1. Calculating Truss Forces
2. Forces
3. Truss A truss is composed of slender members joined together at their end points.
They are usually joined by welds or gusset plates.
4. Simple Truss A simple truss is composed of triangles, which will retain their shape even when removed from supports.
5. Pinned and Roller Supports
6. Solving Truss Forces Assumptions:
All members are perfectly straight.
All loads are applied at the joints.
All joints are pinned and frictionless.
Each member has no weight.
Members can only experience tension or compression forces.
7. Static Determinacy A statically determinate structure is one that can be mathematically solved.
A statically determinate truss will always work with this formula, but is possible for a statically indeterminate truss to work with this formula.A statically determinate truss will always work with this formula, but is possible for a statically indeterminate truss to work with this formula.
8. Statically Indeterminate
9. Statically Determinate
10. Static Determinacy Example
11. Equilibrium Equations
12. Equilibrium Equations
13. Equilibrium Equations
14. Using Moments to Find RFCY
15. Sum the Y Forces to Find RFAY
16. Sum the X Forces to Find RFAX
17. Method of Joints