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Pronoun Reference

Pronoun Reference. Wednesday, September 7 th , 2011 By: Tiana Tocio and Jessica Mastej . Pronoun Reference. Pronoun Reference. Demonstrative Pronouns: this, that, such , and which Relative Pronouns: who, whoever, which, and that . More Than O ne P ossible A ntecedent.

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Pronoun Reference

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Pronoun Reference • Wednesday, September 7th, 2011 • By: TianaTocio and Jessica Mastej

  2. Pronoun Reference

  3. Pronoun Reference Demonstrative Pronouns: this, that, such, and which Relative Pronouns: who, whoever, which, and that

  4. More Than One Possible Antecedent • To keep ghosts from scaring the students, have them introduce themselves. • To keep ghosts from scaring the students, have the ghosts introduce themselves.

  5. Antecedent Is Too Far Away • Students should consult with their school caretaker who are lost. • Students who are lost should consult with their school caretaker.

  6. Antecedent Is Only Implied • Many young witches and wizards believe they can learn new spells without reading their spell books, but this is discouraged. • Many young witches and wizards believe they can learn new spells without reading their spell books, but such self-confidence is discouraged.

  7. Game • Draw a piece of paper out of the box. You will be separated into 4 groups, either Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin. • Each group will get a piece of paper with sentences to correct. The first group that turns in the paper with all the sentences changed correctly will receive candy.

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