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An Introduction to the Common Core State Standards. What they mean for you and your children. Tonight’s Objectives. Help parents understand what college and career readiness is and why it matters.
An Introduction to the Common Core State Standards What they mean for you and your children EngageNY.org
Tonight’s Objectives • Help parents understand what college and career readiness is and why it matters. • Introduce parents to the new standards and help them understand what to look for and how to help their children at home.
“These Standards are not intended to be new names for old ways of doing business. They are a call to take the next step… It is time to recognize that standards are not just promises to our children, but promises we intend to keep.” -- The Common Core State Standards in Math, page 5 EngageNY.org
Activity: What is college and career readiness? • At your table, discuss: • What does college-readiness look like? career readiness? • When is a student is ready for college? • What knowledge and skills are necessary for a career? • What do children need to learn to be ready for college? For a career? • How can parents help?
So? What does it mean? EngageNY.org
College and Career Readiness …but what does that mean? The new standards will get students ready for success in college and the workforce. EngageNY.org
College Readiness • “College” doesn’t just mean a four-year degree. It can mean any program that leads to a degree or certificate. • Being “ready” means that students graduate from high schools with key skills in English and mathematics. College readiness means that graduates have the skills they need to do well in college. EngageNY.org
Career Readiness • “Career” doesn’t just mean a job. It means a profession that lets graduates succeed at a job they enjoy and earn a competitive wage. Career readiness means that high school graduates are qualified for and able to do well in long-term careers. EngageNY.org
College and Career Readiness Every time a college freshman takes a placement exam that first month on campus, he or she is being tested against the very expectations in the Common Core. Every time a high school graduate faces a daunting task on a challenging job (from the welder applying knowledge of fractions to the electrician reading the National Electrical Code), he or she is being tested against the Common Core. And quite frankly, our students are not doing well enough on those real world tests. Only about 35 percent of our students graduate with the skills and knowledge necessary to be called college- and career-ready. Commissioner John King EngageNY.org
Why does this matter? Because it’s what our students need For every 100 ninth graders… 65 graduate from high school 37 enter college 24 are still enrolled in sophomore year 12 graduate with a degree in six years
… and only 6 get a good job after graduation EngageNY.org
The new standards will… • Preparestudents to succeed in college and the workforce • Ensure that every child—regardless of race, ethnicity or zip code—is held to the same high standards and learns the same material • Provideeducators with a clear, focused roadmap for what to teach and when EngageNY.org
What are the Common Core Standards? • Asingle set of clear standards for English language arts and mathematics • A tool to help students and parents set clear and realistic goals for success • A first step in providing young people with the high-quality education that will prepare them for success in college and careers EngageNY.org
What’s different in the new standards? • English Language Arts/Literacy: • Focus on non-fiction, careful reading • Discuss reading and writing using evidence • Increase academic vocabulary • Mathematics • Learn more about fewer concepts • Focus on skill building, speed and accuracy • Use of real world examples to better understand concepts EngageNY.org
Grade 4 Sample ELA Question Short Answer Constructed Response for “Why the Evergreen Trees Never…” What is a theme of the myth “Why the Evergreen Trees Never Lose Their Leaves”? Use two details from the myth to support your answer. Write your answer in complete sentences. EngageNY.org
Grade 4 Sample ELA Question Short Answer Constructed Response for “Why are evergreen trees green…” According to the article, evergreen trees are often found in cold, icy climates where water may be frozen. • How does the tree survive in these conditions? • Use two details from the article to support your answer. • Write your answer in complete sentences. _________________________________________________________ EngageNY.org
Grade 4 Sample ELA Question Extended Constructed Response Paired Passages The myth and the article both provide explanations for why evergreen trees keep their leaves in winter. How are the explanations similar and different? Use specific examples from the myth and the article to support your answer. In your response, be sure to do the following: describe what the myth says about why evergreen trees keep their leaves in winter. compare and contrast the two explanations. include details from both the myth and the article to support your answer. EngageNY.org
Grade 4 Sample Math Question Domain: Operations and Algebraic Thinking Item: CR Candy wants to buy herself a new bicycle that costs $240. Candy has already saved $32, but she needs to make a plan so she can save the rest of the money she needs. She decides to save the same amount of money, x dollars, each month for the next four months. Part A: Write an equation that helps Candy determine the amount of money she must save each month. Equation __________________________________ Part B: Solve the equation to find the amount of money she must save each month to meet her goal of buying a bicycle. Show your work. Answer $__________________________________ EngageNY.org
Grade 4 Sample Math Question Domain: Measurement and Data Item: CR The area of Ken’s rectangular garden is 480 square feet. The garden is 24 feet wide. What is the length of fencing Ken will need to buy in order to fence in the garden completely on all four sides? Show your work. Answer: _____________________ feet EngageNY.org
Grade 4 Sample Math Question Domain: Operations and Algebraic Thinking Item: MC Which of the number patterns below follows the rule subtract 7 to get to the next number? A 79, 72, 56, 51, 47, 44 B 66, 60, 53, 45, 36, 26 C 51, 44, 37, 30, 23, 16 D 43, 36, 29, 24, 19, 12 EngageNY.org
So, what can parents really do to help? EngageNY.org
Parent support can help students succeed • By staying involved, informed and engaged, parents can help students be successful • There are many ways to help: • Read with your children • Reviewand discuss their homework • Communicate with their teachers • Attendpublic meetings to learn more • Learnabout the standards and how they affect your child’s education and school • Lookthrough your child’s backpack each afternoon Take your family vacations during school breaks. EngageNY.org
Activity: After school routines • Grab a partner and discuss your after school routines. Be specific! • Ask each other questions: • How do you help your child with homework? How closely do you review it? • How closely do you review their schoolwork? • How often do you communicate with their teachers? • How do you celebrate your child’s success in school? How do you address poor performance? • What is your favorite part of your after school routine? EngageNY.org
So? What works best? EngageNY.org
Backpacks: What you should see Books that are both fiction and non-fiction Real-world examples that makes what they’re learning in English and math make more sense Writing assignments that require students to use evidence instead of opinion Math homework that asks students to write out how they got their answer Math homework that ask students to use different methods to solve the same problem
Some questions to ask your child How did you use evidence in school today? Where did you get it? Did you talk about anything you read in class today? Did you use evidence when you talked about what you read? How often did you use math today? How did you use it? Did you learn any new words in class today? What do they mean? How do you spell them?
Activity: Talking to your kids about school At your table, talk about strategies you use to get your kids talking about their days after school What questions do you ask? Do you discuss what they tell you? How do you get them excited to talk? What do you do when they refuse to talk? EngageNY.org
What works best? EngageNY.org
A Closer Look: ELA/Literacy Shifts • Read as much non-fiction as fiction • Learn about the world by reading • Read more challenging material closely • Discuss reading using evidence • Write non-fiction using evidence • Increase academic vocabulary EngageNY.org
A Closer Look: Mathematics Shifts • Focus: learn more about less • Build skills across grades • Develop speed and accuracy • Really know it, Really do it • Use it in the real world • Think fast AND solve problems EngageNY.org
Resources for parents EngageNY.org
EngageNY EngageNY.org
Math Resources Math MagicianOnline games from Oswego City School District that teach math. Granny PrixGranny Prix is a fun activity that helps students work on fluency. Diaper DerbyDiaper Derby is a fun activity that helps students work on fluency. Math Apps for the IpadiPad apps for teaching math. Dare to CompareDare to Compare, a part of the Kids’ Zone website. EngageNY.org
ELA Resources http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/student-interactives/ - Read Write Think – Online Literacy Activities http://www.starfall.com/ - Teaches children how to read by using games and phonetics. http://www.storylineonline.net/ - Online Storybooks http://www.literactive.com/home/roadtoreading.asp - Interactive Reading for Kindergarten and 1stgrade http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/student-interactives/ - Read Write Think – Online Literacy Activities EngageNY.org
Additional resources • www.achievethecore.org • www.pta.org/4446.htm • http://www.cgcs.org/Domain/36 • http://parcconline.org/parcc-content-frameworks
Closing discussion EngageNY.org What strategies did we discuss today that you think you might use with your children? What other information would be helpful to you? What other questions do you have?
Thank you EngageNY.org