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Biologically Inspired Intelligent Systems. Lecture 6 Roger S. Gaborski. Auditory System. Auditory Pathways. Auditory Identify objects by their sound (Temporal lobe) Direct our movements by sound (Posterior Parietal Region)
Biologically Inspired Intelligent Systems Lecture 6 Roger S. Gaborski
Auditory Pathways • Auditory • Identify objects by their sound (Temporal lobe) • Direct our movements by sound (Posterior Parietal Region) • Phone rings in the dark, you form your hand into the correct shape to pick up the phone (similar to a visual image directs your hand to form a particular shape)
Notes taken from several sources, including: • http://openlearn.open.ac.uk/mod/resource/view.php?id=263180 • www.cartage.org.lb/.../PressureWave.htm
Sound Wave • Pattern of high pressure and low pressure regions moving through a medium • Detector: Human ear or mechanical transducer • Detects change in pressure • Detect high pressure (compression) • Detect normal pressure • Detect low pressure (rarefaction )
Pressure Waves, not to be confused with electromagnetic light waves www.cartage.org.lb/.../PressureWave.htm
Auditory System accomplishes three tasks: • Deliver the acoustic stimulus to the receptors • It must transduce the stimulus from pressure changes into electrical signals • It must process the electrical signals: • Qualities of the sound source: • pitch • Loudness • location.
The Human Ear • the outer ear, which is responsible for gathering sound energy and funneling it to the eardrum • the middle ear, which acts as a mechanical transformer • the inner ear, where the auditory receptors (hair cells) are located.
Outer Ear:Tympanic Membrane • Sound, consists of compressions and rarefactions of air particles • The sound pulls and pushes at the membrane moving it inwards and outwards at the same frequency as the incoming sound wave. • This vibration ultimately leads to the perception of sound. • Greater amplitude of the sound waves causes greater deflection of the membrane. • The higher the frequency of the sound, the faster the membrane vibrates.
Middle Ear • Three inter locking bones • Transmit vibrations of the membrane to the inner ear
Inner Ear • Three parts: • the semicircular canals -sense of balance • the vestibule-sense of balance • the cochlea- key component responsible for auditory perception
Frequency Coding • Cells code frequencies based on their location on the basilar membrane • Cells at base of cochlea are most sensitive to high frequency sounds • Cells at apex are displaced by low frequency sounds
Basilar Membrane hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu
Cochlear Nerve • Formed by axons of bipolar cells • Each bipolar cell is connected to only one hair cell and therefore contain information on the place on the basilar membrane that is being excited • Not a single frequency response, but a range of responses
Tuning (Similar to cone responses in retina)
Example Extract for analysis www-ccrma.stanford.edu/~unjung/mylec/mfcc.html
Extracted Signal Blue signal original, Red signal original signal processed with Hamming window
Mel-Frequency Cepstrum (MFC) • Short-term power spectrum of a sound • Frequency bands are equally spaced on the mel scale which approximates the human auditory system's response • Results in better audio compression • Used as features for speech recognition and speaker identification • Use for music classification (Cognitive Component Analysis preprocessing) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mel-frequency_cepstrum
Topographical Maps • Visual – V1 has a topographical map • Somatic – S1 has a topographical map • Auditory – A1 has a topographical map • Orthogonal to frequency axis is a striped arrangement of binaural properties • One stripe excited by both ears • Next stripe excited by one ear and inhibited by the other ear (ocular dominance columns in V1) • Unclear what happens in higher levels
AudiogramsHow Does Our Hearing Compare? More Energy Less Energy www.owlnet.rice.edu
Hearing Like a Dolphin? Frequency Transformation Mapping g = f(x) Wide Range Acoustic Sensor Speaker Other issues: Sensitivity
Sound Localization Use both ears to detect time of arrival differences for low frequency sounds (30 usec) (ITD - interaural timedifferences ) High frequency sounds are blocked by the head, so they are attenuated and this difference in intensity is used to locate the source of the sound www.unmc.edu/Physiology/Mann/mann8.html
Sound Localization • Detection of the location of a sound is function of neurons in the superior olive and the trapezoid body of the brainstem
Observations • “Development of Sound Localization Mechanisms in the Mongolian Gerbil Is Shaped by Early Acoustic Experience,” (Armin H. Seidl and Benedikt Grothe Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, D-82152 Martinsried, Germany) • ITD sensitivityin gerbils undergoes a developmental maturation after hearingonset • Development can be disruptedby altering the animal's acoustic experience during a criticalperiod • Animals that had been exposed to omnidirectionalwhite noise during a restricted time period right after hearingonset, ITD tuning did not develop normally • Animals that had been exposed to omnidirectional noise as adultsdid not show equivalent abnormal ITD tuning
Understanding Sound Patterns-cortex neurons • Music – right temporal lobe specialization • Speech – left temporal lobe • Little knowledge of how music and information is processed at the cellular level
Chomsky’s and Pinker’s Argument • All languages have common structural characteristics • WHY?? • Reason
Chomsky’s and Pinker’s Argument • All languages have common structural characteristics • WHY?? • Reason- genetically determined constraint on the nature of human language • 1. Justifications for statement??? • 2. • 3 • 4.
Chomsky’s and Pinker’s Argument • All languages have common structural characteristics • Reason- genetically determined constraint on the nature of human language • Language is universal in human populations • Complexity of language not related to the complexity of the group’s culture • Language of technically primitive cultures are as complex and elegant as languages of industrialized cultures • Language is learned early in life without effort –12 months words ->3 yrs rich language ability – environment influenced • Languages have basic structure components – verbs, subjects – different order, etc.
Speech Areas • Wernicke’s Area-temporal lobe on the left side of the brain • Language comprehension (area where spoken words understood) • Language Recognition • Broca’s Area-located in the left frontal lobe • Controls facial neurons • Involved in language processing • Speech production and comprehension
Damage to Wernicke’s Area • Loss of ability to understand language • Can speak clearly, but order of words do not make sense
Broca and Wernicke’s Areas www.indiana.edu/~pietsch/hemianopsia.html
Damage to Broca’s area • Person understand language, but cannot produce speech • Words not properly formed • Speech slow and slurred
Understanding Wernicke’s area (contains sound images of words) Comprehend Word Heard Spoken Word A1
Speaking a ‘Thought’ Broca’s Area (stores motor programs for speaking words) Wernicke’s Area “Thought” Cranial nerves Facial area of motor cortex “Speak”
Model Model of Cochlea Acoustic Model Word Model Language Model
Research Areas: Projects, Thesis and Independent Study • Biologically plausible/natural methods for temporal data processing • Clustering/classification techniques for temporal data • Feature extraction and representations of temporal data • Temporal information processing and fusion • Representation/analysis/recognition of actions and events from temporal data
Research Areas: MS Projects, Thesis and Independent Study • Time-series modeling/forecasting • Temporal information indexing and retrieval • Temporal data mining and knowledge discovery
Cognitive Component Analysis Hansen, Larson, et. al.