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THIS MONTH IN HISTORY MARCH. MARCH 1 st . Saint David’s Day. 01/03/1565. The city of Rio de Janeiro is founded. 01/03/1810. Frederic Chopin. Famous Polish composer is born. 02/03/1791. John Wesley. Founder of the

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  1. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH MARCH 1st. Saint David’s Day. 01/03/1565. The city of Rio de Janeiro is founded. 01/03/1810. Frederic Chopin. Famous Polish composer is born. 02/03/1791. John Wesley. Founder of the Methodist Church dies. 02/03/1930. D.H. Lawrence. English novelist dies.

  2. THIS MONTH IN HISTYORYMARCH 02/03/1931. Mikhail Gorbachev. President of the Soviet Union from 1985 – 1991 is born. 03/03/1847. Alexander Graham Bell. Inventor of the telephone is born. 03/03/1918. Russia signs the Treaty of Brest – Litovsk ending Russia’s participation in W.W.1.

  3. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 03/03/2016. Famous New Zealand Cricketer Martin Crowe dies. 04/03/1936. Jim Clarke. Scottish Formula One World Motor racing champion is born. 05/03/1953. Joseph Stalin. The Soviet dictator dies.

  4. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 05/03/2013. Hugo Chavez. The President of Venezuela 1999 – 2013 dies. 06/03/1475. Michelangelo. Italian artist is born. 06/03/1788. The First Fleet arrives at Norfolk Island to found a Convict Settlement.

  5. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 06/03/1806. Elizabeth Browning. English poet is born. 06/03/1908. Sir Rex Harrison. English actor and star of “My Fair Lady” is born. 06/03/1937. Valentina Tereshkova. Russian cosmonaut and the 1st. women in space is born.

  6. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 06/03/1957. Ghana becomes an independent Nation. 06/03/2016. Nancy Reagan. American actress and wife of U.S. President Ronald Reagan dies.

  7. THIS MONTH IN HISTORY:MARCH 07/03/1876. Alexander Graham Bell patents the Telephone. 07/03/1936. In violation of the Lucarno Pact and the Versailles Treaty, Germany reoccupies the Rhineland.

  8. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 08/03/1859. Kenneth Grahame – Author of the Wind in the Willows – is born. 08/03/1957. Egypt re –opens the Suez Canal after the Suez Crisis. 08/03/1966. Tony Lockett. Australian Rules football champion is born. 08/03/1978. Lucas Neill. Former Australian soccer captain is born.

  9. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 08/03/2014. Malaysian Airlines flight 370 disappears over the Gulf of Thailand killing all 239 people on board. 09/03/1908. Inter Milan football club is founded.

  10. THIS MONTH IN HISTORY:MARCH 09/03/2016. Australian singer, songwriter and actor Jon English dies. 10/03/1831. The French Foreign Legion is established.

  11. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 10/03/1957. Osama Bin Laden is born. 10/03/1964. Prince Edward is born. 10/03/1977. Scientists discover rings around Uranus. 10/03/1988. Andy Gibb of the Australian musical group: The Bee Gees dies. 10/03/2015. Australian Film, Play & TV Icon Stuart Wagstaff dies.

  12. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 11/03/1955. Sir Alexander Fleming. Scottish scientist who discovered Penicillin dies. 11/03/1983. Bob Hawke becomes Labor Prime Minister of Australia and in an irony of History, John Howard becomes Liberal Prime Minister of Australia on the 11/03/1996.

  13. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 11/03/1985. Mikhail Gorbachev becomes leader of the Soviet Union.

  14. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 11/03/2011. An earthquake measuring 9 on the Richter scale occurs in Japan, triggering a Tsunami, killing thousands of people & the 2nd. largest nuclear accident in history.

  15. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 11/03/2012. Ian Turpie. Australian Television & Radio entertainer dies. Best known as the host of the T.V. show: “The New Price is Right.”

  16. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 12/03/1622. Ignatius loyola. The founder of the Jesuits is cannonised. 12/03/1913. The city of Canberra is officially named Canberra. 12/03/1938. The Anschluss takes place. German troops occupy Austria. 12/03/1966. General Suharto becomes President of Indonesia.

  17. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 12/03/1994. The Church of England ordains its 1st. female Priest. 13/03/1733. Joseph Priestly. English chemist who discovered Oxygen is born. 13/03/2013 Pope Francis is elected Pope to replace Pope Benedict 16th.

  18. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 14/03/1804. Johann Strauss, snr, Austrian Composer is born. 14/03/1879. Albert Einstein. Physicist is born. 14/03/1905. Chelsea football club is founded.

  19. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH In the Roman calendar, March 15th. Is known as “The Ides of March.” 15/0344BC Julius Caesar. Emperor of Rome is assassinated. 15/03/1877. The 1st. ever cricket match between England & Australia begins.

  20. THIS MONTH IN HISTORY MARCH 15/03/1917. Tzar Nicholas 2nd. abdicates the throne & his brother the Grand Duke becomes the last Tsar of Russia. 16/03/1774. Captain Matthew Flinders. English explorer is born.

  21. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 16/03/1968. American troops kill between 350 & 500 Vietnamese citizens during the Vietnam War. “The My Lai massacre”. 16/03/2014. Crimea votes in a Referendum to secede from the Ukraine and join Russia.

  22. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 17TH. MARCH: IS ST PATRICK’S DAY 17/03/1853. Christian Doppler “The Doppler Effect” dies.

  23. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 17/03/1969. Golda Meir becomes the 1st. female Prime Minister of Israel. 17/03/2012. The death of Margaret Whitlam. The wife of former Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam & former Australian publisher, social worker & swimming champion.

  24. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 18/03/1850. The American Express company is founded. 18/03/1858. Rudolf Diesel. German inventor is born.

  25. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 18/03/1869. Neville Chamberlain. Prime Minister of England from May 1937 to May 1940 is born. 18/03/2017. Chuck Berry. Famous American singer, songwriter and guartist dies.

  26. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 19/03/1905. Albert Speer. Hitler’s Minister for Armaments & War Production is born. 19/03/1906. Adolf Eichmann. The architect of the Holocaust is born.

  27. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 19/03/2003. The Iran/Iraq war began when the U.S. led Coalition launched an attack on Iraq. 20/03/1602. The Dutch East India Company is founded. 20/03/1727. Sir Isaac Newton – famous for his Laws of Relativity and for inventing Calculus dies.

  28. THIS MONTH IN HISTORY.MARCH 20/03/1796. Edward Gibbon Wakefield. Pioneer of planned settlement of New Zealand is born. 20/03/1852. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” is published.

  29. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 20/03/1916. Albert Einstein publishes his general Theory of Relativity. 20/03/1917. Dame Vera Lynne. English War time entertainer is born. 20/03/1929. Ferdinand Foch. French commander of Allied forces in W.W.1. dies.

  30. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 20/03/1942. General Douglas Macarthur makes his famous speech at Terowie in South Australia regarding the fall of the Philippines in W.W.2. “I came out of Bataan and I shall return.” 20/03/1956. Tunisia becomes independent.

  31. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 20/03/2003. Allied forces led by the U.S.A. invade Iraq. 20/03/2015. Malcolm Fraser. Australia’s 20th. Prime Minister dies.

  32. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 21/03/1685. Johann Sebastian Bach. Famous German composer is born. 21/03/1844. The Bahai calendar is introduced. 21/03/1857. An earthquake in Tokyo, Japan kills over 100,000 people.

  33. THIS WEEK IN HISTORY.MARCH 21/03/1917. Frank Hardy. Famous Australian author is born. 21/03/1935. Persia is renamed Iran. 23/03/1929. Sir Roger Bannister. The 1st. man to run a mile in under 4 minutes is born. 23/03/1933. The Enabling Act passes the Reichstag making Adolf Hitler dictator of Germany.

  34. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 23/03/2011. Elizabeth Taylor. Famous actress dies. 24/03/1603. Queen Elizabeth 1st. dies. 24/03/1991. Sir John Kerr. Former Governor General of Australia dies.

  35. THIS MONTH IN HISTORY:MARCH 24/03/2016. Johan Cruyff. Dutch footballer widely regarded as one of the greatest players in football history dies. 25/03/1807. The British Parliament abolishes slavery.

  36. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 25/03/1821. Greece declares its independence from the Ottman Empire. 25/03/1906. A.J.P. Taylor. Famous British Historian is born. 25/03/1947. Sir Elton John. English singer & songwriter is born.

  37. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 26/03/1827. Ludwig van Beethoven. German composer dies. 26/03/1911. Tennessee Williams. American playwright is born. 26/03/1971. East Pakistan declares its Independence from Pakistan & becomes Bangladesh.

  38. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 27/03/1845. William Roentgen. German Physicist who discovered X Rays is born. 27/03/1863. Sir Henry Royce. Co – founder of Rolls Royce is born.

  39. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 28/03/1969. Dwight D Eisenhower. Supreme commander of Allied forces in Europe in W.W.2. & 34th. President of the U.S.A. dies. 28/03/2004. Peter Ustinov. Famous British actor dies.

  40. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 28/03/2006. Pro Hart. Famous Australian painter dies. 29/03/1912. Sir Robert Scott. Explorer of the South pole dies. 29/03/1972. Lord J. Arthur Rank. British movie theatre owner dies.

  41. THIS MONTH IN HISTORY MARCH 29/03/2017. The United Kingdom invokes Article 50 to begin the formal process of Brexit. ( The withdrawal from Europe.)

  42. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 30/03/1853. Vincent van Gogh. Famous Dutch painter is born. 30/03/1856. The Treaty of Paris ends the Crimean War.

  43. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 30/03/1870. John Forrest & his party begin the 1st. west – east crossing of Australia. 30/03/1968. Celine Dion. French/Canadian singing star is born. 31/03/1596. Rene Descartes. French philosopher is born.

  44. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYMARCH 31/03/1637. John Donne. English poet dies. 31/03/1732. Joseph Haydn. Austrian composer is born. 31/03/1889. The Eiffel Tower in Paris is opened. 31/03/1921. The Royal Australian Air Force is formed.

  45. THIS MONTH IN HISTORY:MARCH 31/03/2016. Scottish comedian & actor Ronnie Corbett dies.

  46. QUOTE OF THE MONTH: “Beware the Ides of March.” A soothsayer to Julius Caesar before his assassination on the 15th. March 44BC

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