European guaranteed access to space are led by European requirements Why standardisation and harmonization EOP-GSR

  4. standardisation helps to build focus, cohesion and critical mass in the formative stages of a market; standardisation codifies and diffuses state-of-the-art technology and best practice; open standards are desirable to enable a competitive process of innovation-led growth. Innovation vs. standardisation and harmonisation EOP-GSR

  5. Standardization work in payload data ground segment 1-2 • HMA AWG relies on the Open Geospatial Consortium for the public standardization process • Ad-hoc public workshops are used to focus new requirements, define strategic directions EOP-GSR

  6. Standardization work in payload data ground segment 2-2 EOP-GSR

  7. in practice… • EO data is acquired, processed and delivered to the users who stores it and then can start to work … additional approaches are possible!!! EOP-GSR

  8. Why model(s) • From Oxford Dictionaries • 3a simplified description, especially a mathematical one, of a system or process, to assist calculations and predictions: a statistical model used for predicting the survival rates of endangered species EOP-GSR

  9. Processing (UML) Model 1-2 EOP-GSR

  10. Processing (support) Model 2-2 EOP-GSR

  11. Workshop Objectives 1-3 • Analysis of services in support to EO scientific data exploitation and information-based services. • Overview of • current initiatives, • the possible evolution of ESA’s Research and Service Support model(see GRS Newsletter) • similar international and European initiatives like GEO Supersites. EOP-GSR

  12. Workshop Objectives 2-3 • Cooperative definition of a harmonized model of research and service support • Identification and definition of most important enabling processes and best practices, • Cooperative players: European space agencies, research centers, industry EOP-GSR

  13. Workshop Objectives 3-3 • Identification of • Technology requirements, • harmonization and standardization requirements • service models • finalized to the federation of payload data ground segment services to the scientific community. EOP-GSR

  14. Thank you!! Questions? Comments? EOP-GSR

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