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Adapting classroom materials

Adapting classroom materials. Reasons for Adaptation. Historical context : Before the Communicative approach , many coursebooks focused on grammar translation method of teaching . Language was not treated as a tool for communication .

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Adapting classroom materials

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  1. Adaptingclassroommaterials

  2. ReasonsforAdaptation • Historicalcontext: BeforetheCommunicativeapproach, manycoursebooksfocusedongrammartranslationmethod of teaching. Languagewasnottreated as a toolforcommunication. • Materialsdidnotreflecttheseteaching and learningprinciples.

  3. Book: Materials and methods in ELT byMcDonough and Shaw (1993) • Reasonsforadapting: (grammar) • Notenoughgrammarcoverage in general. • Notenoughpractice of grammarpoints. • Reading passagescontaintoomuchunknownvocabulary. • Comprehensionquestions are tooeasy, becausetheanswers can belifteddirectlyfromthetextwith no real understanding. • Listeningpassages are inauthentic, becausetheysoundtoomuchlikewritten material beingreadout. • Dialogues too formal. • Notenoughguidanceonpronunciation.

  4. Book: ChoosingyourCoursebookby: Cunningsworth (1995) • Possiblereasonsforadaptingmaterials. (learnerstyles) factors • Thedynamic of theclassroom • Thepersonalitiesinvolved • Theconstraintsimposedbythesyllabuses • Theavailability of resources • Theexpectations and motivations of thelearners

  5. Whenmaterials are not ideal, as presented in thefollowing: • Methods (anexercisemaybetoomechanical, complicated) • Languagecontent • Subjectmatter. (topicsnotinterestingtoss, oroutdatedornotauthentic) • Balance of skills. • Image of thebook. • Cultural ( referencesmayneedtobeomittedorchanged)

  6. Candlin and Breen (1980) • Theirlistimpliesthatpublishedmaterials are limited in thatthey do notprovidemanyopportunitiesforreal communication. • Communicativematerials do notprovideenoughopportunitiesfornegotiationbetweenthelearner and thetext. • CM do notprovideenoughopportunitiesfor interpersonal or social negotiationbetweenss-t orss-ss • Activities and tasks do notpromotecommunicative performance, co-participation.

  7. Objectives and techniquesforadaptation • Knowingwhat “works”. • You can adaptto: McDonough • Personalize • Individualize • Localize • modernize • Or: • Add real choice • Caterforalllearnerstyles • Providefor more learnersautonomy • Encouragehigherlevelcognitiveskills • Makelanguage input more accesible and more engaging.

  8. Match thefollowing:

  9. Task: work in pairs Think of oneactivitythatwillmakethelanguage input more engaging. • Example: • changetheform of input. • Changethenature of a task, ratherthanhave a readingtaskwhichfocusesoncomprehesion, switchthetasktoprediction, orallowstudentstofinishcreatively a storywiththeirownending.

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