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EMIS STAFF REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. DATABASES. USPS. EMIS. DATABASES. USPS is Live EMIS Live is data as of the last reporting period unless there has been an export USPEMX.SEQ will be loaded into Live until the “snapshot” – probably early November. DATABASES.

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  3. DATABASES • USPS is Live • EMIS Live is data as of the last reporting period unless there has been an export • USPEMX.SEQ will be loaded into Live until the “snapshot” – probably early November

  4. DATABASES • Once “K” database is created in EMIS – export is questioned? • If changes were made in “K” then export from USPS will overwrite what is in “K” • Changes made in “K” should be duplicated in USPS Live

  5. DATABASES • When communicating your request to load staff, please be specific about where changes were made • If changes were made in “K” then loading is not necessary. Request to aggregate your data.


  7. USPS/EMIS Work Together • Field names in USPS may be named something else in EMIS (see pgs. 3-5)

  8. BIOSCN Updateable in BIOSCN/DEMSCN

  9. BIOSCN Validated based on EMIS requirements

  10. BIOSCN Cross validations performed in PERDET and by ODE

  11. BIOSCN • Cross validation warnings • Birthdate • Less than 7/1/1932 • Long term illness • Must be equal or less than absence days

  12. DEMSCN Updateable in BIOSCN/DEMSCN

  13. DEMSCN Validation based on EMIS requirements

  14. DEMSCN Cross validations performed in PERDET and by ODE

  15. DEMSCN • Cross validation warnings • Birthdate • Less than 7/1/1932 • Semester hours • Not high enough for an employee with a certificated position • Invalid number of semester hours for paraprofessional value • Long term illness • Must be equal or less than absence days

  16. DEMSCN • Total years of experience • Must be greater than authorized years of experience • Authorized years of experience • Must be less than total years of experience • Degree type • Invalid value for paraprofessional value

  17. JOBSCN Updateable in JOBSCN/POSSCN

  18. JOBSCN Updateable in JOBSCN/POSSCN

  19. JOBSCN Validation based on ODE requirements

  20. JOBSCN Validation based on ODE requirements

  21. JOBSCN Cross validations performed in PERDET and ODE

  22. JOBSCN Cross validations performed in PERDET and by ODE

  23. JOBSCN • Cross validation warnings • Position code • Requires an assignment area • This position code may require a different position type • This position code and assignment area may need different paraprofessional value • This position code and funding source may require different grade level • Grade level required for position code • May have a mismatch with appointment type

  24. JOBSCN • Position type • This position type may require a different position code • Appointment type • Semester hours may not be high enough • May have a mismatch of appointment type and position code

  25. JOBSCN • Assignment area • This assignment area and position code may need a different paraprofessional value • Requirement of certain position codes • FTE • Can not equal zero for active job

  26. JOBSCN • Grade level • Position code may be required for grade level • Grade level required for combination of position code and funding source • Funding source, labeled ‘code’ • Funding source and position code combination may require a grade level

  27. POSSCN Updateable in JOBSCN/POSSCN

  28. POSSCN Validation based on ODE requirements

  29. POSSCN Cross validations performed in PERDET and by ODE

  30. POSSCN • Cross validation warnings • FTE • Can not equal zero for active job • Appointment type • Semester hours may not be high enough • May have a mismatch of appointment type and position code

  31. POSSCN • Position type • This position type may require a different position code • Assignment area • This assignment area and position code may need a different paraprofessional value • Requirement of certain position codes • Position status • Active status must have FTE greater than zero

  32. POSSCN • Position code • Requires an assignment area • This position code may require a different position type • This position code and assignment area may need different paraprofessional value • This position code and funding source may require different grade level • Grade level required for position code • May have a mismatch of position code and appointment type • HQPD value can’t be ‘*’ for this position code

  33. POSSCN • Grade level • Grade level required for job’s position code • Grade level required for combination of position code and funding source • HQPD • Value can’t be ‘*’ with certain position codes • Value must be equal on all reportable jobs

  34. POSSCN • Paraprofessional • Value for paraprofessional can’t be “*” for position code and assignment area combined • Degree type required for value of paraprofessional • Semester hours invalid for value of paraprofessional

  35. EMIS ATTENDANCE DAYS • Is employee flagged for EMIS reporting • Using the date range of 7/1-6/30, read the job calendar assigned and tally the dates marked with “W”, “H” and “C” • Only those records on or after the calendar start and on or before the calendar stop dates are counted

  36. EMIS Attendance Days • Read the ATDSCN entries and tally any ATDSCN entries with “AT”, “AB”, “AD”, “EB”, or “ET” that have transaction date on them in the time frame being reported • Only those records on or after the calendar start and on or before calendar stop dates are counted • If there is no corresponding “W”, “H” or “C” on the job calendar the day is counted • Absences and attendance days are tallied individually per employee, not per job

  37. REPORTS • Review reports that come back from ODE • www.mveca.org/ Student Services/EMIS/EMIS Reports • True reflection of the data submitted

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