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Lean Repair Industrial Plant Equipment Kaizen MARMC. Presenter: Ed Gale (Excess Mat) Frank Walker (IPE) CDR Billie Walden (FTA) Lean Coordinator: Rhonda Hart 6 Apr 06. Excess Material Update. IPE Management
Lean RepairIndustrial Plant Equipment KaizenMARMC Presenter: Ed Gale (Excess Mat) Frank Walker (IPE) CDR Billie Walden (FTA) Lean Coordinator: Rhonda Hart 6 Apr 06
IPE Management Review industrial plant equipment inventory and support processes and target this area for continuous improvement efforts. Project Goals: Identify the RMC/FMA IPE manager Inventory existing Fleet IPE supporting Fleet Maintenance; identify excess IPE. Achieve a standard approach to IPE maintenance & support Establish process to provide budget support for OMN and OPN funded IPE. Identify & share best practices Maintain frequent and effective communication between IPE Managers, COMNAVSURFLANT C434C3 Ed Hall and CLF utilizing web sites to share useful information IPE Kaizen
Project Champion: Frank S. Walker Facilities Manager Code 1150 Team Members: MM1 English, MMC Thomas, Kenny Collins, Moses Coleman, Steve Kinnaird, MMCM Merriman, ETC Joiner, HTCS Runkles, GSMC Lauppe, Don Altizer, Fred Sticklen, EM1 Hart, Ray Dibaso, GSMC Furlow, MM1 Gregory, MR1 Scheminant, MMC Young, EM1 Tackett, GSEC Collelo, MM1 Ruane, LT Wuestewald, GMC Blanchard, GM1 When, ICC Carsten, GMC Blanchard, Lloyd Allen, HTCHolmes, HT1 Emerson, CW03Spires. IPE Kaizen
Proposed IPE Process Elements • Load the equipment data in the System (NEMAIS 213) • Create an annual IPE project (NEMAIS 110) • Create an IPE Support Team (NEMAIS 510) • Obtain IPE PMS requirements • Create a master schedule of IPE related maintenance • Create & Complete MWOs for items on the schedule (NEMAIS 230 & 700) • Provide annual budget input (NEMAIS 310) • Maintenance Costs • Replacement Costs • Complete the annual IPE project (NEMAIS 830) OP32 Non Labor Overhead Above items were discussed in June 2005
IPE Repair & PMS • Provide an overview of the process through which your activity manages IPE repair and PMS • Work center DIVO identifies IPE as OOC to IPE manager and Out of Commission (OOC) coordinator with justification & request for repair. • IPE manager and OOC coordinator verifies current usage, equipment age, if duplicate equipment is available, frequency of repair, etc. If justified and over $1,000 IPE manager notifies Ed Hall with written request for funding. Request identifies if parts and labor required due to repair beyond our capability or just part support. • QA is provided by Work Center (WC) supervisor who visually inspects, verifies operation, and certifies the repairs are accomplished in accordance with the applicable tech manual, approved DON procedures and best engineering practices.. Repair documents are maintained in the WC and 3m office.
IPE Repair & PMS • Provide an overview of the process through which your activity manages IPE repair and PMS • IPE manager verified current PMS records are accurate and up to date. WC supervisors conduct PMS spot checks and provide a written report weekly to the command 3M coordinator office • 3M office conducts monthly spot checks/audits IAW OPNAV 4790.4D Records of compliance are maintained in the WC and 3M office • QA is maintained thru Job Qualification Requirements (JQR) for all WC personnel. WC personnel adhere to established DON 3M standards of conduct for IPE maintenance, repair, and PMS. • EXAMPLE: MARMC receives transferred petty officer (PO). Before PO is allowed to operate IPE they must complete job qualification requirements. These are an initial qualifications or re-qualification as QA Craftsman, 3M Maintenance, JQR, PQS (or both), Rating Specific Qualification and CPR if required. These qualifications require 3-6 months to complete. Documentation of compliance is available for review and maintained in each WC.
IPE Funding • Provided an overview of how IPE support is funded at your activity • Repair funding is requested via electronic format from the IPE Manager to COMNAVSURFLANT C434C3 Ed Hall. • MARMC personnel provide labor to repair all IPE within our capability • MARMC utilizes Service Contracts on State of the Art IPE estimated at $6,000 QTR • Consumables for IPE is estimated at $30,000 QTR • Fixtures are manufactured in house utilizing plant stock • Utilizing LEAN processes we identified/removed 30 pieces of redundant and/or non-value added IPE which has been reallocated to other DON activities
Changes: IPE definition was updated and added to JFM Designated IPE Manager as single POC 3. Designated IPE coordinators in WC Results: IPE users understand what is considered IPE and why Directs all aspects IPE Program which maintains synergy Fosters ownership at the equipment level which opens effective lines of communication between WC and IPE manager IPE KaizenProcess Changes Made
IPE Initiative Local lean methods used to improve IPE management • Reduction of redundant & non-value added IPE • Realigned WC footprints to increase efficiency’s Local lean methods used to minimize IPE down time – TPM program • Positive control of entire IPE process which includes but is not limited to documented PMS, accurate repair/maintenance records, equipment footprint alignment, usage, updated OOC listing, trained & experienced personnel and accurate records of IPE funding requirements..
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Lessons Learned: IPE Manager is the “Best Practice” providing guidance so all members can see the “Big Picture” WC IPE coordinators are critical and vital for a successful program TEAM WORK, COMMUNICATION, TEAM WORK Recommendations: 1.IPE Manager is billeted as a full time position and not a collateral duty position 2. NEMAIS should have PMS, Usage, Repair/Maintenance modules to accurately track IPE program initiatives 3. Loading and maintaining accurate data in DPAS and NAMAIS is redundant and excessively burdensome administratively. Neither program is designed to fully capture the necessary fields that accurately support an IPE program. Request a definitive decision by governing authority on which program best suits our goals. IPE Material Kaizen
FY06 Lean Program Overview 4/6/06
Preparation for June Timekeeping VTC • Comment on the following: • Ability to identify lost time by department. Yes, this data can be captured using NEMAIS, CATSDB data table. [Lost Time=Unused Capacity, the time that is available in a Production Shop, but which is not charged to a job] • Ability to identify missing time by department. Yes, Based on 40hrs per Week Schedule, Missing Time can be identified for Civilian’s, Military and Contractors. • Ability to identify top five overtime usage cost centers. Yes, MARMC Code 650 already pulls this data. • Accuracy of charges in the system; i.e., how do you know that charges reflect actual worker activity? Yes, Managers who certify time cards validate this data each pay period. Note: LEAN Team plans to go into the field and perform Random Sampling to also check Accuracy of Charges.
Other Items to Report FLEET TECHNICAL ASSIST PROJECT • Problem Statement: • The technical assistance process is insufficiently and ineffectively documented and executed. The problems are manifested in the following areas: • Business process rules • Work screening • Data processing between systems • Training (Internal and External) • Goal Statement: • Review and optimize business process rules. Streamline/reduce work screening process. Identify and propose solutions for data processing. Develop internal and external training plans to implement changes. • Project Scope: • The scope of the project is to include distance support, onboard technical assistance, oversight of shop, ship and contractor technicians and non-scheduled assessments. Constraints include: Non-nuclear surface ships only, use existing electronic tools (RMAIS and NEMAIS). If the page number > 18, your brief is not Lean! Also, recheck file size < 5 Megs. Delete this callout.
Other Items to Report ESC FTA STOPLIGHT PROGRESS CHART If the page number > 18, your brief is not Lean! Also, recheck file size < 5 Megs. Delete this callout.
Other Items to Report Percent of jobs, by region, If the page number > 18, your brief is not Lean! Also, recheck file size < 5 Megs. Delete this callout. At least 22% of MARMC jobs start the day the job hits NEMAIS or sooner! At least 14% start before the job hits NEMAIS! Over 28% of SWRMC jobs start the day the job hits or sooner!
Other Items to Report OPTIONS: • Using VS & data, options for “RIE” to decrease amendment workload: • Delay Tech Assist until 2K is uplined and brokered • WMTs broker TA-3 2Ks to NEMAIS daily • Shore-based WMT input 2Ks when needed for timekeeping for tasks started but not uplined and brokered • RMC Tech Services Codes input 2Ks when needed for timekeeping for tasks started but not uplined and brokered • Maintain status quo RECOMMENDATIONS: • Run test pilots on options 2 and 4: • 2 Maintenance Teams review RMAIS queues and broker TA-3 2Ks daily. LHA MTs are candidates. • 2 tech codes with high labor amendments input notifications with ship JSN directly into NEMAIS (but not for LHAs). 952E and 953A are candidates. • Track results for two pay periods and check effectiveness of changes. • Process Owner (CAPT Woods) has approved recommendations, briefed ESC • Completed training • Implementation of pilots: 19 March If the page number > 18, your brief is not Lean! Also, recheck file size < 5 Megs. Delete this callout.