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Workplace Health and Safety Induction / Update Package. Queensland WH&S Legislation. WH&S Act 2011 WH&S Regulation 2011 Codes of Practice The Diocesan Catholic Education Office is committed to providing a safe working and learning environment for all employees and students.
Workplace Health and Safety Induction / Update Package
Queensland WH&S Legislation • WH&S Act 2011 • WH&S Regulation 2011 • Codes of Practice • The Diocesan Catholic Education Office is committed to providing a safe working and learning environment for all employees and students.
Objective of the WH&S Act 2011 The purpose of the Work Health and Safety Act (2011) is to provide a framework to protect the health, safety and welfare of all workers at work and of all other people who might be affected by that work. Reference: s3 WH&S Act 2011
Employer Obligations – Primary Duty of Care • Primary duty of care • (1) A person conducting a business or undertaking must ensure, • so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of— • (a) workers engaged, or caused to be engaged by the • person; and • (b) workers whose activities in carrying out work are • influenced or directed by the person; • while the workers are at work in the business or undertaking. • (2) A person conducting a business or undertaking must ensure, • so far as is reasonably practicable, that the health and safety • of other persons is not put at risk from work carried out as • part of the conduct of the business or undertaking. • Reference: s19 of WH&S ACT 2011
Duties of Workers 28 Duties of workers While at work, a worker must— (a) take reasonable care for his or her own health and safety; and (b) take reasonable care that his or her acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons; and (c) comply, so far as the worker is reasonably able, with any reasonable instruction that is given by the person conducting the business or undertaking to allow the person to comply with this Act; and (d) co-operate with any reasonable policy or procedure of the person conducting the business or undertaking relating to health or safety at the workplace that has been notified to workers. Reference: s28 WH&S Act 2011
WH&S Consultation/Personnel • School Workplace Health and Safety Advisors (appointed in • schools with more than 150 students) • Appointed by employer • Provide advice on WHS • Carry out inspections, • Facilitate education programs for staff • Investigate workplace incidents • Workplace Health and Safety Representatives (optional) • Elected by staff • Carry out inspections • Review the circumstances of workplace incidents • School Workplace Health and Safety Committees (optional) • Meet once a term • Discuss and address WH&S issues • If no committee required to cover WHS in staff meetings.
Incident Reporting Procedures • Reporting Incident and Accidents • Complete a Catholic Education Employee Incident report form and investigation for all incidents i.e. near miss, first aid, sprain and strain injury • Incident forms can be found on the MySuite WHS class page or ask the school administration staff for one.
Incident notification form and incident investigation form • Staff must report all incidents to the Principal/WHSO within 24 hours. • WH&S Queensland must be notified of any notifiable event as soon as possible after the incident (the employer will notify). • An investigation must be conducted within 72 hours of the incident.
Every Day Risk Management • 5 step risk management process • Identify hazards • Assess risks that may result because • of the hazards • Decide on appropriate control • measures • Implement control measures • Monitor and review control measures • Reference: s 27A WH&S Act 1995
What is a Hazard ? • A hazard is anything with the potential to cause injury or disease • Electrical hazards • Slippery or uneven surfaces • Manual handling • Unguarded machinery • Hazardous substances • Microbiological matter • Noise • Lighting • Cords across walkways
Risk – What is risk ? • Risk is the likelihood of any hazard • resulting in an injury and disease Hazards and risks are different
Hazard Report Forms • Hazard report forms are available on the MySuite WHS class page or can be obtained from the school WHSA or Principal.
What is Risk Assessment ? A risk assessment is a systematic approach to identifying the likelihood of an event occurring and identifying the possible consequences. Reference: Australian Standard 4360
Likelihood A Almost certain - to occur in most circumstances B Likely - to occur frequently C Possible - likely to occur at some time D Unlikely - to occur but could happen E Rare - may occur in rare and exceptional circumstances
When to Complete a Formal Risk Assessment • When you have concerns about a particular activity or practice • When a change occurs (new procedures or plant or equipment) • Before the use of a new hazardous substance • After an incident or near miss • At regular times appropriate to the level of risk at your workplace • School excursions
Implementing Control Measures • Elimination: • Completely removes the hazard, or risk of exposure to the hazard • Substitution: • Involves substituting unacceptable machinery, work processes or practices with less hazardous machinery, work processes, or practices • Engineering: • Engineering controls may include modification of tools and equipment, using enclosures, guarding, local exhaust ventilation. • Administrative Control: • Administrative controls includes routines such as induction in safe work practices • Personal Protective Equipment: • Personal protective equipment (PPE) should only be used where other measures are not practicable.
Monitor The process needs to be monitored and reviewed to ensure that all implemented controls are working and not producing any new hazards and issues. This can be determined by consulting with the principal or members of the leadership team, WHSO, staff members and monitoring any incident reports. and Review Set date to review the entire workplace health and safety risk management process to ensure controls are working and there are no other workplace health and safety issues.
What is Rehabilitation? Rehabilitation of an employee is a process designed to ensure the employee’s earliest possible return to work or to maximize the employee’s independent functioning.
Rehabilitation Procedures Catholic Education has a Q-Comp approved Rehabilitation Policy and procedures that cover Schools, Colleges, OSHC programs, Office and Long Day Care Centre. The Rockhampton Diocese Rehabilitation/Return to Work Co-ordinator is Mark Byrne
Employee Obligations • An employee has a legal obligation to participate in Rehabilitation • Employer must provide suitable duties where possible • The employee must satisfactorily participate in rehabilitation as soon as practicable after the injury is sustained and for the period for which they are entitled to compensation
Suitable Duties Program • The injured employee must participate in suitable duties. • Suitable duties must be consistent with current medical information, or approved by the treating Doctor. • Suitable duties must be meaningful and have regard to the objectives of the employee’s rehabilitation. • Suitable duties should be agreed following consultation between employee, employer, WorkCover case manager and treating medical practitioner.
Return to Work The injured employee must be cleared to return to work by their treating doctor (clearance certificate)
Immunisation recommendations • Vaccine-preventable diseases can • Cause serious illness and death • Cause foetal infection and adverse pregnancy outcomes (eg influenza, rubella, varicella, measles, mumps and Q fever) • Spread from infected workers to vulnerable others (eg influenza, rubella, measles, varicella, pertussis)
Immunisation recommendations • Those who work with children including • Childcare and preschool staff (including childcare students) • School teachers (including teacher aides)
Immunisation Recommendations • Pertussis (whooping cough) • Adult booster • Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) • 2 doses of MMR if born during or since 1966 • Varicella (chickenpox) (if not previously infected with chickenpox)
Risk Management – Hazardous Substances • If provided with a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) read it and follow all directions re storage and use. • Do not introduce new chemicals to the school without checking with the WHSA. • Check expiry dates • Keep chemicals locked away from students unless used under supervision. • All hazardous substances must be only decanted into the correct container with the correct manufacturer’s label on it
Common Electrical Hazards • Damaged cords and/or plugs. Do not use! • Avoid using piggyback plugs. • Don’t stack plugs. It can overload the power point and cause a fire.
Electrical Danger If you find a piece of faulty electrical equipment: • Isolate the piece of equipment by a Danger Out of Service Tag to prevent any further use • Alert the principal and/or WHSO immediately to contact an electrician to arrange repair.
Slips, Trips and Falls • Examples of identifiable hazards that cause slip, trip and falls • Hose across paths • Loose mats • Wet floors • Vacuum chords across doorways • Control Measures • Non-slip footwear • Observe “wet floor” signs • Use 3 points of contact when traversing up • and down stairs e.g. hang onto the hand railing
Standard Precautions Standard precautions are work practices that assume that all blood and body fluids are potentially infectious Examples include: • Hand washing. • Use of personal protective equipment i.e. gloves, mask, goggles. • Appropriate handling and disposal of sharps and other infectious waste. • Appropriate cleaning and disinfection of the contaminated items.
Laptops • All the same principles apply as with regular computer use: The desk and laptop should be adjusted so the person can adopt a “neutral” posture. • Ankles, knees, hips and elbows at about 900 angles and hands in alignment with wrists. • Sit about arm’s length from the screen (depending on individual eye conditions etc). • Keying and holding the mouse should be light and hands and arms rested when not keying. • Take regular breaks to rest both your eyes and your muscles – stand and walk to the printer, change posture to perform other task such as reading.
Laptops Organisational Health Unit - August 2007
Manual Tasks Manual tasks are those workplace activities requiring the use of force exerted by a person to grasp, manipulate, strike, throw, carry, move (lift, lower, push, pull), hold or restrain an object, load or body part.
Manual Handling The 7 Steps of Manual Handling • Make sure path of travel is clear • Size up the load • Feet close to object, balanced position • Bend knees in semi squat position • Good handhold • Lift the load keeping it close to your body • Keep natural curves of spine • Use leg muscles to lift and allow it to rest in fully extended arms • Lift smoothly and rhythmically • Avoid jerky movements • Move feet in direction of travel without twisting at the hips or shoulders • Lower load properly (bend knees in a semi-squat position)
Blue Cards Commission for Children, Young People and Child Guardian (CCYPCG) Teaching staff: • Not required as QCT registration is sufficient. Non-teaching staff: • Must apply for a Blue Card suitability notice • ust be issued with or applied for a Blue Card before commencement of employment • Cost of application is at employee’s expense • A Blue Card register is maintained at the school and DCEO for all non-teaching staff • CCYPCG will notify the individual when the card is close to expiry. Responsibility of the individual to reapply
Construction Cards • Different to CCYPG Blue Cards • Required by staff involved in construction work. This may include maintenance personnel/grounds person if their role requires some construction work
Asbestos Awareness Training Chrysotile Amosite Crocidolite
Asbestos Management Plan • The purpose of this training is to outline the Catholic Education Asbestos Management Plan and specific control measures that are being implementing in relation to Catholic Education Schools/Colleges in relation to Asbestos Management
Health Effects of Asbestos Asbestosis is a chronic lung disease that can lead to respiratory impairment and to diseases such as lung cancer Mesothelioma is a cancer in two forms - pleural which is a tumour of the lung; and peritoneal, which is a cancer of the abdominal cavity Lung cancer caused by asbestos cannot be distinguished from those cancers that are caused by other agents such as tobacco smoke
Asbestos Containing Materials Bonded asbestos-containing material (bonded asbestos) contains a bonding compound reinforced with asbestos fibres Friable asbestos-containing material (friable asbestos) is un-bonded asbestos-containing material that, when dry, is or may become crumbled, pulverised or reduced to powder by hand pressure
Examples of Bonded Asbestos Products • profiled sheets used on roofs and walls and flat sheets in flashings • • imitation brick cladding • • roof shingles • • water or flue pipes • • plaster patching compounds • • textured paint • • vinyl floor tiles • • friction products such as brake shoes, disc pads, clutch housings or elevator brakes
Friable Asbestos • Friable asbestos is easily crumbled or reduced to powder by hand. • Common forms of friable asbestos materials include: • sprayed on fireproofing • soundproofing • thermal insulation • acoustic plaster soundproofing • thermal insulation (not sprayed on).
Asbestos Management Plan and Asbestos Register A copy of the Asbestos Management Plan is located on the WH&S Class page on mysuite. Copies of the Asbestos Register can be found at reception of School/Colleges near the contractors sign in book for easy access and referral to by staff members and contractors
Employees/Visitors Role/Responsibilities Comply with the Asbestos Management Plan Not to impact (i.e. drilling grinding sanding, etc) on an asbestos containing material. Check the register before impacting on an materials. Report any asbestos related concerns to the Principal of school/secondary college for further action
Contractor Role/Responsibilities Refer to Asbestos Management Plan and Asbestos Register before commencing work in a work area with asbestos containing materials Attend Induction Not to impact (i.e. drilling grinding sanding, etc on an asbestos containing without complying with the Asbestos Management Plan in relation to the formation of risk assessment, work method statements and relevant National Codes of Practice
Conclusion If you have any questions regarding WHS then please contact the Principal or WHSA or Diocesan WH&S Coordinator