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Welcome SuperSonics !. Welcome to Mrs. Chaney’s Class !. Find your desk. Quietly smile at friends. Put your supplies near you---don’t unpack yet, please. Without talking, fill out the survey “All About Me!” 5. When finished, you can place in crate.
Welcome SuperSonics!
Welcome to Mrs. Chaney’s Class! • Find your desk. • Quietly smile at friends. • Put your supplies near you---don’t unpack yet, please. • Without talking, fill out the survey “All About Me!” • 5. When finished, you can place in crate. • 6. After placing work in crate, please go to the bookshelves and choose a book to keep with you for the next several days. • On Morning Assembly Days we will begin our day with independent silent reading time. We will call it “DEAR” Time which stands for Drop Everything and Read Time. During “LAP” Days we will have other choices. We will discuss “LAP” Days in another slide.
Ms. White, our student teacher Welcome to Dishman-McGinnis! Let’s learn more about Ms. White!
What can I do on“LAP”Day?(Learn and Practice Day)- No Morning Assembly READ Practice MATH FACTS Practice HANDWRITING That is ALL, NO EXCEPTIONS! Enter room quietly, put backpack away, place materials for Blocks on desk and begin “LAP” Day silently.
Procedures for Morning Assembly Day 1. Place backpack and materials in cubby. 2. Get out homework and materials for classes. 3. Go to seat and start DEAR Time ( Drop Everything and Read Time). Be sure you have everything you need! After dismissal to classes, students who need to get something from their cubby will receive a warning the first time and then a Behavior Mark. You will NOT be allowed to get your homework from your cubby.
Mrs. Chaney's Quiet Signs In the Classroom 1. “Give me five” hand 2. Hand clap- do as I do 3. Mrs. Chaney LOOK – it is very SCARY 4. MUSIC on Interwrite Board
Rewards Galore ! • Students who are working hard and doing what is • expected of them will be rewarded in many ways! • Dishman Eagle Parties • Fun Fridays • Homework Passes • Treats • Praise • Lunch Bunch Reward • Big Finale – Reward Trip • Dishman Dynamic Dozen Ticket
Come to your • Desk Prepared • Always bring: Agenda, Homework folder, Homework, Pencil, textbook when needed, book to read • The other things that are needed will be posted on the board – daily. • Students who do not come prepared to class will receive a warning the first time, then a Behavior Mark. • Students who faithfully come to class prepared will be praised .
Supersonic Homework LOL!
Agenda Books • As soon as students sit down at their desk, they are • expected to get their homework out and then copy • down their homework assignments. • Time will be given for this at the beginning of each class. • We will start this on Day #1, so please check to make sure your child has • copied down the assignment(s) each day. • Please feel free to write a note in your child’s agenda. • The student should make the teacher aware of the • note, so that the teacher knows to read it . • Very important! • Please have your parent/guardian to sign your agenda book every night.
Homework Folder Students will be responsible for bringing their homework folder to class every day. You will put your homework assignments in your homework folder. You will need to take home your agenda book, homework folder and textbook if needed every night. You will need to bring your homework folder back to school with your homework completed.
Checking Homework Remember: Incomplete Homework = No FUN FRIDAY if not completed Homework that is left in the cubby will not count. At the beginning of class: All homework goes on top of your desk to be checked (meanwhile you are copying that night’s homework assignment in your AGENDA and then doing your “Welcome Work” without talking) Homework Rewards Galore!
Monday Folder You will bring home newsletters, tests, homework, station work and other assignments on Mondays. Your parent or guardian will need to sign the Monday folder after reviewing your work. Please return the Monday folder on Tuesday.
Behavior Log When you receive a behavior mark, you will be asked to record it in the behavior log. Your log will be sent home monthly for your parent/guardian to sign.
Data Notebooks • I can take a leadership role in my own education by charting and graphing my… • Behavior • Thinklink data • Math Facts I Know • Test scores in all classes • STAR, Dibels, AR tests • Reading Log
Lining Up to Leave the Room Line must be silent before we leave the room. Line should be orderly and straight. Looking at the back of the head in front of you. Keep hands and feet to self. Last person out should shut the door.
Hallway Behavior Hallway Lines • No talking • Face forward • Hands to yourself • Best behavior • Make me proud! • Silent • Straight • Stay on the Right • Stay on the Blue Zone A SuperSonic line should be the BEST looking and BEST behaving line in the ENTIRE school.
You can CHOOSE to work on incomplete homework. Behavior on the Playground: Use all playground equipment Appropriately. Treat others with respect.
SPECIALS If nobody in class gets a Behavior mark, then everybody gets a Reward Letter!
Lunch Room Rules We will go into the cafeteria in this order: - Lunch choice #1 students - Lunch choice #2 students - Lunch choice #3 students - Brought lunch Our line should be EXCELLENT – We are Supersonics! - Straight, patient, facing forward, quiet, When going through the line: - Say “please” and “thank you” to all the workers They will be very impressed with your manners! When seated at the table: - You will sit together as a class - You may talk QUIETLY (quiet inside voices) - Once seated – do not get up - Use manners: eat with mouth closed - When it is time, watch for directions
Talking in Class Working in Groups (Quiet talking) – 1 Voice Level With permission, you will be able to work together on certain assignments (No talking) – 0 Voice Level At other times….you will work by yourself. How will you know? CHAMPS Chart.
Leaving Your Seat You may get up as needed when I am NOT talking/teaching!! If you are out of your seat too much, you will get a Behavior Mark. If you interrupt or distract people as you are walking around the room, you will get a Behavior Mark.
Restroom Rules • Behavior • Zero Voice Level • NO playing • Show good character: do the right thing even • when the teacher isn’t watching • Leave clean (think of the custodians) • Wash hands • When do we go? • During station time or when teacher is not talking You may go during recess Please make sure you sign out with your name and time. When you return, please write down the time. • Emergencies • If you are extremely sick, just go…don’t wait Always: Be kind to the younger students.
Off Limit Areas Unless I give you Permission: Cabinets My desk File cabinets Other people’s belongingsCubbies Interwrite Buttons on wall, Document Camera, Lap Board, DVD player, Clickers
Cubby rules • Cubbies are treated as Lockers (like Middle School) • You will NOT go back to your cubby to get materials or homework • You will only be allowed to go to them at certain times of the day • You will receive a Behavior Mark if you forget things and ask to go back to get it. Times to Go to Cubbies: 1st thing in the morning Returning to Homeroom Class At the end of the day
Classroom Library • My personal books (I paid for them) • You may check them out on the check out page. • They must be returned. • If you lose a book, you will have to • pay for the book. • How do you check them out? • Sign them out in the Notebook • Return them by putting a check by it. • We may have a class librarian soon….
Dismissal We will line up when I ask you to….not when the bell rings, or when you think it is time. We will not leave until the line is quiet. End of the day LINE ORDER: - Car Riders @2:50 Bell - Walkers on Announcement – go out door by intermediate bathrooms - Bus #27 on Announcement – led to bus by Mrs. Hoots - Bus 13 and 20 on announcement go to designated rooms 13- Music/Art Room 20 - Library
Wait Time After I ask a question…and hands are raised…. PLEASE do NOT shout out responses, give EVERYONE a chance to think!
The Top of Your Paper First Name Last Name Number Your NameFirst and Last Assignment Aug. 4, 2010 Points will be taken off if you do not do this!
Sharpening Pencils Sharpening Pencils will be done after school. Please place unsharpened pencil in marked tray. Select a new pencil from other tray. Our Bus Rider Friends will be in charge of sharpening our pencils for each day.
Interactive Notebook Neatness Checks They will be GRADED! We will be instructing you on how to set up your notebook. You will be allowed to use them for studying and during exams.
Changing to next Activity “transition time” • getting out different folders • getting out different books • changing to next activity
Supply Organizer Glue Sticks Scissors Colored Pencils Paper Etc…. RULES You may go get things from there WHEN you need them without permission IF I am not teaching!
When I am: • In the Hallway with another student….. • Remain working quietly • Best behavior • Show character (do the right thing even when no one is watching) • Speaking to another teacher or visitor…. • Remain working quietly • Best behavior • Show character (do the right thing even when no one is watching)
Accelerated Reader Quizzes When can you take the quizzes in HOMEROOM? During DEAR Time or on LAP Day in Morning During Dismissal Guidelines Don’t take the test until you’re ready for it! Read books in your approved reading level range 85% accuracy or better
“Begin with the End in Mind” End of the Year Trip! 5th – Holiday World 3rd and 4th – Beech Bend