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LEANNIS. WP9: LEANNIS Low -energy Antikaon Nucleon and Nucleus Interaction Studies. Johann Marton Stefan Meyer Institute Austrian Academy of Sciences. LEANNIS. L ow E nergy A ntikaon N ucleon N ucleus I nteraction S tudies.
LEANNIS WP9: LEANNIS Low -energy Antikaon Nucleon and Nucleus Interaction Studies Johann Marton Stefan Meyer Institute Austrian Academy of Sciences ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
LEANNIS L ow E nergy A ntikaon N ucleon N ucleus I nteraction S tudies ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
The Networking Activity is related to the organization of experimental and theoretical collaborative work concerning both ongoing activities at present (EU) Research Infrastructures and planned experiments at future facilities. In hadron physics the close interaction between experimentalists and theoreticians is of paramount importance. ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
LEANNIS – a network in HadronPhysics2 Vienna, March 2009 ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
Participants LEANNIS • 10 participating institutions from • 5 EU countries: Austria, Finland Germany, Italy, Poland, • Associated country: Japan ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
LEANNIS partners ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
11 tasks in LEANNIS improve the understanding of antikaon-nucleon and –nucleus interactions, as well as K- NN absorption to ΣN and ΛN • T1 Theoretical investigations in strangeness-nuclear physics. Antikaon nucleon and nucleus interaction • T2. New precision X-ray spectroscopy of kaonic H and D (SIDDHARTA) • T3. Kaonic3He, precision measurement at J-PARC (liquid) and LNF (gas) • T4. Search for kaonic cluster with in-flight reaction at J-PARC precise values of isospin dependent antikaon-nucleon scatteringlengths strong-interaction shift and width of the 2p state K-(3He,n)ppK- reaction will be studied in a fully exclusive experiment ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
Tasks in LEANNIS cont’d production and properties of antikaonicdibaryon, ppK-, using a fully exclusive study of the ppK+ + (ppK-) reaction with FOPI • T5. Search for kaonic nuclear clusters in the pp reaction (pp2KΛp) • T6. Search for kaonic nuclear clusters with COSY-TOF • T7. Search for kaonic nuclear clusters with stopped antikaons (AMADEUS) • T8. Antikaon nucleus potential in π-A reactions (FOPI) At COSY-TOF the reaction pp → ΛpK+ can be measured in its full phase space Detectionoflight antikaonic nuclear systems, such as ppK-, ppnK-, and pnnK- with data on the binding energies, total widths, and in addition all partial decay widths antikaonnucleus potential at normal nucleardensity ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
Tasks in LEANNIS cont’d T9. Kaonicnuclearclustersearch in heavy ionreactions (FOPI) T10. In medium modificationof antikaonsand D-mesons (PANDA-IMKD) T11. Searchfor double antikaonic nucleiwithantiprotonannihilation Possiblyformedmulti-baryonic states are reconstructed in channels that contain charged particles only Dependence of hadron in-medium properties on the mass of the heavy quark Feasibilityoftheproductionofverydensecold matter ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
LEANNIS time line • Proposal presented at HadronPhysics Meeting, Frascati, 28 September 2007 • Proposal submitted February 2008 • Evaluation 2008, accepted but re-dimensioned • Start January 1st 2009, duration originally 30 months • 1st LEANNIS Meeting Vienna, March 27, 2009 • Official Kick-off Committee Meeting, LNF, September 4, 2009 • ECT* Workshop related to LEANNIS, October 2009 • LEANNIS Meeting LNF-INFN April 8-9, 2010 • 1st Report on LEANNIS in HadronPhysics2 in April 2010 • Mid-term Review, September 16th in Paris • Official project end in December 31, 2011 (i.e. extended by 6 months) ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
Research objectives in detail • Determination of the antikaon-nucleon scattering lengths using data from kaonic atom x-ray spectroscopy (kaonic hydrogen Lyman spectrum) with new technology followed by theoretical extraction and interpretation. • Precision X-ray spectroscopy of kaonic atoms with light nuclei, such as kaonic3He and 4He for determination of the antikaon-nucleus interaction including its theoretical interpretation. • Further developments and applications of theoretical methods: chiral perturbation theory, effective field theory with strangeness, chiral SU(3) dynamics with coupled channels, antikaon-nuclear few-body theory; comparisons with data from high-precision experiments. And last but not least • Search for deeply bound antikaonic nuclear states using various reactions and fully exclusive determination of the reaction and decay products. ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
Theory Task T1 • Derivation of effective antikaon-nucleon interaction from chiral SU(3) coupled-channel dynamics significantly different results than local potential approach, consequences for kaonic bound nuclear systems. • Variational calculations of antikaon-nuclear quasibound states based on chiral SU(3) dynamics, binding energy of K-pp 20-40 MeV, width 50 MeV. • Theoretical studies of kaonicquasibound states in nuclei taking into account Λ(1405) and Σ(1385) resonances. Studies on the structure of Λ(1405) (2-pole structure?). • Theoretical studies on the possibilities to detect the shape of Λ(1405) experimentally. • Molecular model studies on quasiboundkaonic states • Theoretical framework for the extraction of kaon-nucleon scattering length , e.g. Analysis of kaonic deuterium threshold data (V. Baru et al., EPJ A42 (2009) 111). K-hydrogen Λ(1405 ) + γ ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
T2. New precision X-ray spectroscopy of kaonic H and D (SIDDHARTA) Mesurements on kaonic atoms were successfullx carried out at DAFNE of LNF.: Kaonic hydrogen Lyman x-ray spectrum, kaonic helium (He-3 and He-4) Balmer x-ray spectrum. ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
T3. Kaonic helium, precision measurement at J-PARC (liquid) and LNF (gas) Experiments wereperformedwiththe SIDDHARTA Setup using a gaseoustarget (kaonic helium-3,4) Precision measurementsofthe Balmer x-raytransitions in helium-3 Using a liquid targetare in preparationfor J-PARC ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
T7. Search for kaonic nuclear clusters with stopped antikaons (AMADEUS) As a firststepavailabledataof K-reactions on helium (Lambda reconstruction) fromthe KLOE experimentareunderstudy. R&D in Frascati and Vienna: Scintillatingfiberdetectorfor kaon triggering, GEM based TPC, target layout and prototyping (connection to WP24 and WP28) ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
T5/T9. Search for kaonic nuclei with FOPI) Heavy Ion Reactions Kaonicnucleiweresearched in heavy ioncollisionsand in the pp reaction. In 2009 an experiment with a liquid hydrogen target and with Tp=3.1 GeV was performed at GSI (analysis in progress). ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
Some highlights … ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
First x-rayspectrumof K3He First time measurementby SIDDHARTA Preliminaryresult: Ε2p= -2 ± 2(stat) ± 4(syst) ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
SIDDHARTA results Preliminaryresult: ε1s=-280 ± 35 eV Γ1s= 520 ± 80 eV ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
1000 800 600 Izycki et al, 1980 400 200 Bird et al, 1983 Davies et al, 1979 0 -500 0 500 shifte1s[eV] attractive repulsive KpX (KEK) M. Iwasaki et al, 1997 KpX SIDDHARTA Preliminary widthG1s[eV] • = - 323 ± 63 ± 11 eV G = 407 ± 208 ± 100 eV DEAR ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
pp reaction: DISTO result 2010 ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
pp Reactionwith FOPI Experiment performed in 2009 at GSI (3 GeV) • missingmassspectroscopy • invariant massreconstruction ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
Dissemination • Web-based activities • Conferences & Workshops • Publications • Talks • Implementation of the plan to raise public participation ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
LEANNIS Webpage http://www.oeaw.ac.at/smi/research/topics/strong-interaction/leannis/ • Description ofwork • Objectives • Meetings • Conferences • Publications and Reports • Links ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
LEANNIS Kick-off Meeting March 27, 2009 in Vienna 3 Overview Talks 10 Talks from LEANNIS Participants Current Status Plans forthe 1st yearand distributionof Work ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
International Workshop on Hadronic Atoms and Kaonic Nucleisolved puzzles, open problems and future challengesin theoryandexperimentTrento, 12 ‐ 16 October, 2009 ECT* Workshop in connectionwith LEANNIS Organizers: C. Curceanu, C. Guaraldo, P. Kienle, J. Marton, W. Weise ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
5-day international workshopat Villa Tambosi/Trento High attractionforyoungscientists (approx. 50% ofparticipants) Theoryandexperimentswerepresented All majorexperiments in thefieldwerediscussed ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
CERN Courier 2010 Underthe title „The fascinatingworldofstrangeexoticatoms“ a report on the ECT* Meeting was published in the CERN Courier (authors C. Curceanuand J. Marton) ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
Mini-Proceedings Thanks to the participants of the ECT* Workshop a (nearly) complete collection of summaries was compiled in Mini-Proceedings and is available at arXiV Eds. C. Curceanuand J. Marton ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
Upcoming Workshop at ECT* In October 2010 Organizers: C. Curceanu, P. Kienle, T. Yamazaki, T. Bressani, J. Zmeskal • Manytopicsrelatedto LEANNIS • like • Antikaon-nucleonandnucleusinteraction • Searchforstronglybound, denseantikaoniclightnuclei ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
Talks 2009/10 K. Suzuki.: "Status of kaonic nuclear state search at FOPI using proton induced reaction", Bochum09 (DPG Tagung), Mar. 2009 K. Suzuki: "Round-up of April run, beam, beamline counters", FOPI biannual Collaboration meeting, GSI, Apr. 2009 R. Münzer: "Search for K-pp state in p+p @ 3 GeV", Hyp-X, Tokai Japan, Sept. 2009 K. Suzuki: "Search for kaonic nuclear state, K-pp, in the pp->KX reaction", Hawaii09 (APS & JPS Joint Meeting), Hawaii, Oct. 2009 K. Suzuki: "Proton beamtime and misc.", FOPI biannual Collaboration meeting, Warsaw, Oct. 2009 O.N. Hartmann: "The search for a K-pp bound state with FOPI", Hadronic atoms and kaonic nuclei, Trento, Oct. 2009 N. Herrmann: "Status of the search for kaonic nuclear clusters in heavy-ion collisions with FOPI", Hadronic atoms and kaonic nuclei, Trento, Oct. 2009 M. Berger: "Search for the ppK- kaonic bound state in pp-reactions at 3.1 GeV with FOPI", New Frontier in QCD, YITP Kyoto, Feb. 2010 K. Suzuki: "Experimental search for the kaonic nuclear state, K-pp, using 3.1 GeV proton induced reaction", New Frontier in QCD, YITP Kyoto, Feb. 2010 M. Berger: "Search for the ppK- kaonic bound state in pp-reactions at 3.1 GeV with FOPI", DPG Tagung Bonn, Mar. 2010 In total 17 talks on theoreticaltopicsand 22 on experimental topics ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
Publications 2009/10 K. Suzuki et al., "Search for the Kaonic Nuclear State, K−pp, in the exclusive pp > pΛK+ channel", Nuclear Physics A 827, doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2009.05.063, 312c-314c Link M. Faber et al., "On continuum- and bound-state ℓ--decay rates of pionic and kaonic hydrogen in the ground state", J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 36, 075009 (2009), 10 pages Link J. Marton (on behalf of the SIDDHARTA Collaboration), "Kaonic Atom X-Ray Spectra", AIP Conference Proc. 1182, (2009), Proc. 10th Conference on the Intersection of Particle and Nuclear Physics, 495-498 Task T3 R. S. Hayano, Kaonic helium atoms, Hyperfine Interactions 193 (2009)3 Ryugo S. Hayano, KEK E570 collaboration and J-PARC E17 collaboration, Kaonic helium atoms, Nuclear Physics A 827 (2009) 324c M. Iio et al., Experimental Research of Kaonic Nuclei and Kaonic Atoms at J-PARC, Proceedings of the 18th Particles and Nuclei International Conference (PANIC08) M. Iio et al., Precision Spectroscopy of Kaonic Helium-3 Atoms X-rays at J-PARC, Proceedings of 19th International IUPAP Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (FB19) T. Ishiwatari et al., Precision spectroscopy of Kaonic helium-3 and helium-4 3d->2p X-rays, Proceedings of XIII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy (Hadron09) Task T5 K. Suzuki et al.: "Search for the Kaonic Nuclear State, K-pp, in the exclusive pp->pLK channel", Nucl. Phys. A 827 (2009) 312 K. Suzuki et al.: "Search for kaonic nuclear state, K-pp, in the p+p->X+K reaction with FOPI", Hyp. Int. 193 (2009) 189 O.N. Hartmann for the FOPI collaboration, "Studying strange meson production with FOPI", International Journal of Modern Physics A 24, (2009), 271-278 J. Haidenbauerand U.-G. Meissner, "Predictions for the strangeness S = -3 and -4 baryon-baryon interactions in chiral effective field theory,„Phys. Lett. B 684 (2010) 275 [arXiv:0907.1395 [nucl-th]]. V. Baru, E. Epelbaum and A. Rusetsky, "The role of nucleon recoil in low-energy antikaon-deuteron scattering,„Eur. Phys. J. A 42 (2009) 111 [arXiv:0905.4249 [nucl-th]]. V. Baru, E. Epelbaum and A.~Rusetsky, "The nucleon recoil effect in antikaon-deuteron scattering at threshold,„talk by V. Baru at the International Workshop on Effective Field Theories: From the Pion to the Upsilon (EFT 09), Valencia, Spain, 2-6 Feb 2009,arXiv:0910.5385 [nucl-th]. V. Baru, E. Epelbaum and A.~Rusetsky, "Hadronic atoms,„talk by A. Rusetsky, at 6th International Workshop on Chiral Dynamics (CD09), July 6-10 2009, Bern, Switzerland, appears in the proceedings. M. Cargnelli et al., Kaonic atoms studies at DAFNE by the SIDDHARTA experiment, Nuclear Physics A, Volume 835, Issues 1-4, 1 April 2010, Pages 27-34 Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics C. Curceanu, J. Marton, "Mini-Proceedings ECT* Workshop Hadronic Atoms and Kaonic Nuclei - Solved Puzzles, Open Problems and Future Challenges in Theory and Experiment", Conference Proceedings , ECT*, Link J. Zmeskal et al., "The AMADEUS experiment – precision measurements of low-energy antikaon nucleus/nucleon interactions", Nuclear Physics A 835, Issues 1-4, 410-413 Link K. Suzuki et al., "Search for kaonic nuclear state, K − pp, in the p + p → X + K + reaction with FOPI", Hyperfine Interactions 193, 1-3, Proceedings EXA/LEAP, 189-194 T. Ishiwatari and On behalf of the SIDDHARTA and KEK PS-E570 collaborations, "Silicon drift detectors for exotic atoms", Hyperfine Interactions 194, 1-3, (2009), 165-170 C. Curceanu (Petrascu) et al., "Kaonic atoms measurements at the DAΦNE accelerator", Hyperfine Interactions 193, 1-3, 2009, 11-17 J. Zmeskal et al., Double-Strangeness Production with Antiprotons", Hyperfine Interactions 194, 1-3, 2009, 249-254 In total 12 publicationsabouttheoryand 23 aboutexperiments ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
Outreach • SMI, LEANNIS web page • Int. Conference Exotic Atoms and Related Topics EXA2011 (September 2011), ~150 participants expected • UMP-University meetspublic • Innovation –generation:practicalworkwithhadronphysicsdetectors relevant to LEANNIS foryoungpeople • Outreach: example „Lange Nacht der Forschung“ (nightofscience) postersandtalks („Secretsofthe strong force“) atthe Austrian Academy in Vienna ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
Thank you for your attention LEANNIS A European bridgebetween experimentandtheory Experiment Thankyouforyourattention ECT* Meeting Trento 2010
Participantsandtheirrole ECT* Meeting Trento 2010