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LHCb. RRB Ott. 2002 A. Smith presenta per LHCb due documenti :. Category A M&O status for 2002 and estimate for 2003. 1). Report on Common Fund and CORE expenses for 2002-3. 2). 1) M&O categoria A. Spese 2002.
LHCb RRB Ott. 2002 A. Smith presenta per LHCb due documenti : Category A M&O status for 2002 and estimate for 2003 1) Report on Common Fund and CORE expenses for 2002-3 2) CSN1 14 / 10 / 2002
1) M&O categoriaA Spese 2002 “During the RRB of November 2001, the budget for Category A M&O for this yearand including the power costs was approved at the level of 371 KCHF. The power costs are only paid by Non-Member States and this meant that only about 336 KCHF was invoiced. The spending for this year is unlikely to exceed 250 KCHF mainly because the power and cooling costs for LHCb will not be in line with the estimates made in common for all four LHC experiments. In fact LHCb will not be charged for cooling (56K estimate) and will receive a very small bill for power compared with the 50 KCHF estimated.” (If funds are not used one year, they can be carried over for later years) CSN1 14 / 10 / 2002
Revised estimate of M&O cat. A costs in 2003 kCHF (lower estimate for cooling, ventilation…) UPS maintenance 5 Secretariat 85 Printing, Publications 35 On-Call communications 7 Test Beams 120 Laboratory Operations 55 Cooling & Ventilation 10 General services 55 Outreach 10 Total 382 Power 120 Grand Total 502 La vecchia stima era 660 CSN1 14 / 10 / 2002
Percentages based on the name list used for the 2002 sharing and onthe updated name list. 75 Phd ~ 51 Fisici equivalenti INFN Funding Agency% Sharing 2002 % Sharing 2003 BRAZIL 3.653.98 IN2P3 FRANCE 10.68 11.93 BMBF GERMANY 3.65 4.26 MPG GERMANY 2.08 2.27 INFN ITALY 19.01 17.9 NETHERLANDS 4.694.83 P. R. CHINA2.081.99 POLAND5.47 3.69 ROMANIA1.30 1.14 RUSSIA 8.33 9.09 SPAIN 3.394.26 SWITZERLAND 4.954.55 UKRAINE2.342.56 UK14.0612.78 CERN14.3214.77 63 Phd CSN1 14 / 10 / 2002
Sharing of the contributions 2003 FUNDING AGENCY PhD Equiv % PhD contr. 2003 Power Total BRAZIL143.98%15,1934,77319,966 CERN5214.77%56,432 CHINA71.99%7,5972,3869,983 FRANCE IN2P34211.93%45,580 GERMANY BMBF15 4.26% 16,278 GERMANY MPG82.27%8,682 ITALY INFN6317.90%68,369 CHF NETHERLANDS174.83%18,449 POLAND133.69%14,108 ROMANIA41.14%4,3411,3645,705 RUSSIA329.09%34,7279,09843,825 SPAIN154.26%16,278 SWITZERLAND164.55%17,364 UK 4512.78%48,835 UKRAINE92.56%9,7673,06812,835 TOTAL352100382000 CSN1 14 / 10 / 2002
Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Cat A 321 382 694 1132 2059 2497Power 50 120 5 * 139 728 903Total 371 502 699 1271 2787 3400 Previsioni riportate da A.S. all’ultimo CB *(There are no magnet tests foreseen in 2004). Previsioni vecchie eaggiornatenei documenti dello scrutiny group: Situazione diversa da ATLAS e CMS “Exp. Less advanced in detector construction can profit from the delay of LHC” CSN1 14 / 10 / 2002
2) Common Fund and CORE expenses Common Fund 2002 The main commitment of Common Funds for the current year is for the magnet. The actual amount that will be spent this year will be less than expected earlier due to delays in delivery of some items but an amount of about 1 MCHF could still be spent before the end of the year in addition to the items reported in the statement of account. The total of 4.6 MCHF foreseen for the magnet should all be spent by the end of 2003.Regarding the 1.5 MCHF expected to be committed for detectors this year, a commitment of 0.9 MCHF has recently been made for photomultipliers for the ECAL and HCAL and this added to other smaller commitments will mean that the 1.5 MCHF will be largely respected. CSN1 14 / 10 / 2002
2) • CORE Situation for 2002 The calorimeter project is running to schedule and, of the 4.3 MCHF foreseen as this year’s funding, only the 400 KCHF for electronics will not be committed. The group took the decision to delay ordering their electronics, after the announcement of the delay to LHC start up, as the prices should become more favourable the later the items are ordered. This applies also to the 1 MCHF foreseen for electronics in 2003 that will also be spent later. The 0.7 KCHF foreseen for RICH spending will not be committed this year as that project has been on hold as part of the LHCb light studies, though RICH 2 is now launching its procurement Situation for 2003The expected spending of the detector groups, who have revised their planning following the year’s delay to LHC, amounts to about 10 MCHF in the year 2003. This is a bit less than the average that must be spent during each of the next five years. CSN1 14 / 10 / 2002
2) Common Fund and CORE expenses 2003 COMMON FUNDCalorimeters : 1.8 MCHFDAH : 0.06 MCHFInfrastructure : 0.6 MCHFMagnet : 1.6 MCHF DIRECT SUBSYSTEM FUNDING Subdetector Estimate Participating Institutes Calorimeters : 2.2 MCHF France, Romania, Russia, Spain , Ukraine, CERNMuon : 0.60 MCHF Brazil, Italy, Russia, CERNOuter Tracker : 1.22 MCHF China, Heidelberg (BMBF), NIKHEF, Poland, CERNRICH : 0.94 MCHF Italy, UK, CERNVELO : 1.25 MCHF MPI Heidelberg (BMBF), NIKHEF, Switzerland (Lausanne), UKDAH : 0.17 MCHF Germany (BMBF + MPG), Italy, Spain, Switzerland, UK, CERN. CSN1 14 / 10 / 2002