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CHAPTER 11. Stimulus Control of Operant Behavior. PERVASIVENESS OF STIMULUS CONTROL. It is difficult to think of an example of operant behavior that is consistently reinforced in all situations. Law of Effect may tell us how organisms learn what to do.

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  1. CHAPTER 11 Stimulus Control of Operant Behavior

  2. PERVASIVENESS OF STIMULUS CONTROL • It is difficult to think of an example of operant behavior that is consistently reinforced in all situations. • Law of Effect may tell us how organisms learn what to do. • But, just as important as knowing what to do is knowing when to do it. • Any complete theory of behavior must also account for stimulus control.

  3. DISCRIMINATION AND GENERALIZATION • Study of stimulus control of operant behavior may have two faces: • Discrimination: responding differently to different stimuli. • Generalization: responding similarly to different stimuli. • Understanding stimulus control involves comprehending processes of discrimination and generalization.

  4. METHODS TO STUDY STIMULUS CONTROL • Simultaneous discrimination • Successive discrimination • Generalization gradient testing

  5. PROCESS OF DISCRIMINATION • When different stimuli equivalently predict reinforcement, which controls responding may be beyond experimental control. • Salience of stimuli and past history of subject will determine effective stimulus. • But, experimenter is not altogether helpless.

  6. PROCESS OF DISCRIMINATION • To ensure control of responding by a stimulus requires that it is best predictor of reinforcer availability. • Way to do so is discrimination training.

  7. PROCESS OF DISCRIMINATION • First example: • GV+: poor control by line tilt • GV+/G-: good control by line tilt • GV+/R-: poor control by line tilt

  8. PROCESS OF DISCRIMINATION • Second example: • 1000-Hz tone+: poor control by auditory frequency • 1000-Hz tone+/no tone-: moderate control by auditory frequency • 1000-Hz tone+/950-Hz tone-: strong control by auditory frequency

  9. PROCESS OF DISCRIMINATION • If there is no best predictor of reinforcement, then almost any aspect of situation might control responding. • When tone is best predictor, one or more aspects of tone will control responding. • When frequency of tone is best predictor, that specific aspect of tone will control responding.

  10. Attention in Discrimination Learning • We might say discrimination training teaches organisms to payattention. • It teaches which aspects of environment to notice and which to ignore. • When tone is S+ and no tone is S-, animal learns to pay attention to tone.

  11. Attention in Discrimination Learning • Are there other implications of an attentional interpretation of discrimination learning? • One answer is theory that discrimination learning may be a two-step process. • One learns to which stimuli to attend. • One also learns to do specific things in presence of specific stimuli.

  12. Attention in Discrimination Learning • Two-step theory makes predictions about transfer of training effects. • Animals trained on one kind of task are later given a second kind of task. • Behavioral measure of interest is extent to which training on first task affects, or transfers to, learning second task.

  13. Attention in Discrimination Learning • One transfer comparison is critical to attentional theory: • intradimensional discrimination shift (different values on same dimension) • vs. extradimensional discrimination shift (different relevant dimensions)

  14. Testing Objects Training Objects - + Group 1: Color Relevant G Intradimensional Shift (ID) - - + + R - + - + Group 2: Shape Relevant - + Extradimensional Shift (ED) Intradimensional Shift vs. Extradimensional Shift

  15. Attention in Discrimination Learning • Intradimensional shift is learned faster than extradimensional shift. • Provides strong behavioral support that discrimination learning involves learning to pay attention to relevant (predictive) stimulus dimensions.

  16. Attention in Discrimination Learning • In fact, discrimination learning may involve both learning to pay attention to relevant dimensions and to ignore irrelevant dimensions. • Key phenomenon here is learned irrelevance.

  17. GENERALIZATION: EXCITATION AND INHIBITION • Perhaps most famous theory of discrimination learning focuses on association of excitation and inhibition with S+ and S-, respectively. • Kenneth W. Spence was author. • Our own building is part of Spence’s legacy.

  18. Spence Laboratories of Psychology

  19. Spence Laboratories of Psychology

  20. Spence Laboratories of Psychology

  21. GENERALIZATION: EXCITATION AND INHIBITION • Spence’s theory states that, when stimulus is paired with reinforcement, gradient of excitation develops around it. • Peak excitation produced by training stimulus, with orderly decreases in excitation seen as stimuli are increasingly removed from it. • In a parallel fashion, when stimulus is paired with nonreinforcement, gradient of inhibition, develops about it.


  23. GENERALIZATION: EXCITATION AND INHIBITION • Spence’s theory makes a surprising prediction: • Peak of intradimensional generalization gradient will not be at S+. • Peak will be at a stimulus farther removed from S- • Phenomenon is called peak shift. • Spence’s theory may also apply to transposition.



  26. GENERALIZATION: EXCITATION AND INHIBITION • Transposition was initially studied over 60 years ago by Gestalt psychologist Wolfgang Kohler. • Train: 3+/4- • Test: 1/2 and 5/6 • Choice of 1 and 5 implies relational rather than absolute stimulus control. • Experimental evidence does not unequivocally support either possibility.

  27. Compound Stimulus Control • Control of behavior by combinations of two or more separate (or so-called “elemental”) stimuli. • Compound stimulus control is common. • Little research in compound stimulus control has been conducted in operant conditioning. • Most relevant research has been conducted in Pavlovian conditioning.

  28. Compound Stimulus Control • Configural conditioning: is whole stimulus compound treated differently from its individual parts? • Overtraining with AX+ might increase control by AX at expense of A and X. • Evidence says “no.”

  29. Compound Stimulus Control • Positive patterning: discrimination learning technique gives reinforcement on compound trials, but not on element trials: AX+, A-, X-. • Pavlov (1927) first investigated effects of such discrimination training. • He found greater responding to compound stimulus (AX) than to its elements (A alone and X alone).

  30. Compound Stimulus Control • Positive patterning might be due to summation of excitation. • A + X should exceed A alone and X alone. • This account cannot explain negative patterning.

  31. Compound Stimulus Control • Negative patterning: discrimination learning technique gives reinforcement on element trials, but not on compound trials: AX-, A+, X+. • Pavlov (1927) first investigated effects of such discrimination training. • He found greater responding to elements (A alone and X alone) than to compound stimulus (AX).

  32. Compound Stimulus Control • How can negative patterning be explained? • Here, unique configural cues have been hypothesized. • Procedurally: AX-, A+, X+. • Theoretically: AX-, A+, X+. •  is a unique configural cue: enhances distinctiveness of compound stimulus.

  33. Compound Stimulus Control • Unique configural stimuli also helps to explain biconditional discriminations:AC+, BD+, AD-, BC-. • Challenge here is that each element--A, B, C, D--is equally often reinforced and nonreinforced. • Way out is to hypothesize unique configural cues: AC, BD, AD, BC.

  34. Stimulus Control: Summary • Individual and compound stimuli come to control operant behavior. • Organisms appear to pay attention to stimuli that are associated with different schedules of reinforcement. • Attention participates in discrimination learning and stimulus generalization. • So may excitation and inhibition.

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