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Details: Videotaped Evaluation . A software engineer studies users who are actively using the user interfaceTo observe what problems they haveRather than to measure numbersThe sessions are videotapedCan be done in user's environmentActivities of the user:Performs pre-defined tasksWith or wi
1. Video Tape Evaluation and Demonstarion Mohammod Shamim Hossain
2. Details: Videotaped Evaluation A software engineer studies users who are actively using the user interface
To observe what problems they have
Rather than to measure numbers
The sessions are videotaped
Can be done in user’s environment
Activities of the user:
Performs pre-defined tasks
With or without detailed instructions on how to perform them
Preferably talks to herself/himself as if alone in a room
Yields ‘think-aloud protocol’
This process is called ‘co-operative’ evaluation when the software engineering and user talk to each other
3. The importance of video:
Without it, ‘you see what you want to see’
You interpret what you see based on your mental model
In the ‘heat of the moment’ you miss many things
Minor details (e.g. body language) captured
You can repeatedly analyze, looking for different problems
Tips for using video:
Several cameras are useful
Software is available to help analyse video by dividing into segments and labeling the segments
Evaluation can be time consuming so plan it carefully Details: Videotaped Evaluation
4. Select 6 to 8 representative users per user class
E.g. client, salesperson, manager, accounts receivable
Invite them to individual sessions
Sessions should last 30-90 minutes
Schedule 4-6 per day
If system involves user's clients in the interaction:
Have users bring important clients
or have staff pretend to be clients
Select facilitators/observers and notetakers
Prepare tasks:
Select the most commonly used tasks plus a few less important tasks
Write task instructions for users
Estimate the time it will take to complete each task plus extra time for discussion
Prepare notebook or form for organizing notes Steps for videotaped evaluation
5. Set up and test equipment
Hardware on which to run system
Audio or video recorder
Software logs
Do a dry run (pilot study)!
At the Start of an Observation Session
nature of project
anticipated user contributions
why user's views are important
focus is on evaluating the user interface, not evaluating the user
all notes, logs, etc., are confidential
user can withdraw at any time
usage of devices
Sign informed consent form:
very important Steps for videotaped evaluation
6. Start user verbalizing as they perform each task (thinking aloud)
For co-operative evaluation, software engineer also verbalizes
Appropriate questions to be posed by the observing software engineer:
Steps for videotaped evaluation
7. Hold a wrap-up interview (de-briefing)
What were the most significant problems?
What was most difficult to learn?
Analyze the videotape to find malfunctions
Lab exercise:
Videotaped evaluation of a software product
Steps for videotaped evaluation
8. Assignment : Videotaped Cooperative Interface Evaluation You are expecting to do the videotaped user interface evaluation for
some functionality of Corel Photo House 3 software. The co-operative
UI evaluation should be based on the following tasks as for Example:
Task 1 (simple & Easy)
Instruction for Evaluation of “Corel Photo House 3”
First Image (demon)
Create a blank image
Add “Cutout” of Dog on that image (Name of the Cutout: Puppy)
Draw red horns on the dog
Change the image so that it becomes a range of red
Task 2 (Medium)
Task 3 (little bit Complex)
9. Report A summary of the procedures you used to do the evaluation (5 Marks)
When, where and how did you do the evaluation process?
What did the subject do to achieve the task,
Pseudo code like description of the steps that have been taken by each user to accomplish the required task.
What happened as the evaluation proceeded?
Here you should provide sufficient detail so the marker can see that you followed good procedures and handled procedural problems well.
A complete list of malfunctions that you found (1 per line) (5 marks).
A discussion of the four most significant malfunctions (5 marks). For each provide the following,
An excerpt of the protocol.
i.e. a verbatim transcript of 5-15 lines describing what the user did and said, what you said and what happened (around the time the malfunction occurred)
You can embellish this with a picture illustrating the malfunction if this makes it clearer
The result of malfunction analysis.
Brief recommendations for the changes.
10. General Notes Do not forget to sign the Informed Consent Form, available on the course web site.
For malfunction analysis follow (in detail) the procedures outlined in following slides
Remember to do a short dry run (pilot study) so you become comfortable with the procedures and A-V equipment. The dry run must use a different task from the main session.
Remember that co-operative evaluation requires both you and the subject user to verbalize.
Your subject(s) should not be someone intimately familiar with the software (i.e. not a designer); however the subject should know or be taught the basics of the system.
Total videotaping time should be 20-30 minutes
Videotape the session (the TA will help with this if needed)
You can arrange to borrow cameras from A-V services, although if you do your study with the TA, she can take care of this for several groups at once.
Do not hand in the tape with your report, but keep it in case the professor wants to see it. Erase the tape once you get your mark.
11. A disciplined approach to analyzing malfunctions
Provides feedback into the redesign process
Play protocol, searching for malfunctions
Answer four distinct questions:
Q1. How is the malfunction manifested?
What do you notice and who noticed it?
Q2. At what stage in the interaction is it occurring?
Goal forming, action decision, action execution, interpretation of results
Q3. At what level of the user interface is it occurring?
Physical element level to task level
Q4. Why is it occurring?
What is its root cause
List and prioritize possible cures Malfunction Analysis
12. Q1. How is the malfunction manifested? a) Malfunctions detected by the system (easiest to detect)
omission of an argument
incorrect date format
Better prompts, consistency, visible examples, more forgiving of alternatives
b) Malfunctions detected by the user during operation
taking wrong path in menu hierarchy
not finding required help
not being able to perform a certain action
not being able to tell which state system is in
Improve functionality, feedback, clarity, simplicity
13. Q1. How is the malfunction manifested? c) Malfunctions undetected (until later)
output produced is wrong due to wrong inputs
unnecessary work performed
Improve feedback indicating consequences of input; simplify
d) Inefficiencies
excessive response time
excessive think time
unnecessarily long command sequences
unnecessary repetitions
complex operations that require use of reference
Simplify, speed system up
14. a) When the user decides on next goal (Forms an intent to do inappropriate thing)
decides to empty a field because user thinks it is unimportant (when it is important)
decides to charge default exchange rate (when should obtain current exchange rate)
Lead user through task better; better feedback; better training
b) When the user specifies the action (Action does not match the goal)
deletes the record instead of emptying a field
charge reciprocal of exchange rate
Improve clarity, feedback, prompts, conceptual model
15. c) When the system executes the action
Defects in functionality
Fix functionality in normal way
d) When the user interprets the resulting system state
thinks bank account has been debited when it has not
thinks system has ‘hung’ when it has not
thinks some data must be entered when it is the default
cannot understand resulting error message
Better feedback, better conceptual model
16. a) Task level (Task and goals not supported)
What the user wants to do cannot be done by the system
Functionality is not provided
Add functionality
b) Conceptual level (User has wrong mental model; does not understand intended conceptual model)
thinks that money is being deducted from bank account when it is being charged to a credit card
thinks that dragging a file to the desktop means they are no longer on the disk
thinks that dragging a disk to the trash can icon deletes disk contents
make conceptual model clearer; improve metaphors
17. c) Interaction style level (system wide problem)
does not know how to pull down a menu
scrolls a page instead of a line
goes to next screen instead of scrolling
retypes command after an error instead of editing it
make operation of the interface more intuitive and consistent
d) Interaction element level (specific detail inappropriate)
selects wrong button because label is misinterpreted
specifies invalid command syntax
specifies wrong code for option
More attention to details of the interface, simplification
18. e) Physical element level (Physical execution incorrect)
presses wrong key accidentally
clicks on wrong pixel in image
out-types machine (actions lost)
types ahead when system is computing; keystrokes later applied to wrong action
Defenses to protect user from consequences; better hardware design; fix bugs in code
19. Lack of (on the part of the user):
Poor job satisfaction
User is pre-occupied with other things.
Input information processing:
No feedback provided to tell user what is going on
or cues provided by the system are not recognized
or cues are misinterpreted
Cures: Clearer, more consistent feedback
user is unable to tell certain things apart
e.g. red/green colour discrimination
e.g. two icons that are similar
Cures: Improved expression of information
20. Physical coordination:
e.g. wrong item selected because of difficulty positioning cursor with mouse.
Cures: Alternate interaction mechanisms, better feedback
User did not remember command , syntax etc.
Cures: Better mnemonics, online help, quick lookup mechanisms, command completion
Knowledge / lack of learning:
User does not have business or software knowledge to make right choice.
21. Learning difficulties that cause malfunctions:
Learning is difficult
users get frustrated
learning takes time; can be hard to apply
Learners make ad-hoc interpretations
they may not recognize their problem
they may falsely think they have a problem
Learners generalize from what they know
they assume computers work like manual methods
they assume consistency
Learners have trouble following directions
they often ignore them even if they see them
they do not easily understand them
22. Problems and features interact
they do not see that one problem can cause another
Prerequisites and side-effects confuse learners
Help facilities do not always help
they do not know what to ask for
too much detail is often provided
Other causes of malfunctions:
Excessive resource demands
External events (e.g. noise)
Misleading or inadequate training
Unrealistic task definitions
Intrinsic human variability