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Chapter 12 Transformations Around the Globe. II. Modernization in Japan By: KayLee Groshong. A. Japan Ends its Isolation. Japan continued trading with china and Dutch from Indonesia. Also Diplomatic contact with Korea Demand for Foreign Trade
Chapter 12Transformations Around the Globe II. Modernization in Japan By: KayLee Groshong
A. Japan Ends its Isolation • Japan continued trading with china and Dutch from Indonesia. • Also Diplomatic contact with Korea • Demand for Foreign Trade • Westerners tried to convince them to open their ports to trade. • Matthew Perry took four ships into Tokyo to give a letter from President Millard Fillmore. • Treaty of Kanagawa- Under terms, Japan opened two ports for the U.S. ships
A. Japan Ends its Isolation 2. Meiji Reform and Modernization • The Japanese were angry that the shogun had given in to the foreigners demands. • Tokugawa shogun stepped down, ending the military dictatorships. • Mutsuhito took control. • Meiji era- Mutsuhito took control of government. It lasted 45 years • He modernized. • He sent diplomats to Europe and North America to study Western ways • Japan built railroad line in 1872, it connected Tokyo, with the port of Yokahama
B. Imperial Japan • By 1890, the country had several dozen warships and 500,000 soldiers. • Strongest military power in Asia • The Nation also became more imperialistic. • National pride played a large part in Japans imperial plans • Japan was determined to show the world that they were a powerful nations.
B. Imperial Japan 2. Japan Attacks China • In 1876, Japan forced Korea to open three ports to Japanese trade. • China considered Korea to be important both as a trading partner and a militray outpost. • China signed a hands-off afreement. • China broke that agreement. • Chinese troops marched into Korea. • China and Japan signed a peace treaty
B. Imperial Japan • Russo-Japanese War • Japans victory over China changed the worlds balace of power. • Russia and Japan emerged as the major powers- and enemies- In east asia. • They soon went to war over Manchuria • Russo-Japanese War- In 1904, Japan launched a surprise attack on Russian ships anchored off the coast of Manchuria. • Japan drove Russian troops out of Korea and captured most of Russia pacific fleet. • Japan and Russia began peace negotiations. • U.S. president Theodore Roosevelt helped draft the treatey
B. Imperial Japan 4. Japanese Occupation of Korea 1. After defeating Russia, Japan attacked Korea with vengeance. 1. Korean Imperial Army was disbanded. 2. Japan officially imposed annexation- brought that country under japans control. 2. Japan took over Korea. 1. They changed the studies to Japanese, and the language.