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SLOW ADVENTURE EXPERIENCES IN NORTHERN EUROPE. Dr Steve Taylor Centre for Recreation and Tourism Research University of the Highlands and Islands Scotland. Slow Adventure.

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  1. SLOW ADVENTURE EXPERIENCES IN NORTHERN EUROPE Dr Steve TaylorCentre for Recreation and Tourism ResearchUniversity of the Highlands and IslandsScotland

  2. Slow Adventure • A form of tourism which foregoes the quick-fix adrenaline-pumping hits of convenient adventure experiences, in favour of slow, immersive journeys; living in and travelling through wild places and natural spaces, and experiencing nature in its timeframe, its seasons, weathers and changes. This might include: • Wild food • Wildlife • Heritage and culture • Human- or nature-powered travel • Enhanced engagement with place

  3. The Project • A business toolkit to facilitate entrepreneurship • A wide-ranging transnational training programme on the ethos & delivery of slow adventure • ‘Two-eyed seeing’ – combining indigenous and Western perspectives on attitudes towards and understanding of nature • Undergraduate student exchanges and placements with partners • A festival of slow adventure, rotated between partner countries • Development of an overarching slow adventure brand and website

  4. The Partnership • UHI, Scotland • ETOUR, Sweden • Derry City Council, Northern Ireland • Metsähallitus, Finland • Border Region Authority, Ireland • Cape Breton University, Canada • Confirmed: • University of Iceland • Wild Norway/University College Sogndal, Norway • Potentially: • Faroe Islands • Greenland

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