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SSI: Student Satisfaction Inventory

SSI: Student Satisfaction Inventory. 2010 Results. Today’s Agenda. Demographics 2010 RCTC SSI Strengths and Weaknesses Midwestern and National Community Colleges Comparisons Summary Questions SSI Benchmarks SSI/PSOL Comparisons Next Steps. Demographics.

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SSI: Student Satisfaction Inventory

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  1. SSI: Student Satisfaction Inventory 2010 Results

  2. Today’s Agenda Demographics 2010 RCTC SSI Strengths and Weaknesses Midwestern and National Community Colleges Comparisons Summary Questions SSI Benchmarks SSI/PSOL Comparisons Next Steps

  3. Demographics

  4. 2010 SSI National and Midwestern Comparisons • National Group: 178,116 participants from 204institutions • Midwestern: 61,025 records • Minnesota Colleges: • Alexandria Technical College • Century College • Inver Hills Community College • Lake Superior College • North Hennepin Community College • Northwest Technical College • Rochester Community and Technical College • South Central College • White Earth Tribal and Community College

  5. RCTC/National 2010 Demographics

  6. RCTC SSI Survey Participation Higher is better  Note: 11th year of participation since 1998.

  7. RCTC Strengths and Opportunities

  8. RCTC Strengths 2010 Strengths = items in the top half of importance and the top 25% of satisfaction scores

  9. Mean Difference: Positive and Negative Asterisks indicate the level of statistical significance. • “*” = at the .05 level; • “**” = at the .01 level; • “***” = at the .001 level. This is an indication that these differences did not occur by chance.

  10. SSI National and Midwestern Comparisons • Only 1 item from RCTC SSI scores was higher than the midwesterncommunity colleges: • 10. Child care facilities are available on campus. *** (RCTC 4.65; Midwest 4.41) • Two items from RCTC SSI scores were higher than the national aggregation: • 39. The amount of student parking space on campus is adequate. *** (RCTC 4.69; National 4.44) • 10. child care facilities are available on campus. ** (RCTC 4.65; National 4.44)

  11. 2010 Items with Higher Satisfaction than 2008

  12. RCTC SSI Items: Top 10 Highest Satisfaction

  13. Ways to Build on Strengths... Provide positive feedback to the campus. Use high performing areas as models for other departments. Incorporate strengths into your recruiting/marketing messages. Communicate results. Celebrate.

  14. RCTC Opportunities 2010 Opportunities = items in the top half of importance and the bottom 25% of satisfaction scores or top 25% of performance gaps (still in top half of importance)

  15. 2010 RCTC SSI Items with Lowest Satisfaction Note: Order begins with lowest satisfaction. Red circles indicate a gap of 1.2 or greater.

  16. Survey Captures 3 Scores for Prioritizing 1 2 3 Importance Satisfaction Importance Satisfaction Importance – Satisfaction = Performance Gap

  17. Unmet Student Expectations Gaps between importance and satisfaction results  Lower is better  Note: # of items with gaps of 1.2 or greater

  18. Gaps between Importance and Satisfaction >-1.2

  19. …continued Gaps between Importance and Satisfaction >-1.2

  20. Ways to Improve . . . Go deeper by conducting focus groups. Prioritize what has most impact. Develop action steps. Act. Periodically check progress. Celebrate improvement. Enhance communications to Stakeholders

  21. RCTC vs. Midwesternand National

  22. Highest Mean Difference Scores vs. Midwestern Note: 69 items with *** out of 76 items.

  23. Highest Mean Difference Scores vs. National Average Note: 60 with *** out of 76 items.

  24. Summary Question Comparisons

  25. Met your expectations? Higher is better  1 = Not satisfied at all; 7 = Very satisfied

  26. Overall satisfaction. Higher is better  1 = Not satisfied at all; 7 = Very satisfied

  27. Enroll here again? Higher is better  1 = Not satisfied at all; 7 = Very satisfied

  28. 2010 Benchmark Satisfaction

  29. Academic Advising & Counseling Benchmarkassesses the academic advising program, evaluating advisors and counselors on their knowledge, competence, approachability, and personal concern for students. Higher is better  1 = Not satisfied at all, 7= Very satisfied

  30. Academic Advising & Counseling Benchmark Breakdown Higher is better  1 = Not satisfied at all, 7= Very satisfied

  31. Academic Services Benchmarkassesses services that students utilize to achieve their academic goals, such as the library, computer labs, tutoring, and study areas. Higher is better  1 = Not satisfied at all, 7= Very satisfied

  32. Academic Services Benchmark Breakdown Higher is better  1 = Not satisfied at all, 7= Very satisfied

  33. Admissions & Financial Aid Benchmarkmeasures the competence of admissions counselors, along with students' perceptions of the financial aid programs. Higher is better  1 = Not satisfied at all, 7= Very satisfied

  34. Admissions & Financial AidBenchmark Breakdown Higher is better  1 = Not satisfied at all, 7= Very satisfied

  35. Campus Climate Benchmarkevaluates how the institution promotes a sense of campus pride and belonging. Higher is better  1 = Not satisfied at all, 7= Very satisfied

  36. Campus Climate Benchmark Breakdown Higher is better  1 = Not satisfied at all, 7= Very satisfied

  37. Campus Support Services Benchmarkassesses the quality of support programs and services. Higher is better  1 = Not satisfied at all, 7= Very satisfied

  38. Campus Support Services Benchmark Breakdown Higher is better  1 = Not satisfied at all, 7= Very satisfied

  39. Concern for the Individual Benchmarkassesses your commitment to treating each student as an individual. This assessment includes groups who deal personally with students (e.g., faculty, advisors, counselors, and staff). Higher is better  1 = Not satisfied at all, 7= Very satisfied

  40. Concern for the Individual Benchmark Breakdown Higher is better  1 = Not satisfied at all, 7= Very satisfied

  41. Instructional Effectiveness Benchmarkmeasures students' academic experiences, the curriculum, and the campus's commitment to academic excellence. Higher is better  1 = Not satisfied at all, 7= Very satisfied

  42. Instructional Effectiveness Benchmark Breakdown Higher is better  1 = Not satisfied at all, 7= Very satisfied

  43. Registration Effectiveness Benchmarkassesses registration and billing, including how smooth the registration process is. Higher is better  1 = Not satisfied at all, 7= Very satisfied

  44. Registration EffectivenessBenchmark Breakdown Higher is better  1 = Not satisfied at all, 7= Very satisfied

  45. Responsiveness to Diverse Populations Benchmarkassesses the institution's commitment to specific groups of students enrolled at the institution (e.g., under-represented populations, students with disabilities, commuters, part-time students, and adult learners). Higher is better  1 = Not satisfied at all, 7= Very satisfied

  46. Responsiveness to Diverse PopulationsBenchmark Breakdown Higher is better  1 = Not satisfied at all, 7= Very satisfied

  47. Safety and Security Benchmarkmeasures the campus' responsiveness to students' personal safety and security. Higher is better  1 = Not satisfied at all, 7= Very satisfied

  48. Safety and Security Benchmark Breakdown Higher is better  1 = Not satisfied at all, 7= Very satisfied

  49. Service Excellence Benchmarkmeasures quality of service and personal concern for students in various areas of campus. Higher is better  1 = Not satisfied at all, 7= Very satisfied

  50. Service ExcellenceBenchmark Breakdown Higher is better  1 = Not satisfied at all, 7= Very satisfied

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