1. Diagnosis & Reconstruction of Benign Odontogenic Tumor Ameloblastoma
2. Diagnosis 18 year old male referred for second opinion for treatment of a large radiolucent lesion left mandibular body
3. Diagnostic Work-up Incisional biopsy
C-T Scan of mandible
Final surgical reconstructive treatment plan Admission Hackensack University Medical Center, same day surgery
4. Surgical Treatment plan Surgical removal of mandibular molars, first, second and third
Enucleation of Ameloblastoma with peripheral ostectomy
12 month post surgical C-T scan
5. Reconstruction Treatment Plan Stabilization of maxillary molars to prevent extrusion
Autogenous cortico-cancellous block graft harvested from mandibular symphysis
Graft secured with 2 bone screws, left mandibular alveolar ridge
Two osseointegrated implants are planned for left mandibular quadrant
Grafting procedure augmented with Platelet Rich Plasma