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Action Items from SSSC #39 (Dec. 10, 2008) & #40 (April 27, 2009)

Action Items from SSSC #39 (Dec. 10, 2008) & #40 (April 27, 2009) 40-1 (J. Carter): provide SI teams with access to requirements and current status/problems of MCCS 40-2 (S. Jensen): implement door/TA offset parameter to compensate for offset

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Action Items from SSSC #39 (Dec. 10, 2008) & #40 (April 27, 2009)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Action Items from SSSC #39 (Dec. 10, 2008) & #40 (April 27, 2009) 40-1 (J. Carter): provide SI teams with access to requirements and current status/problems of MCCS 40-2 (S. Jensen): implement door/TA offset parameter to compensate for offset between commanded and actual door position. 40-3 (M. Toberman): clarify badging process at DAOF, particularly for foreign nationals. 40-4 (B. Meyer, E. Young): Synchronize platform schedule (especially short science related work) with SI teams. 40-5 (P. Temi): make drawings of secondary mirror buttons available to SI teams. 40-6 (P. Temi): clarify perspective of aluminized tertiary. 40-7 (T. Roellig): Send copies of the "SOFIA Science Vision" and the "Case for SOFIA" to the NRC for inclusion in the Astro2010 Decadal Review documentation. Roellig will contact NASA HQ to get a read on their preference for how best to handle this.

  2. 40-8 (T. Roellig, E. Becklin): Put Science Vision on arXiv/astro-ph. 40-9 (E. Young with input from all): Choose and invite new SSSC members. 40-10 (M. Morris): Refresh past action items, post them on the SOFIA web site, and check their status. 40-11 (S. Goodwin): put all SSSC presentations, past and present, on the website. ______________________________________________________________ 39-01 (S. Jensen): Place one of the PI racks so that the displays can be seen from the seats (from T. Herter) 39-02 S. Jensen: In the Build level diagram put delivery dates at the levels (from T. Roellig) 39-03 S. Jensen & B. Meyer: Check what analysis tools are in place to check image quality obtained during first flights, in case we run into a problem there. 39-04 E. Becklin: Consider a SOFIA Herschel joint workshop in summer 2011. 39-05 M. Morris: Discuss Hubble fellowships for SOFIA at next SSSC meeting

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