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EMIS Staff Reporting FY2011 Yearend Reporting Period N. MVECA Karen Wilson Deb Dinnen. Session Goals. Prepare District Payroll and EMIS staff for accurate N reporting Encourage communication for staff data between Payroll, EMIS - Student Understand Data Submission requirements
EMIS Staff Reporting FY2011 YearendReporting Period N MVECA Karen Wilson Deb Dinnen FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
Session Goals • Prepare District Payroll and EMIS staff for accurate N reporting • Encourage communication for staff data between Payroll, EMIS - Student • Understand Data Submission requirements • Glimpse into the future FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
Staff Yearend 11N Checklist What’s happened to staff since October Count Week? FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
WHO TO REPORT at Yearend • Individuals employed by the reporting entity as of the end of the school year. • Individuals hired after the October Count Week who left before the end of the school year. • Individuals who were employed during the current school year but who left prior to the October Count Week. (if not reported as separated during October) • Individuals or companies contracted by the school district as of the end of the school year to perform duties normally performed by school district personnel (e.g., bus drivers, food service staff, and special education therapists). • Individuals who were reported as part of the October staff data, even if they are no longer employed. • Individuals employed through supplemental contracts as of the end of the school year, including individuals whose only position is a supplemental contract. FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
DO NOT REPORT • daily (as needed) substitutes • student employees • board of education members • adult education teachers • game officials, ticket takers • part-time help • individuals who left over the summer and reported as no longer employed during the October (K) reporting period • volunteers serving in the district FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
11N ChecklistChanges to Make Before Extraction • Supplemental jobs are reported at yearend • Verify that active 800 position codes are flagged as “Y” to report to EMIS on the BIOSCN. • Active jobs with position codes in the 800 range should have “Yes” indicated on the “report to EMIS” flag in JOBSCN. • It is not necessary to change the report to EMIS flag to “N” for reporting period K and then back to “Y” for N reporting. The staff extraction will pull needed jobs based on the reporting period selected in USPEMX • Length of Work Day is not a required element for Position Type = S or T FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
11N ChecklistChanges to Make Before Extraction • USPCHG • Option 2 use if multiple new employees added with an “*” in separation reason • Option 3 to change the report to EMIS flag to N for staff reported in K as separated FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
11N ChecklistChanges to Make Before Extraction • Update EMIS Staff Attendance • If staff left positions during the year, do not include days after the effective date of resignation or dismissal. - add calendar stop date • Non-paid days are considered absences in EMIS. • Include non-paid days in the attendance screen (ATDSCN- AD EB). • This is done so that the EMIS absence adjustment is made to the EMIS staff demographic record. • Total absence days must be equal to or greater than long term illness FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
11N ChecklistChanges to Make Before Extraction • Add Long Term Illness Days • Long-term illness days must be manually added in BIOSCN (in USPS). (You may need to run a query to see if the LTI is blank. Run CLRATD to clear values from 10N) • A ”Long-term illness” includes an illness of the staff person, his/her spouse, child or parent, in accordance with the federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (Public Law 103-3, enacted February 5, 1993). A long-term illness must be 15 consecutive work days or greater. FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
11N ChecklistChanges to Make Before Extraction • Review salary changes made throughout the school year and update the EMIS Info in JOBSCN if needed. • The EMIS Info in JOBSCN is only required if district wants to report an amount different than what is in the CONTRACT OBLIGATION and AMOUNT fields FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
11N ChecklistChanges to Make Before Extraction Staff Demographic Record - DEMSCN • Update Semester Hours element for hours earned during the school year. • Update Education Level if a degree was earned during the school year. Staff Employment Record – POSSCN/JOBSCN • Update the “Grade Levels Assigned” element for new employees in the following positions: • paraprofessionals hired under DPIA funding, • Principals • Assistant Principals, • Supplemental Service teachers (position code = 212). FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
11N ChecklistChanges to Make Before Extraction • UPDATE HIGH QUALITY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT in EMIS • Indicates if the teacher participated in “High Quality Professional Development” (HQPD). Run EMSPRS from EMIS_RPT to get the Staff HPQD Principal’s Recording Sheet. The information from the Recording Sheet should be entered into USPS (payroll)/POSSCN. Most likely, this information will be entered by the payroll staff instead of the EMIS Coordinator, but districts need to coordinate this. Add a Unicenter request to mass update with a “Y” and then exceptions must be manually changed. • Valid Options: • * - Not applicable • Y - Yes • N - No FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
11N ChecklistChanges to Make Before Extraction • Run POSSUM (summary of all position codes) to review all staff FTE • Make changes to FTE on Job/Employment record if needed FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
11N ChecklistChanges to Make Before Extraction • If an employee left the district after October count week • Leave the position status as C • Enter a Separation date and reason • U status is only valid for K reporting FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
11N ChecklistChanges to Make Before Extraction • If an employee is still employed at the end of the school year, but the district knows positively the employee will not return for the following school year - i.e. – retirements - Leave the position status what it would be as of the last physical day they would be working at the district - Enter a separation date even though it could be a future date - Enter the reason for separation that will apply on the date above FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
11N ChecklistChanges to Make Before Extraction • Reminder • USPSDAT/USPCON screen 3 of 3 is set the EMIS Reporting ID. This value must match how the staff will be extracted. How the staff will be extracted must match all staff reporting: demographic, employment and course. ODE recommends using Credential ID over SSN. FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
11N Yearend Checklist • Do not change Total years of experience or Authorized years of experience. • “Authorized Teaching Experience Years” is updated during October K reporting.) • If the individual was employed (i.e. reported) during the October K reporting period, the “Authorized Teaching Experience Years” should be the same for both periods. • If you failed to update these fields in October you can update them for yearend. FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
11N Yearend ChecklistExtracting data from USPS • Run USPEMS/PERDET • Scrolling program (use only to check for missing data.) • Use various options to view only reportable records with errors. Then run for non-reportable records to confirm that all staff that should be reported is flagged correctly FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
11N Yearend ChecklistExtracting data from USPS • Run USPEMS select USPEMXoption 2 • Add Unicenter ticket to notify that staff is ready to load into EMIS. FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
11N Yearend ChecklistExtracting data from USPS • Leave the EMIS ID blank;( should not be using the EMIS ID) report the SSN, Employee ID, or Credential ID to EMIS (S,E,C)? <S> _ • MUST MATCH COURSE MASTER • ODE never gets SSNs • Employee ID is not an option for DASL districts FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
Staff/Building/District data in DASL only Where do I add Building and District data that are not in USPS? FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
Building and District Records • Breadcrumb trail :Home » EMIS » Maintenance » District and Building Information FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
11N Yearend ChecklistContract Staff Entry • Update Contractor Staff Employment Records • Add Contractor Staff Employment Records (CJ) for any staff instructing students from another district • Appendix A of EMIS Reporting Manual • Add Contract Only records • Now entered in USPSWEB! FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
11N Yearend checklist • Run EMSRDET and review EMSRD11N.TXT for errors. • Add a Comment to the Unicenter ticket when your staff data is ready to be submitted to ODE FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
Fixing Errors How do I know what data needs to be fixed? FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
Fixing Errors • EMSRDET aggregates the staff demographic, employment and course data and lists any data that doesn’t meet criteria • Also, checks the Building/District data for errors • Produces EMSRD11N.TXT • SAMPLE REPORT • EMSAGG5 will, also, list staff errors • SAMPLE REPORT • Run EMS_MSG_2 for possible corrective action • Make corrections in USPS and re-extract staff data FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
Fixing Errors • EMSRDET is part of the weekly aggregation process. It’s the same procedure that creates the submission file. • There will be an updated EMSRDXX.TXT available on the EMIS Reports Webpage • Check this every Friday afternoon FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
Accountability When does the data need to be submitted? How will it be used to determine accuracy? FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
Accountability • 5/6/11 First processing • 5/27/11(Warning letter) – Data Submission Requirements begin. CI/CK must be 85% • 5/27/11 NEED to have Building and District data complete in EMIS. DB/DR/DT must be 100% • 6/10/11 – OUT OF COMPLIANCE • 7/15/11 – Final Processing FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
AccountabilityKey Dates FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
Accountability • Data Submission Requirements have increased over last year • 4th submission Staff Data must be 85% accurate (by 5/27) • 100% accurate by 6/17 • “A district will only have funds withheld if they appear on the General Missing Data Report at least two times for the same measure beginning with the May 27, 2011 data submission. In addition, one of those weeks must be an Out of Compliance week. As soon as the district meets the data submission requirements the process to release the withheld funds will occur. The released withholding may occur on or after the date of the scheduled payment depending on when the district has met the data submission requirements.” FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
Accountability The following reports will list problems. If you do not have a report dated for the current submission week then you do not have missing records • 2011N_STAFF_MISSING Other important reports • 2011N_MISSING_DATA(very important) • 2011X_ISSUES • 2011X_ISSUES_DETAIL FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
ODE Reports What other reports should I review for staff? FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
ODE Reports • Once data has been sent to ODE Reports are posted on the MVECA Webpage (password protected; access granted upon Treasurer/ Superintendent request) • DEMO_JOB_200X - This report lists ALL employees, their position, status, salary, etc. Errors and warnings are flagged. • HQPD_xxxxxxxx • ALL_A and ALL_R – Review to make sure FTE is not unreasonable • CONTRACT_ERRORS • Review all reports each week from ODE. FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
Fixing More Errors Why do I have more errors? FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
Fixing More Errors • Contractor_Errors • Contact contractor to resolve reporting problems • Error is usually either your IRN is being reported on a CJ record from a contractor OR you have a contractor’s IRN on a course and they do not have a CJ record with your IRN. • Staff_Missing • Check the emsrd10n.txt. If there is a fatal for the staff member it will produce a missing staff entry. • If you reported staff members as active in 10k and do not report them in 10n it will produce a missing staff entry. • Data_submit_date on the Staff missing report shows the last time that ODE saw the staff member. FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
Fixing More Errors • NO_EMPL_REC • the demographic record is part of the data set but the employment record did not. Check the EMSRDxx.TXT to see if a fatal error is listed. • Teach_Records • listing of staff with incomplete data set. One of 3 staff records will be missing: demographic, employment or course(exception is and Itinerant teacher, will show on the Teach_Records but ODE is not looking for a Course master.) FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
LRC How is staff reporting used? FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
LRC • Staff FTE • Average number of years of teaching experience • Average teacher salaries • Degree Type and Semester Hrs. • Percent of Teachers with at least a Bachelors Degree • Percent of Teachers with at least a Masters Degree • HQT – Highly Qualified Teacher – element on course • Percentage of core academic subject elementary and secondary classes not taught by highly qualified teachers FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
LRC • Credential ID and course information • Percentage of core academic subject elementary and secondary classes taught by properly certified teachers • State/Local Report Cards Resources • iLRC FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
Preparing for FY12 reporting • NEWCNT has an option to clear EMIS Info when the new contract is purged FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
FY12 Changes What now? FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
FY12 Changes • Reviewing need to report TYPE OF APPOINTMENT and POSTION TYPE • Revise Building record – define what entity types must have building record • SIG reporting – Consider adding elements related to instructional time outside the normal school day for districts involved in the SIG grants • Reviewing Fund Sources to eliminate inactive options • Review the options and instructions for the Early Childhood Education Qualification Element. FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
FY12 Changes • EMIS-r • EMIS Redesign • Data is pulled from the sources • Districts submit own data • Plan to go LIVE for 12K?????? FY2011 Yearend N Checklist
Any Questions? Thank you for coming! FY2011 Yearend N Checklist