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FIFTH SESSION OF THE CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES TO THE WHO FCTC. COP 5 Seoul, Republic of Korea 12-17 November 2012 COEX Convention Centre, Seoul. COP 5 12-17 November 2012. 176 Parties Latest Party: Czech Republic. COP 5 12-17 November 2012. Organizational issues Agenda items Q/A.

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  1. FIFTH SESSION OF THE CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES TO THE WHO FCTC COP 5 Seoul, Republic of Korea12-17 November 2012COEX Convention Centre, Seoul

  2. COP512-17 November 2012 • 176 Parties Latest Party: Czech Republic

  3. COP512-17 November 2012 • Organizational issues • Agenda items • Q/A

  4. Invitations sent to Parties and Observers on 28 June 2012 • Documentation available on FCTC website www.who.int/fctcand sent to Parties and Observers COP512-17 November 2012

  5. Regional consultations: • Sunday 11 November, 16:00 to 18:30 • Tuesday to Saturday: from 08:45 to 09:45 • First Plenary meeting: Monday 12 November at 10:00 COP5 Working schedule

  6. COP5 Working schedule Working hours 10:00  13:00 15:00  18:00 Lunchtime seminars: 13:30 14:45

  7. COP5 Registration Sunday, 11 November • Starts at 13:00 at COEX

  8. COP5 Credentials • Online registration required for COP5: http://www.who.int/fctc/cop/sessions/fifth_session_cop/en/ Username and password communicated to Parties and Observers in Note Verbale of 28 June 2012 • Original Credentials should be submitted to the Convention Secretariat latest at opening of the session • Bureau reviews credentials and reports to Plenary.

  9. COP5 Travel Support Decision FCTC/COP4(21) • Air ticket and perdiem for least developed country Parties (41) • Air ticket only for other low and lower-middle income country Parties (40) Credentials are required!

  10. COP512-17 November 2012 Provisional Agenda items and Programme of Work

  11. COP5 Agenda and Programme of Work Agenda items grouped as: Treaty instruments and technical matters Reporting, implementation assistance and international cooperation Budgetary and institutional matters

  12. COP5Agenda Agenda item 5: Adoption of the protocol to eliminate illicit trade in tobacco products Documents:FCTC/COP/5/6, text of the protocolFCTC/COP/5/7, report of the chairperson of the INB FCTC/COP/5/INF.DOC./4, procedural matters Consensus text proposed for adoption in accordance with Article 33.3of the WHO FCTC

  13. COP5 Agenda Agenda item 6: Treaty instruments and technical matters Agenda item 6.1: Guidelines for implementation of Articles 6 on price and tax measures Document: FCTC/COP/5/8 draft guidelines proposed by the Working Group

  14. COP5 Agenda Agenda item 6.2: Guidelines for implementation of Articles 9 and 10 "regulation of the contents of tobacco products" and "regulation of tobacco product disclosures" Documents: FCTC/COP/5/9 and FCTC/COP/INF.DOC./1 Additional text proposed by the working group for insertion in the partial guidelines adopted by COP4 WHO TFI's report (COP/5/INF.DOC.1): on the validation and analytical chemical methods for testing and measuring the cigarette contents and emissions.

  15. COP5 Agenda Agenda item 6.3: Economically sustainable alternatives to tobacco growing (in relation to Articles 17 and 18) Document: FCTC/COP/5/10 and COP/5/INF.DOC./3 Policy options and recommendations proposed Report of the Chair of the WG (document COP/5/INF.DOC.1): summary of main points raised by the Parties

  16. COP5 Agenda Agenda item 6.4:Implementation of Article 19 on liability Document: FCTC/COP/5/11 (prepared in cooperation with WHO TFI) review of Parties' experience and relevant liability regimes under other treaties; proposed options for supporting implementation of Article 19

  17. COP5 Agenda Agenda item 6.5: Control and prevention of smokeless tobacco products and electronic nicotine delivery systems Documents: FCTC/COP/5/12 and COP/5/13 (prepared in cooperation with WHO TFI) Review of Parties' experiences and regulatory measures; need to develop strategies and cooperation mechanisms to address the challenges of these products

  18. COP5 Agenda Agenda item 7.1: Reporting arrrangements under the WHO FCTC Document: FCTC/COP/5/14 Recommendations to further improve reporting, in particular taking account of key measures contained in the guidelines adopted by COP, standardizing definitions and indicators and facilitating future review of global progress

  19. COP5 Agenda Agenda item 7.2: Financial resources, mechanisms of assistance and international cooperation Documents: FCTC/COP/5/15 and COP/5/16 Information on financial resources and mechanisms of assistance available for implementation of the workplan adopted by COP and resources made available by WHO and other international organizations and stakeholders. Information on progress made to strengthen cooperation with international organizations and bodies

  20. COP5 Agenda Agenda item 7.3: South-South and triangular cooperation Document: FCTC/COP/5/17 Review of progress made and challenges in implementation of the WHO FCTC in developing countries; key action points and elements for an action plan

  21. COP5 Agenda Agenda item 7.4: Cooperation with the World Trade Organization on trade-related tobacco-control issues Document: FCTC/COP/5/18(prepared by WHO) Options for cooperation with WTO, including recommendations on the feasibility of implementing such options

  22. COP5 Agenda Agenda item 8: Budgetary and institutional matters Performance report 2010-2011 Interim performance report 2012-2013 Payment of voluntary assessed contributions Travel support available to Parties Proposed workplan and budget 2014-2015

  23. COP5 Agenda Agenda item 8.1: Performance report 2010-2011 Document: FCTC/COP/5/19 Information on implementation of workplan and budget in 2010-2011

  24. COP5 Agenda Agenda item 8.2: Interim performance report 2012-2013 Document: FCTC/COP/5/20 Status of implementation of current workplan and budget Proposals for interim workplan and budget for activities required before entry into force of the protocol

  25. COP5 Agenda Agenda item 8.3: Payment of voluntary assessed contributions (VAC) Document: FCTC/COP/5/21 Status of collection of VAC Possible ways to improve payment based on relevant practice in the UN and other treaties

  26. COP5 Agenda Agenda item 8.4: Travel support available to Parties Document: FCTC/COP/5/22 COP4 decision on travel suppport was taken with effect until and including COP5 Information about support provided so far; review of practice in WHO and other treaties of the UN Possible arrangements for financing travel support

  27. COP5 Agenda Agenda item 8.5: Proposed workplan and budget for 2014-2015 Documents: FCTC/COP/5/23 and COP/5/INF.DOC./2 Proposed workplan and budget (activities to be funded by VAC and extrabudgetary funds) Detailed information contained in explanatory note (COP/5/INF.DOC./2) Proposals for efficiency measures

  28. COP5Agenda Agenda item 8: Budgetary and institutional matters Role of the Bureau of the COP Process for appointment of the head of the Convention Secretariat Accreditation of nongovernmental organizations

  29. COP5Agenda Agenda item 8.1: Role of the Bureau of the COP Document: FCTC/COP/5/24 Recommendations to COP on possible ways to clarify and formalize the role and functions of the Bureau between sessions, in particular ad hoc functions that have been performed so far.

  30. COP5Agenda Agenda item 8.2: Process for appointment of the Head of the Convention Secretariat Document: FCTC/COP/5/25 Bureau's proposals for the process on appointment, term of office and renewal of the next head of the Secretariat

  31. COP5Agenda Agenda item 8.3: Accreditation of nongovernmental organizations as observersto the COP Document: FCTC/COP/5/26 Proposals to standardize applications (standard form) Proposed process and criteria for future reviews of accreditation

  32. COP5Agenda Agenda item 9 Date and venue of COP6 in 2014 Agenda item 10 Election of the Bureau: President and five Vice-Presidents, each representing one region

  33. COP5Agenda Other institutional items: Agenda item 2: Applications for observer status to the COP Applications received from Interpol and the South Centre (IGOs) Agenda item 4:Report of the Secretariat and global progress report on implementation of the WHO FCTC, followed by a general debate

  34. COP5Proposed method of work Plenary: Agenda items 1 to 5, 9 and 10 Committee A: Agenda items 6 Committee B: Agenda items 7 and 8

  35. COP5DAY 1 First Plenary meetinga, 12 November Opening ceremony Adoption of agenda and method of work (including allocation of items to committees) Applications for observer status (Interpol and the South Centre) Report of the Secretariat and global progress report in implementation of the WHO FCTC Adoption of the protocol to eliminate illicit trade in tobacco products General debate

  36. Thank you

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