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Sasara Contest ~ the doll o f my dream ~. Why Sasara ?. As I said before , it was love at first sight . ^-^
Sasara Contest ~thedollofmydream~
WhySasara? As I saidbefore, it was loveatfirstsight. ^-^ These dollsalwayslookedfantastictome, but I neverthoughtaboutadoptingone. Theyweretooexpensive formeandnooneofthem was reallyspecialtome. Sasarachangedeverything. I sawpicturesof her on the Volks US websiteandfellImmediately in love. Her faceis so adorableand her look so elegant… She seems so important to me, that I'm determined to do anything for her! Her gorgeousblueeyeswhichremindmeoftheoceanbecharmedme. Sheisthefirst DD I REALLY wantandismydearestwish. T.T Toobadthat I couldn‘tjointhe Volks lottery. I saw her in japaneseauctions a whileago, but over 1k Yen + shippingandfeesis just toomuchformypocket. So I thoughtshe will beunreachableforthenextyears. Fewdays after crying in someforums, I readaccidentallyyour (forthecommunity: WolfheinrichxD) entryandthought: That‘sfortune!!! I couldn‘tsleepvery well thefollowingdays (yes, I‘m a freakxD). I was reallyexcitedandyeah… The conteststartsnowandendssoon. Thischanceisreallyuniqueand I will do EVERYTHING for her. I really hope, that in the end, it’ll be enough for a „Happy End“. >_< (Foreverymistakeyou will get an imaginarycookie)
Whyshouldyou pick ME? A goodquestion. :P I made a shortlistof 10 (!!!) reasons ^-^
1st SasarawouldgetmuchLOVE… 2nd I wouldtakemanyphotosofSasaraandshow her the „world“. (Okay, Germany first. xD“) Maybeits also possibletakingsomeatschool. (Usuallycamerasaren‘tallowedthere, but whocares. ^^“)
3rd I have….sweets (thisismystrongestargument) 4th In myroomarenosistersfor her, but I will „create“ her one in thenearfuture. :3 (Wuhaha. Call me „Mrs. Frankenstein“)
5th Anywayshecouldmakefriendseasilyathome. Myfiguresandplushiesreallywish her, too. 6th Oooooh. My„princeofblue“ seemstobe a fanof her. X3
7th I will takecareof her. >_< 8th OfcourseSasarawouldget a maid. v_v (Sheis not goodatcooking so Sasarahasto live withrementfood ^^“ Psssssht. xD)
9th I wouldbuy her manyclothes. Beautifuldressesand warm coats. (NOT beforeFebruary. I‘m out ofmoney.^^“) 10th Andfinally… MUCH LOVE²
Okay ehm… The last partofmypresentationis a shortcomic. Thiscomicconsistsoftwoparts. Onepartwhichshowsthe past, theotheroneisaboutthewishedfuture. I hopeyougetit, in which order youshouldread it. ^^“
Thanksforreading (andwatching?) thispresentation. ^^ Owwwand….. VOTE FOR ME!!!! xD