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Hero Speech. r equirements . You will write a speech as your hero, in the first person. 2 minutes long Dress as your hero (props are allowed but must be OK’d by Miss Mihelic) . What your speech needs…. The time period in which your hero lived When your hero was noble
requirements • You will write a speech as your hero, in the first person. • 2 minutes long • Dress as your hero (props are allowed but must be OK’d by Miss Mihelic)
What your speech needs… • The time period in which your hero lived • When your hero was noble • When your hero was brave • When your hero was (your third trait) • What your hero is most remembered for
Remember that the purpose of your speech is to persuade the audience that you are an American hero.
On January 16th and 17th we will do classroom roll call where you will present your speech to your class.
1 Representative from Brookwood 2 from 5M 2 from 5Sw 2 from 5Sh 1 Brookwood Representative
Rating the speeches • While you give your speech, your classmates will be evaluating your…. • Speech: speaks loudly, clearly, and at an appropriate rate • Eye contact: looks confident, looks at audience, and rarely glances at notes • Costume: represents hero well • Content: clearly explains heroic traits of hero • Scoring for each category • 1= OK • 2= Good • 3= Great
Once we have narrowed it down to 2 students in each class, we will do the roll call for the entire grade level with the same scoring to narrow it down to our 1 Brookwood representative. The Grade level roll call will take place on January 21stwith all 3 fifth grade classes. We will hear and score the 6 speeches.
Our hero roll call representative will get to be a part of the Hero Assembly on our field trip to SMS on February 4th.