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Wordlist 16 Segway into the Future

Wordlist 16 Segway into the Future. 1. Deliver (v.) Definition: to take goods, letters, parcels, etc. to people's houses or places of work Synonym: transport, distribute Example: Mail is delivered to our office twice a day. Word Family: de·liv·er·er ,  noun

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Wordlist 16 Segway into the Future

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  1. Wordlist 16Segway into the Future

  2. 1. Deliver (v.) Definition: to take goods, letters, parcels, etc. to people's houses or places of work Synonym: transport, distribute Example: Mail is delivered to our office twice a day. Word Family: de·liv·er·er, noun mis·de·liv·er, verb (used with object) out·de·liv·er, verb (used with object) pre·de·liv·er, verb (used with object) un·de·liv·ered, adjective

  3. 2. Gear (n) Definition:a device, often consisting of connecting sets of wheels with teeth (= points) around the edge, that controls how much power from an engine goes to the moving parts of a machine: Synonym: cog, cogwheel Example: Does your car have four or five gears? Word Family: gear·less, adjective re·gear, verb un·geared, adjective well-geared, adjective

  4. 3. Response Definition: an answer or reaction Synonym: answer, reply Example:Responses to our advertisement have been disappointing. Word Family: re·sponse·less, adjective coun·ter·re·sponse, noun

  5. 4. Inherent (adj.) Definition: existing as a natural or basic part of something Synonym: innate, built-in Example: There are dangers/risks inherent in almost every sport. Word Family: in·her·ent·ly, adverb non·in·her·ent, adjective non·in·her·ent·ly, adverb un·in·her·ent, adjective un·in·her·ent·ly, adverb

  6. 5. Lean (v.) Definition:to (cause to) slope in one direction, or to move the top part of the body in a particular direction Synonym: recline, bow Example:She leaned forward and whispered something in my ear. Word Family:

  7. 6. Marvel (n.) Definition: something that causes wonder, admiration, or astonishment Synonym: wonder, miracle Example: The new bridge is an engineering marvel. Word Family:

  8. 7. Ordinary (adj.) Definition:not different or special or unexpected in any way; usual Synonym: usual, normal, standard Example: Her last concert appearance in Britain was no ordinary (= a very special) performance. Word Family: or·di·nar·i·ness, noun qua·si-or·di·nar·y, adjective su·per·or·di·nar·y, adjective un·or·di·nar·y, adjective

  9. 8. Patrol (v.) Definition:(especially of soldiers or the police) to go around an area or a building to see if there is any trouble or danger Synonym: guard, keep watch Example: The whole town is patrolled by police because of the possibility of riots. Word Family: pa·trol·ler, noun re·pa·trol, verb (used with object), re·pa·trolled, re·pa·trol·ling. un·pa·trolled, adjective well-pa·trolled, adjective

  10. 9. Post (n) Definition: a strong piece of timber, metal, or the like, set upright as a support, a point of attachment, a place for displaying notices, etc. Synonym: pole, shaft Example: The team’s net was a piece of string tied to two posts. Word Family: post·less, adverb post·like, adjective

  11. 10. Primary (adj.) Definition:more important than anything else; main Synonym: main, chief Example: The Red Cross's primary concern is to preserve and protect human life. Word Family: pri·ma·ri·ness, noun post·pri·ma·ry, adjective sub·pri·ma·ry, adjective

  12. 11. Realize (v.) Definition: to understand a situation, sometimes suddenly Synonym: perceive, understand Example: They didn't realize the danger they were in. Word Family: re·al·iz·a·ble, adjective re·al·iz·a·bil·i·ty, re·al·iz·a·ble·ness, noun re·al·iz·a·bly, adverb re·al·iz·er, noun hy·per·re·al·ize, verb (used with object), hy·per·re·al·ized, hy·per·re·al·iz·ing.

  13. 12. Steering Wheel (n.) Definition:a wheel in a vehicle that the driver turns in order to make the vehicle go in a particular direction Synonym: Example: Word Family:

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