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How SIM-based Tracking is different from GPS Tracking

In SIM-based tracking, you find out the location of the asset with the help of a GSM SIM. It shares the location of the nearest cellular tower from which itu2019s receiving signals. A GPS tracking system determines the exact location of objects with an advanced technological utility called the Global Positioning System.

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How SIM-based Tracking is different from GPS Tracking

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  1. HowSIM-basedTrackingisdifferentfromGPSTracking

  2. WhatisSIM-basedTracking? InSIM-basedtracking,youfindoutthelocation of the asset with the help of a GSM SIM. It shares the location of the nearest cellular towerfromwhichit’sreceivingsignals. Astheassetmoves,geographicalcoordinates aresharedwiththeoperatorontheapp/web portalatregularintervals. Itdoesnotrequireasmartphone,device installation,maintenancecost,ormuchtimeto getstarted.

  3. WhatisGPSTracking? AGPStrackingsystemdeterminestheexact locationofobjectswithanadvancedtechnological utilitycalledtheGlobalPositioningSystem. It’sacombinationofmorethantwodozensatellites, installedindifferentorbitingplanesinspace. Every GPS Satellite shoots accurate position, i.e. longitude&latitude,andtimesignals.

  4. ComponentsofaGPSTrackingSystem AGPSTrackingsystemrequiresasophisticatedsetup.Threemaincomponents,necessaryfor eventhepilottracking: Tracking Device Servertostoredata UIfortheend-user. The tracker is installed in the vehicle/asset with a SIM that provides the network(GPS+GSM) for relaying data. The data packets are then sent to the central server that stores data. It is translatedinunderstandablelanguageandpresentedthroughtheapp/websitetotheend-user.

  5. Howaretheydifferent? SIM-basedTrackingvsGPSTracking

  6. Cost-effectiveness GPSTracking:Inthelongrun,aGPSTrackingsystemgivesagoodreturn on investment. However, at the time of installation, it requires a certain cost. SIM-basedTracking:ItcostsyounothingtoenableSIM-basedtrackingat anytime.Justafeaturephone,aSIMandthephoneuser’sconsent.

  7. Maintenance GPSTracking:Yes,itmayrequire maintenancefromtimetotime SIM-based Tracking: No maintenanceneeded,whatsoever.

  8. NumberofFeatures GPSTracking:GPStrackingsoftwarehas multiplefeaturessuchaslivetracking,automatics alerts,Geofence,currentstatusandmanymore. SIM-based Tracking:SIM-based tracking is only about tracking the location of the asset that also onintervals.

  9. AccuracyofData GPSTracking:Impeccable accuracyofdataastheexactlat. long. are shared by the device withinseconds. SIM-basedTracking:Notvery accurate as the SIM shares the geographicalcoordinateofthe nearesttower.

  10. PaymentCriteria GPSTracking:Thetermpaymentisfixed. Mostlyworksonpervehicle/trackerbasis. SIM-based Tracking: No term payments for SIMtrackingservices.Justpayasyougo.You justpayperping/hit.

  11. InternetConnectivity GPSTracking:Internetconnectivityisa mustfortherelayingofdata. SIM-basedTracking:Internetisnot needed.

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