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Review PP #1

Review PP #1. SOL objectives Standard 2 The student will demonstrate knowledge of early development of humankind from the Paleolithic Era to the agricultural revolution Standard 3

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Review PP #1

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  1. Review PP #1 • SOL objectives • Standard 2 • The student will demonstrate knowledge of early development of humankind from the Paleolithic Era to the agricultural revolution • Standard 3 • The student will demonstrate knowledge of ancient river valley civilizations, including Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus River Valley, China and the civilizations of the Hebrew, Phoenicians, and Nubians

  2. Standard 2: The student will demonstrate knowledge of early development of humankind from the Paleolithic Era to the agricultural revolution a. Explaining the impact of early hunter-gather societies was shaped by their physical environment b. Listing characteristics of hunter-gatherer societies, including use of tools and fire During Paloelithic Era (Old Stone Age) Were nomadic Migrated in search of good, water, shelter Invented first tools Included simple weapons Learned how to make and use fire Lived in clans Developed oral language Created “cave art” • Originated in east Africa 100,000-400,000 years ago • Homo sapiens migrated from Africa to Eurasia, Australia, and the Americas • Early humans were hunters and gatherers whose survival depended on the availability of wild plants an animals

  3. Review Questions! • 1. On what continent did the first forms of man evolve? • 2. What shaped how early human societies lived their lives? • 3. Name two characteristics of hunter-gather societies. • 4. What is the name for the “Old Stone Age”

  4. Standard 2: The student will demonstrate knowledge of early development of humankind from the Paleolithic Era to the agricultural revolution c. Describing technological and social advancements that gave rise to stable communities Consequences of Neolithic revolution 1. Larger groups of people could live together 2. Agriculture produced a surplus of food 3. Specialization of labor • Neolithic Era (New Stone Age) • Developed agriculture • Domesticated plants and animals • Used advanced tools • Made pottery • Developed weaving skills

  5. Review Questions • 1. Name 3 things that developed during the New Stone Age. • 2. What is another name for the New Stone Age? • 3. What effect did agriculture have on early man?

  6. Standard 2: The student will demonstrate knowledge of early development of humankind from the Paleolithic Era to the agricultural revolution d. Explaining how archeological discoveries are changing present-day knowledge of early peoples Aleppo and Jericho are examples of early cities in the Fertile Crescent studied by Archeologists CatalHoyuk is an example of a Neolithic settlement currently under excavation in Anatolia • Archeologists study past cultures by locating and analyzing human remains, settlements, fossils, and artifacts • Use scientific tests such as carbon dating to analyze fossils and artifacts • Stonehenge is an example of an archeological site in England that was begun during the Neolithic era and completed during the Bronze Age

  7. Stonehenge

  8. Review Questions! • 1. What does Carbon dating do? • 2. What is an artifact? • 3. Who studies past cultures by locating and analyzing human remains, fossils, and artifacts?

  9. Standard 3: The student will demonstrate knowledge of ancient river valley civilizations, including Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus River Valley, China and the civilizations of the Hebrew, Phoenicians, and Nubians a. Locating these civilizations in time and place Other Civilizations (2000 to 500 B.C.E.) Hebrews Settled between Mediterranean Sea and Jordan River Valley (Fertile Crescent, SW Asia) Phoenicians Settled along Mediterranean coast (Fertile Crescent, SW Asia) Nubia Upper Nile River (Africa) • River Valley Civilizations (3500 to 500 B.C.E.) • Mesopotamian • Tigris, Euphrates River (SW Asia) • Egyptian • Nile River Valley and Delta (Africa) • Indian • Indus River (South Asia) • Chinese • Huang He Valley (East Asia) • Offered rich soils and irrigation waters for agriculture • Tended to be easily protected from invasion by nomadic peoples

  10. Early River Valley Civs

  11. Review Questions! • 1. When did the first river civilizations appear? • 2. Egypt is located next to what river? • 3. What area is located between the Tigris and Euphrates River? • 4. What groups raided river valley civilizations? • 5. Who settled along the Eastern Mediterranean coast?

  12. Standard 3: The student will demonstrate knowledge of ancient river valley civilizations, including Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus River Valley, China and the civilizations of the Hebrew, Phoenicians, and Nubians b. Describing the development of social, political, and economic problems, including slavery Development of Economic patterns Metal tools and weapons Bronze, Iron Increasing agriculture surplus Better tools, plows, irrigation Increasing trade along rivers and by sea Phoenicians Development of world’s first cities Development of the practice of slavery • Development of Social Patterns • Hereditary rulers • Dynasties of kings, pharaohs • Rigid class system • Development of Political Patterns • World’s 1st states • City-states, kingdoms, empires • Centralized government • Often based on religious authority • Written law codes • Ten Commandments (Hebrews) • Code of Hammurabi (Babylon)

  13. Review Questions • 1. Who ruled Egypt? • 2. Most river civilizations had a rigid class system. True or False? • 3. Most early civilizations had a government based on what? • 4. Name the two written law codes of the Fertile Crescent. • 5. What was the first empire? • 6. What political system is characterized by a city and surrounding lands? • 7. What were two metals used to make tools and weapons

  14. Standard 3: The student will demonstrate knowledge of ancient river valley civilizations, including Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus River Valley, China and the civilizations of the Hebrew, Phoenicians, and Nubians c. Explaining the development of religious traditions d. Describing the origins, beliefs, traditions, customs, and spread of Judaism Origins of Judaism Abraham, Moses Jerusalem Beliefs, Traditions, and Customs Belief in one god (Monotheism) Torah Contains written records and belief of Jews Ten Commandments Moral and religious conduc Spread of Judaism Exile, Diaspora • Polytheism practiced by most early civilizations • Monotheism practiced by the Hebrews

  15. Review Questions! • 1. What is the holy city of the Hebrews? • 2. Who led the Jews out of Egypt? • 3. What states the proper moral and religious conduct for Hebrews? • 4. What is the belief in one God called? • 5. What is the religion of the Hebrews? • 6. The Hebrews were captured and taken to Babylon. What is this called?

  16. Standard 3: The student will demonstrate knowledge of ancient river valley civilizations, including Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus River Valley, China and the civilizations of the Hebrew, Phoenicians, and Nubians e. Explaining the development of language and writing • Pictograms • Earliest written symbols • Hieroglyphics • Egypt • Cuneiform • Sumer • Alphabet • Phonecians

  17. Review Questions! • 1. What civilization used Hieroglyphics? • 2. What civilization used cuneiform?

  18. Review Quiz Games! • Prehistory- Hangman • Early Civilizations- Rags to Riches • SOL Test Questions # 1-19

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