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Rotary International District 3450 Report for 2004-2005. Alexander Mak 20 March 2005. Celebrate Rotary. Membership Services The Rotary Foundation Training China. Celebrate Rotary (contd). Publicity Strategic Planning District Administration DGN 2007-2008 Conclusion.
Rotary International District 3450Report for 2004-2005 Alexander Mak 20 March 2005
Celebrate Rotary • Membership • Services • The Rotary Foundation • Training • China
Celebrate Rotary (contd) • Publicity • Strategic Planning • District Administration • DGN 2007-2008 • Conclusion
Club and District In describing the activities of the District, I have taken account of all the activities that we have done, both on the club as well as district level.
Membership • RI Goal — Significant Increase • Mongolia — Rapid Expansion • China — Non-recognition limits growth • Hong Kong/Macau — Problems because of economic depression, but signs of recovery
Membership Figures As at 30/06/1005 As at 28/02/2004 Difference No. of Clubs Hong Kong 42 42 (Note 1) 0 Macau 5 5 0 China 2 2 0 Mongolia 5 6 (Note 3) 1 54 54 1 Note:1. RC of Quarry Bay is terminated for non-payment of RI dues and is seeking re-instatement 2. New E-Club formed 3. RC of Bayanzurkh 100 chartered on 1/2/2004 4. Papers for formations of RC Selbe and RC Gobi are now in the RI under processing
Membership Figurescont’d As at 30/06/1005As at 28/02/2004Increase % 1. No. of Member 1,712 1,727 +0.88% 2. No. of clubs with 20 or fewer members 10 11 +10% 3. Monthly attendance average HK/Macau 62.01% 62.17% +0.26% Mongolia 41.51% 67.15% +61.77% China 66.60% 65.00% -2.4% Note:1. A modest growth in membership 2. Many clubs with less than 20 members 3. Average attendance
Membership Breakdown HK & MacauChinaMongoliaTotal Number As at 30-06-2004 1,469 75 168 1,712 As at 28-02-2005 1,437 80 210 1,727 Increase New Clubs 13 0 34 47 Net increase -45 +5 +8 -32 Note:1. Increase mainly from new clubs 2. Increase in Mongolia 3. Slight decline in Hong Kong and Macau—deceptive
Membership Growth cont’d
Mongolia • Rapid growth in membership due to (a) Rapid economic growth and opening of Mongolia to outside world (b) Big need for all humanitarian services including very basic ones (c) International help through matching grants (d) More support from the District
Reason for Decline in HK and Macau • Effect of economic depression on members (a) Work longer hours and travel more frequently to China – less time for meetings and activities (b) Less disposable income – less contributions and level of services
Reason for Decline in HK and Macau (b) frustration and conflict among members • However, Rotarians still motivated Tsunami, everyone contributed very quickly but more choosy e.g. attendance in District Conference
Solutions ? • What have we done ? All that we can including:- (a) District (i) Discussion in DG visits (ii) Membership workshop in District Assembly (iii) More visits from from AG and AS and Membership Committee
Solutions ?cont’d (iv) Lady Member Get Member Award (v) Presidents’ Award (vi) Work hard to convert over-aged Rotaractors (vii) Form the E-Club
Solutions ?cont’d (b) Club (i) Awards to members getting new members (ii) More fellowship activities + mentorship programs
Solutions ?cont’d (b) Club (iii) Use joint meetings to develop better programs (iv) Members’ bring Friend Nights (v) Moving to cheaper venue etc… (c) Should improve when economy improves
Weak Clubs • In addition, we tried the following:- (a) DG special Representative for each of these clubs (b) Helped two clubs to merge, but unsuccessful due to big difference in cultures between clubs
Weak Clubscont’d (c) Threaten to close them down - struggled for a whole but stopped when knowing District has no authority • Of those who tried hard (a) One club admitted 8 new members at the expense of mother club
Weak Clubscont’d (b) One club admitted many Rotaractors but are still struggling with them 3. Seems that position will not improve unless (a) Legislation to give District more authority (b) Faster economic upturn
Celebration of Rotary with Services Most clubs have Centennial projects e.g. • Fighting SARS Structure in HK Park • Institute on Wetland Conversation in Maipo • Campaign on Organ Donation • Planting of 100 trees of different species in Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park Result: A lot of media coverage
Club Service 1. Many Intercity Meetings (a) August - RID John Eberhard - Past TRF Trustee Alfredo Pretoni (HK) (b) December - RID David Linett (HK)
Club Servicecont’d (c) January - RIPE Carl-Wilhelm Stemhammar (HK & Macau) (b) May - TRF Chairman Carlo Rarizza - RID John Eberhard (Mongolia)
Club Servicescont’d 2. DG Visits (a) Splitting up of private and official—more discussion (b) Official visit to areas—sharing of project and issues 3. Joint meetings of clubs in same area
Club Servicescont’d 4. Centennial Race Cup—on TV 5. Sports Day cum Service for Rehap Power • Low attendance—give to clubs next year
Club Servicescont’d 6. Survey to all Rotarians (a) Using RI Questionnaire (b) Using as yardstick for more in- depth research (c) Identification of Rotarian needs and expectations for long-term planning
Vocational Service • Rotary Centennial Service Award for Professional Excellence • Great for publicity • HK/Macau/Shanghai/Mongolia =6/1/1/1 • 16 nominations • Presentation in May
Vocational Service cont’d • Others (a) Talk on “Ethics in Workplace” by Anthony Neoh (b) Seminars + debates for students jointly with ICAC
Vocational Service cont’d (c) Career Talks and Counselling (i) Small group (ii) Experience sharing in a conference (iii) Counselling for members who changed jobs
Vocational Service cont’d (d) Teaching of Skills (i) Investment (ii) Courses on how to start 美容院 (iii) Workshop to teach wheelchair assembly
Vocational Service cont’d (e) Job Search - Recruitment program in hair-styling for students 3. More emphasis on use of professional skills (unique to Rotary) because no money
Water Projects A lot of projects in Mongolia but not so in HK/Macau clubs--because (i) few water resource problems (ii) many clubs prefer to do local projects (iii) less hands-on in overseas project
Water Projects However, some clubs did do something including:- • Identification and digging of wells in Mongolia • Water resource in India • Water Cisterns for Farmers in China
Projects in Literacy and Education Very popular among our clubs. Projects include:- 1. Building and extension of schools in China, • At least one school per club • Now more than 100 schools, still building but • Upgrading facilities and teaching (members, Rtrs) • Teaching of English • Teaching use of computer
Project on Health Concerns Our clubs did many projects including:-- • Building of hospitals in China • Refurbishment of medical clinics • Financing surgical operations for poor people • Medical checks • $2M SARS Structure
Project on Health Concerns District (a) Hepatitis B:- (i) Handan Visit to monitor progress; (ii) $2M each year too onerous; (iii) Publicity with RI and removal of 5 MG limit–international help with 3H and/or matching grants; (b) Leprosy Hospital in Xi Chang.
Youth A priority for District for many years • Started with APPRC • Multi-district agreement and more cooperation • Taipei in 2006
Youthcont’d • Youth Exchanges • Canberra and Johannesburg • Local v international schools • Students interviewed by press • More next year • 5 Rotarians to Pre-Convention YEO Meeting
Youthcont’d 3. RYLA (a) held in Shao Guan in China (b) participants forming a Rotaract Club 4. Rotaractors did successful ‘We Care We Smile’ Project 5. Others include Youth Outreach and children from broken families etc
International Service • Tsunami • Raised $3.5M • Donated $1M to Salvation Army for mobile clinics • They are still negotiating with governments on (i) 1,000 shelters in Indonesia (ii) 500 shelters
International Service (cont’d) (d) Not paying until sorted out and SA proposal (d) Not paying until sorted out and SA proposal 2. Clubs identified projects from WCS database • Visiting booths in Osaka Convention
International Service (cont’d) 3. One club did international toasting • Choose an overseas club • Choose a date to do mutual toasting • More knowledge on both clubs 4. Assignment to traveling Rotarians
Fund-raising Activities District also very creative in fund-raising activities, such as:- • Running in the Gobi Desert at 5 degrees Celsius raised $1.7M • Walkathon with kindergarten children (3/4) and their parents raised $400,000
Fund-raising Activities District also very creative in fund-raising activities, such as:- • Lucky draw raffles for $888 • Calendar—members on artistic poses
My fellow Rotarians, I am amazed that you can do so much in services, in spite of the difficulties I mentioned above. Can I, therefore, ask all of you to thank yourselves with a round of applause?
The Rotary Foundation • CONTRIBUTIONS • Annual Program Fund (a) EREY—Clubs active in developing initiatives (i) Deducting US$100 by autopay (ii) Using Red Box collections (iii) No problem with target of US$170,000
The Rotary Foundation (b) Major Donors—PDG YK will chase after PDGs (c) 10 Endowment Funds by generous Rotarians (d) Very good Presentations by DRFC - PP Kenneth made a talk in one evening and raised HK$30,000
The Rotary Foundationcont’d • PROGRAMMES 1. District Simplified Grants (a) Very popular (b) Allocated US$47,500 into 18 Projects (c) DRFC has completed 2003-2004 reports and will chase after 2004-2005s (d) Caused greater awareness and interest in TRF
The Rotary Foundationcont’d 2. Matching Grants (a) Mongolia – US$330K Wind Break Forest with all 17 Korean Districts (b) Problem in HK/Macau, despite help from DDG (i) Troublesome, takes too long +preferred to use own funds (ii) Need to revisit this
The Rotary Foundationcont’d 3. Scholars – very active program in District (a) 7 Outgoing (b) Some Incoming (c) Amazed at their development while overseas; (d) Forming Rotary Community Corp by scholars returned for 6 months (need to bypass Rotaract)