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Fund Office Report Jonathan Wadsworth Fund Council Meeting March 7-8, 2012. STATE OF THE FUND Overview of CGIAR Fund Inflows and Outflows December 2010 to December 2011. * Funds were received but Contribution Agreements had not been signed by 12/31/2011, or
Fund Office ReportJonathan WadsworthFund Council MeetingMarch 7-8, 2012
STATE OF THE FUNDOverview of CGIAR Fund Inflows and Outflows December 2010 to December 2011 * Funds were received but Contribution Agreements had not been signed by 12/31/2011, or Contribution Agreements were signed by year end, but funds were not received in 2011.
Cumulative Fund Inflows and Projections as of December 31, 2011
CGIAR Fund flows 2011 and year end balances $ Outflows From W1 $ Outflows $ Inflows $ Balance as of Dec. 31 $ Outflows From W2
CGIAR Fund Donor types – 2011 Proportion of contributions by Window
Fund Council Composition in 2013-15 • 2012 is final year of inaugural FC • New FC term will be from 2013 – 2015 • From 2013, FC eligibility will be based on contributions to the Fund only • Contributions to the Fund will be attributed in the year they are received by the Fund • Current FC will determine if contributions to Window 3 will be counted toward FC eligibility • Each constituency determines its rotation of eligible seat(s) at FC
Support to the Fund Council Chair and Processing of CRPs Support to the Fund Council Chair Meeting with DG of World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), Jan 12 Townhall hosted by ICRAF & ILRI with CGIAR staff in Nairobi, Feb 2 Meeting with IFPRI delegation, including DG and Director/Acting Director of CRP4 and CRP2, Feb 10 Meeting with Vice Chair of Consortium Board, Feb 23 CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs) FO guides process of obtaining FC approval, completing legal documents, disbursing funds, and reporting progress to donors In 2011, FO shepherded 12 CPAs for CRPs, the Genebank and Funding Stability into fully executed agreements
Fund Council Business Processes and Decision Making CGIAR Policy for Independent External Evaluation Search and Selection Process for Head of IEA ISPC Fund Use Agreement Consortium Fund Use Agreement Appointment of New SPIA Chair CGIAR Harmonized Reporting CGIAR Principles on Intellectual Assets Proposed Efficiency Measures Recovery of 2011 System Cost & CSP for 2012
Investor Relations and Resource Mobilization Funding Predictability and Resource Mobilization Strategy • Small group of donors convened as sounding board • Draft strategy to all donors (March 6) and roadmap to FC (March 8) • First replenishment meeting planned for late 2012 Donor Visits: AfDB, Austria, France, Morocco, Spain, Syngenta F., UK Engagement with Mexico: fast track initiatives to increase ag productivity Outreach through participation in: • FAO-hosted Celebration of CGIAR’s 40th Anniversary, Dec 2, Rome • Chatham House Conference “Food Security 2011: Transforming the Food Production System,” Dec 14-15, London • L’Aquila Food Security Initiative participants meeting, Feb 2-3, D.C. • Visits to Consortium Office in Montpellier, December & February
Outreach Collaboration with the World Bank FO liaises between the CGIAR and WB on various issues CGIAR booth at WB’s Sustainable Development Forum CGIAR guest speakers at plenary and parallel sessions FO-sponsored side event on recommendations of Commission on Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change Strategic Communications With input from FO, Consortium to prepare strategy for system; FO to prepare comms action plan & products to support RM, FO goals Joint communications opportunities (e.g., Rio+20 and Planet under Pressure)