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Multidimensional Poverty: Technology, Motivation, and Global MPI Progress

Explore the latest advancements and global progress in the study of multidimensional poverty, including the Global MPI and its impact on international policies and development goals.

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Multidimensional Poverty: Technology, Motivation, and Global MPI Progress

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  1. Multidimensional Poverty James E. Foster Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative, Oxford University Development Dialogue at DACOR DACOR and USAID Alumni May 22, 2017

  2. Previously… Motivation Description of a new technology Example: Global MPI of the UNDP Its dimensions and indicators Several findings Debate

  3. This Presentation Review Motivation, technology, Global MPI, debates? Update and progress Academic National adoption and the peer network SDGs, World Bank, and other tales Future Plans Discussion

  4. Review Motivation Why multidimensional poverty? McNamara ‘72, WDR ‘90 and ‘00 Sen’s capability approach ‘97 Country demand

  5. Review Technology Alkire and Foster ‘11 Identify who is poor using dual cutoffs Measure as H x A where • H is percentage poor • A is average breadth of deprivation

  6. Review Global MPI

  7. Review Global MPI

  8. Review Global MPI Identify as poor those having over 30% deprivations Measure Global MPI = H x A Purpose Cross country comparisons Complement WB monetary poverty measure

  9. Review Global MPI vs World Bank Different ranking

  10. Review Global MPI vs World Bank Sub-nationally representative Africa

  11. Review National MPIs Mexico, Bhutan Purpose Reflect national priorities Guide policies Targeting, monitoring, coordination Not comparable across country

  12. Review Debates Ravallion’s “Mashup” So…Whither multidimensional poverty?

  13. Update and Progress Academics

  14. Update and Progress Academics Foster et al

  15. Update and Progress Academics Foster et al

  16. Update and Progress Academics Foster et al

  17. Update and Progress National adoptions

  18. Update and Progress National adoptions (official) Colombia Mozambique Chile Armenia El Salvador HCMC (Vietnam) Costa Rica Ecuador Honduras Pakistan

  19. Update and Progress Other national adoptions underway Panama Launch 26 June Dominican Republic Launch 28 June China Launch October (?) Rwanda, Senegal, Chad, Egypt, Tunisia, Peru, Guatemala, Moldova, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives, Seychelles, Jordan, Cote d’Ivoire… Note Most retain monetary poverty as a complementary approach

  20. Update and Progress Why the move to multidimensional? Good governance Good development policies show Ex Mexico in the crisis Can coordinate government efforts more effectively Ex Colombia’s development plan “unsiloed” Countries are teaching countries Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network (MPPN) 50 countries and many international organizations

  21. Update and Progress Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Goal 1.1 by 2030, eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere, currently measured as people living on less than $1.25 a day Goal 1.2 by 2030, reduce at least by half the proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all its dimensions according to national definitions How did this happen? Side events at UNGA and national advocacy Costa Rica, Colombia, Mexico, South Africa Countries empowered by MPPN!

  22. Update and Progress World Bank

  23. Update and Progress World Bank Recommendation 18: The World Bank should establish its own requirements with regard to the measurement of nonmonetary poverty… Recommendation 19: The Complementary Indicators should include a multidimensioned poverty indicator based on the counting approach. How did this happen? Sir Tony Atkinson Adoption by countries and MPPN

  24. Update and Progress Also relevant Gross National Happiness Index Bhutan Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index USAID Bill Garvelink, Ruth Levine, Emily Hogue

  25. Update and Progress Future plans Why not developed countries? Europe Material deprivation index Canada For domestic use and evaluating aid projects

  26. Update and Progress Future plans Why not USA? Current measure from the ‘60s Policies highly silo-ed (Rebecca Blank) Time for rethinking Focus: Do people have the tools to pull themselves out of poverty? What do you think?

  27. Discussion? Thank you!

  28. Example: Colombia Coordination Updating Policies Targetting

  29. Multidimensional Poverty Index for Colombia and its applications (MPI-Colombia) ROBERTO ANGULO YADIRA DÍAZ RENATA PARDO National Planning Department Division of Social Promotion and Quality of Life September 2011

  30. Dimensions, Variables and Weights MPI-Colombia 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Educational Conditions Housing & Public Services Childhood & Youth Work Health Improved Water Schooling School Attendance Absence of long-term unemploy-ment Coverage Access to health care given a necessity Sanitation At the right level Illiteracy Formal work 0.1 Flooring Access to infant services 0.1 0.1 Exterior Walls Overcrowding No Child Labour 0.04 0.05

  31. Poverty committeeCoordinating and monitoring poverty reduction • Leaders • Counselor for the Presidency • National Planning Department • Permanent members • Ministry of Health • Ministry of Labor • Ministry of Housing • Ministry of Agriculture • Ministry of Education • Ministry of Finance MANDATORY PRESENCE The President of Colombia 31

  32. Sectoral goals For accomplishing the strategy 0%-10% avance 10%-25% avance >25% avance A(1) *** Pobreza B(2) *** *** *** C(3) D(4) *** *** E(5) *** *** *** Change 2011-2012 est. significant 32

  33. Improving Policies in Colombia – A Timeline NDP 2010 2011 2013 2012 2010 Alerts: -Habitability -School achievement -Early childhood care -Income generation

  34. 2010- 2011 Policies: • Free tuition fees in primary and secondary education • National strategy for childhood care • “De cero a Siempre” NDP 2010 2011 2013 2012 2010 Alerts: -Habitability -School achievement -Early childhood care -Income generation

  35. NDP 2010 2011 2013 2012 2011 Alerts: -Habitability -Lower rhythm of multidimensional poverty reduction

  36. 2011-2012 policies: • 100,000 free housing solutions for poor households NDP 2010 2011 2013 2012 2011 Alerts: -Habitability -Lower rhythm of multidimensional poverty reduction -Low budget execution?

  37. NDP 2010 2011 2013 2012 2012 Alerts: -Lower rhythm of income poverty reduction - Gaps of rural to urban income poverty maintained

  38. 2012-2013 policies • Improved CCT program • “MásFamilias en Acción “ • (Higher amount and beneficiaries on rural areas) • Food Security Program: Colombia Growth Without Hunger NDP 2010 2011 2013 2012 2012 Alerts: -Lower rhythm of income poverty reduction - Gaps of rural to urban income poverty maintained

  39. NDP 2010 2011 2013 2012 2013Alerts: -Social mobility -Youth unemployment

  40. 2012-2013 policies • CCT to increase human capital and youth employment • “Jóvenes en Acción” NDP 2010 2011 2013 2012 2013Alerts: -Social mobility -Youth unemployment

  41. Re targeting program’s beneficiaries: approximating to municipal MPI Initial distribution of beneficiaries National - MPI

  42. Re targeting program’s beneficiaries: approximating to municipal MPI New distribution of beneficiaries National - MPI

  43. Discussion? Thank you again!

  44. Colombia.com - Bogota - 24/Ago/2011

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