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Translating Flexible Learning Policy into Practice at Glasgow Caledonian University

This presentation explores how Glasgow Caledonian University is implementing flexible learning policy through transformative and innovative pedagogy. The research findings highlight the importance of recognition of prior learning, distance learning, and work-based learning in supporting lifelong learning. The school for work-based education focuses on three main strands: external accreditation, recognition of prior learning, and work-based curriculum. The pedagogy at GCU promotes flexible and innovative approaches to learning, creating 21st-century graduates, active citizens, and reflective learners. Contact Julie Brown and Marty Wright for more information.

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Translating Flexible Learning Policy into Practice at Glasgow Caledonian University

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Translating Flexible Learning Policy into Practice: supporting transformative and innovative pedagogy at Glasgow Caledonian University Julie Brown Centre for Research in Lifelong Learning (CRLL) Glasgow Caledonian University Marty Wright School for Work Based Education (SWBE) Glasgow Caledonian University

  2. Presentation Overview Flexible Learning at GCU Flexible Learning Pathways Research Research Findings School for Work Based Education Flexible and Innovative Pedagogy

  3. Flexible Learning at GCU One vehicle for supporting Life Long Learning Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Distance Learning Work Based Learning (WBL)

  4. Internal institutional Research Aim: Explore the extent to which flexible learning policy at GCU was being translated into effective practice Methods: Desk Based Research Informal Interviews with key members of staff Secondary Data Analysis – student data Online Questionnaire to all programme leaders and programme administrators

  5. Research Findings

  6. Research Findings

  7. Research Findings • Recording Flexible Learning

  8. Report Recommendations and Action Plan

  9. SCHOOL FOR WORK BASED EDUCATION Formerly Scottish Centre for Work Based Learning Learning at work, for work and through work

  10. 3 Main Strands to our Activity Addressing the research findings + will roll out in GCU 1. External Accreditation (companies, business, organisations) 2. RPL

  11. Institutional, Organisational and Business heads

  12. Our 3rdStrand makes it transformative learning & the innovative pedagogy 3. Work Based Curriculum prescribed and / or flexible Personal and Professional Development Work Based Project(s) Learning is extending / enhancing workplace skills and abilities (WBL)

  13. Experiential and constructivist ideas of learning: not new Effective, valuable and developmental learning for people in work actively occurs through the medium of work, through experience, interaction / engagement with others (CoP), especially when the learning is engaged with critically and reflectively Dewey 1929 +; Kolb 1984; Schon 1983; Brookfield 1987; Gear et al.1994; Wenger 1988; Eraut et al, 2000 /2005; Felstead et al, 2005; Eraut & Hirsh, 2007.


  15. Flexible Innovative Pedagogy Flexible, flexible, flexible, now & future Confidently creating: • 21st Century Graduates • Active Citizens • Reflective Learners Learning in the workplace betters the workplace and those in it

  16. LEAST Flexible Curriculum Continuum Continuumo11)

  17. MOST Flexible Curriculum Continuum

  18. Work Based Learning

  19. WBL Through Partnerships and collaboration with organisation's and business Creates an accessible culture of Life Long Learning I deserve credits for the good job I am doing Fit for Role

  20. Thank You Contact: Julie Brown: Julie.Brown@gcu.ac.uk Marty Wright: M.Wright@gcu.ac.uk

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