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ADD TO GODLINESS – BROTHERLY KINDNESS AND LOVE. Introduction: A. II Pet. 1:7. To make our spiritual building complete, here are two more building blocks to add to our foundation (faith). These, like the others must be perfected little by little as we grow spiritually.

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  1. ADD TO GODLINESS – BROTHERLY KINDNESS AND LOVE. Introduction: A. II Pet. 1:7. To make our spiritual building complete, here are two more building blocks to add to our foundation (faith). These, like the others must be perfected little by little as we grow spiritually. B. Much evil all around us. Many live in their own little world and have little or no concern for others. Selfishness is a common

  2. characteristic of far too many people. 1. II Tim. 3:2. Modern philosophy encourages people to put self first and think of self above all else. 2. Christians follow a different philosophy. Phil. 2:3-5. C. Let us consider these final characeristics.

  3. I. BROTHERLY KINDNESS: A. Meaning: 1. From philadelphia (phileo – to love, and adelphos – the brethren) hence love of the brethren. 2. Phileo denotes a feeling of warmth, fondness, affection. Christians are to have a genuine fondness and affection for their brothers and sisters in Christ and express in acts of kindness. Heb. 13:1-3

  4. B. Prefers the company of Christians above others. Rom. 12:10. 1. We should enjoy being with our brethren and seek out occasions when we can associate with them: In worship – Heb. 10:24, 25 On social occasions – Acts 2:46 C. Sympathize and shares feelings with other Christians. 1. I Cor. 12:25, 26. The physical body

  5. a built in sympathetic system so that when one member of the body gets hurt, the rest of the body sympathizes with and comes to the aid of the injured part. So should it be in the body of Christ. 2. Rom. 12:15; I Cor. 12:20 3. Eph. 4:31, 32; Gal. 6:1, 2 D. Shares materially with other Christians. 1. Acts 4:32, 34, 35

  6. 2. II Cor. 8:1-5 3. Rom. 12:13 4. Luke 10:25-37 5. I John 3:16-18.

  7. II. CHARITY – (LOVE): A. Agape translated love means to give without a desire of getting anything in return. To sacrifice for anyone whether they deserve it or not. Doing all the good you can do for your fellow man and doing him no harm. Rom. 15:2; 13:8-10; Col. 3:14 B. I Cor. 13:1-8, 13

  8. C. Christians must show this kind of love toward: 1. God – Matt. 22:37. This demands a. Put Him first - I Pet. 3:15 b. Obedience – I John 5:3 2. Man – Matt. 22:39. This includes: a. Sinners – Rom. 1:14 b. Brethren – I John 4:20 (weak, strong, erring.) c. Enemy – Matt. 5:44

  9. d. Family – Eph. 5:25; Titus 2:4 3. Truth – II Thess. 2:10. This demands: a. Accept at any cost. – Prov. 23:23 b. Defend it, uphold it. – Phil. 1:17 c. Do not fellowship error. Eph. 5:11 4. The church – Eph. 5:25; Matt. 6:33. This also demands: a. Putting it first in our lives. F. Jesus is the greatest example of agape, Rom. 5:6-8; Rom. 15:2,3; Phil. 2:3-8

  10. Conclusion: A. We must add to our faith: Virtue – Knowledge – Temperance or self-control Patience Godliness Brotherly Kindness Love

  11. B. II Pet. 1:8, 9 C. II Pet. 1:10 If you and I continue adding these things to our lives of faith, we will never fall.

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