Fifth session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
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Fifth session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Side event: Making it Work: How to document and use good practices for stronger advocacy.
Fifth session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
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Fifth session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Side event: Making it Work: How to document and use good practices for stronger advocacy Mohamed El Khadiri, President of the Moroccan Collective for the Promotion of the Rights of People with Disabilities Share first-hand experiences using the MIW methodology in Morocco
Briefpresentation of the Collective for promoting the rights of personswithdisabilities National organization dedicated to advocating the rights of people with disabilities. Created in 2005 and institutionalized in 2008 Includes all types of disabilities Represented in the whole territory of the country by regional organizations Partner of Handicap International and other NGOs.
The socio-economic context of our advocacy for the implementation of the CRPD
Data on disability in Morocco Source: National Survey on Disability in 2004: 1.530 000 people live with a disability. 5.12% of the total population. One household in four, or more than 1.3 million households have among theirs members one or more persons with disabilities: rural (5.62%) / urban (4.81%). Two out of three children with disabilities do not go to school The unemployment rate for PWD is 5 times than people without disabilities One in five people with disabilities have never attended a health institution. Nine out of 10 PWD do not have medical welfare.
The international normative framework Morocco has ratified the CRPD as well as the Optional Protocol on 14 April 2009.
National legal framework Legislative framework 3 Specific laws: Law No. 5-81 on the protection of the blind and visually impaired. Law No. 7-92 on the social protection of persons with disabilities. Law N°10 -03 on accessibility. Provisions in other laws : Penal Code, Labor Code, Family Code, Medical welfare code ….. Impact of the legislative framework: Specific laws currently in force does not guarantee the effectiveness of the rights of persons with disabilities. Need to reform the legal framework to comply with the provisions of the Convention and to implement the Constitution.
Methodology Making It Work : The Collective has used the methodology making it work in its advocacy :. Our organization wants to be a contributor and find concrete and realistic solutions With more incentives, inspired by the MIW methodology, we have shown that to capitalize on best practices and successful experiences helped convince the reluctant policy makers and cause change. However, given the political situation, our Collective has also used other methods. Rallies , sit ins, reporting violations ...
MethodologyMakingIt Work? 1st practice Objectives: the state of the humanrights situation of PSH: Arrange data and the mostcomprehensive information possible on the humanrights situation of HSP, including the perspective of HSP, the legalframework, public policy and perceptions of disability in society. Good practice MIW: identifying a comprehensivemethodology for data collection The initiative wasundertaken as part of the project "Mounassara", funded by the European Union and USAID and implementation by Handicap International, the Collective Moroccan and Algerian platform.
MIW: Involve multiple stakeholders The Collective and Handicap International began by training a SteeringCommitteeconsisting of thesetwoorganizations and the National HumanRights institution Involveinstitutional bodies concernedwithdisability issues, DPOs, humanrightsorganizations, developmentorganizations, women'sorganizations, thosewho care for children, but alsopoliticalactors (parties and unions) and economicoperators. Participation wasalso open to DPOs in Algeria, Tunisia and Mauritania. All theseorganizations have workedtogether to implement the project.
MIW: Identifyexisting good practices The specific question on disabilityaffected by thisprojectrefers to Article 31 of the Convention: Statistics and data collection. We have reviewedseveralexperiences in the world, they have opted for the program of DisabilityRights Promotion International: Monitoring the HumanRights of People withDisablities. HI, Collective assessed the currentpolitical situation and saw a need for up-dated information and data on people withdisabilities to betterinform the policyprocess
Documenting good practice DRPI methodology has been studied and analyzed to ensurethatitfitsourregionalcontext. It is to establish a national monitoring based on threepillars: Individual monitoring: assess the real situation of PWDs in collectingtheirownaccounts Monitoring systems: Evaluate the system of governance: legislation, public policies, resourcesallocated Media monitoring whichallows to evaluate the model representation of disability. This allows to develop a data collection, relativelycomplete, whichis the basic strategy and argument fromdecision maker
MIW: Use data to formulaterecommendations Weused the data to train members of DPOs and other relevant stakeholders
MIW: Produce and disseminate good practices and recommendations in a publication The Collective and HI produced a lessonslearned document frommodules alreadydesigned by DRPI, but adapted to the regionalcontext of Maghreb. The document waslaunchedat an international conferenceorganized by the Collective, HI and the National Council for HumanRights. TranslatedintoArabic, this document iscurrentlybeingused by other countries in the region.
MIW: Using the publication and recommendations to developadvocacy Two major achievements: Empowered participants throughtraining and ensured the publication wasavailable in several formats. Advocacy: Encourage decisionmakers to change practices fromthe arbitraryimplementation of policiesto relevant strategies for the inclusion of people withdisabilities.
Outcome Now, the Moroccangovernment has launched a national survey to collectdata on disability in order to design crediblestrategies.
2nd Practice: The rights of PWDrecognized in the new constitution. Opportunity: In 2010, during the ArabSpring, the King of Moroccodecidedto call a referendum to change the country's constitution. Action: Advocate for the rights of PWDs to beincludedin the new Constitution. The Collective and itspartners, including Handicap International, developedan action plan, based on the MakeIt Workmethodology, Manyexamples of good practice on advocacywerestudiedand weusedthese good practices to influence ouradvocacystrategy Project wasdesignedcalled "Bla Madouch Biya" »Do not go without me," ie the new constitution.
Outcome Result: The rights of people withdisabilitiesguaranteedby the country's new constitution. Preamble: "Banish and combat discrimination againstanyonebecause of sex, color, creed, culture, social or regionalorigin, language, Disability or anypersonalcircumstancewhatsoever. ' Article 34: "Rehabilitate and integrateinto the social and civil life physically and mentallysensoriomoteursfacilitatetheirenjoyment of rights and freedoms for all.