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Chunyan Li, Jungyoup Han, Pei-Ming Wu and Chong H. Ahn , Microsystems and BioMEMS Laboratory

TEMPERATURE, FLOW AND GLUCOSE SENSORS INTEGRATED WITH A SPIRALLY-ROLLED POLYMER TUBE FOR CARDIOVASCULAR MONITORING. Chunyan Li, Jungyoup Han, Pei-Ming Wu and Chong H. Ahn , Microsystems and BioMEMS Laboratory Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering & Computer Science

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Chunyan Li, Jungyoup Han, Pei-Ming Wu and Chong H. Ahn , Microsystems and BioMEMS Laboratory

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TEMPERATURE, FLOW AND GLUCOSE SENSORS INTEGRATED WITH A SPIRALLY-ROLLED POLYMER TUBE FOR CARDIOVASCULAR MONITORING Chunyan Li, Jungyoup Han, Pei-Ming Wu and Chong H. Ahn, Microsystems and BioMEMS Laboratory Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering & Computer Science University of Cincinnati,Ohio, 45221 USA November 5-9, 2006, Tokyo, Japan(μTAS2006) Reporter:宋建緯

  2. Outline • Introduction • Design & Fabrication • Principle • Experiment result • Discussion

  3. Introduction • Kapton film (聚酰亞胺薄膜 ) • 耐高溫低溫 • 絕緣性佳 • 優良的力學性能、電性能及化學穩定性

  4. Design

  5. Fabrication (2) Spiral rolling step: (1) Fabrication step:

  6. Photograph of Kapton tube

  7. Principle of glucose sensor Oxygen concentration sensing

  8. Principle of flow sensor • Flow rate • Rs • V1 • Is • Vout - + v1 v2 Is

  9. Experimental results 1 • Temperature sensor characterization

  10. Experimental results 2 • Flow sensor characteristic

  11. Experimental results 3 • Glucose sensor characteristic

  12. Discussion • Multiple sensors • Biocompatibility • Lifetime

  13. Thanks for Your Attention!

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