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Asymmetric Warfare < Guerrilla/Unconventional Warfare >

Asymmetric Warfare < Guerrilla/Unconventional Warfare >. vs. Conventional Operations & Tactics. Giap’s Three Stages of Struggle. 1) Building the Base 2) Guerrilla Warfare 3) Mobile Warfare. Stage 1: Building the Base.

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Asymmetric Warfare < Guerrilla/Unconventional Warfare >

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  1. Asymmetric Warfare< Guerrilla/Unconventional Warfare > vs. Conventional Operations & Tactics

  2. Giap’s Three Stages of Struggle 1) Building the Base 2) Guerrilla Warfare 3) Mobile Warfare

  3. Stage 1:Building the Base • Situate headquarters in difficult terrain for meetings, supplies and refuge • Win hearts and minds of peasantry • Beat/Assassinate landlords/tax collectors • Redistribute land holdings • Education/literacy campaigns • Help with farming • Gain • Taxes • Supplies • Intelligence • Porters

  4. Stage 2:Guerrilla Warfare • Pin-prick attacks meant to frustrate the enemy and incite overblown reprisals • Guerrilla “Pin-Prick” tactics • Sabotage (road cutting, damage to vehicles, poison) • Traps (IEDs, trip wires, traps) • Terrorism (attacks on civilian targets, R&R sites) • Camouflage (local vegetation, holes, tunnels) • Human Shields • Reprisals confirm propaganda and drive civilians to guerrilla group for support and guidance, increasing their popularity and strength

  5. Stage 3:Mobile Warfare • May receive financial, equipment, supply, intel, training and/or personnel from proxy states • Allows for more conventional, regular forces • Guerrilla infrastructure allows for • Speed, Surprise, Stealth

  6. Conventional Operations &Tactics • Offensive Forms of Maneuver • Envelopment • Turning Movement • Infiltration • Penetration • Frontal Attack






  12. The Operations Process

  13. Full Spectrum Operations

  14. The Operations Process

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