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Welcome to Tolar Elementary Second Grade Parent Orientation

Welcome to Tolar Elementary Second Grade Parent Orientation. Please be sure to sign in!!. Introductions. Mrs. Anderson- Math Mrs. Crawford- Reading/Language Mrs. Vahlenkamp- Science and Social Studies Elementary Principal- Mrs. Carey Elementary Counselor- Mrs. Foster.

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Welcome to Tolar Elementary Second Grade Parent Orientation

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  1. Welcome to Tolar Elementary Second Grade Parent Orientation Please be sure to sign in!!

  2. Introductions • Mrs. Anderson- Math • Mrs. Crawford- Reading/Language • Mrs. Vahlenkamp- Science and Social Studies • Elementary Principal- Mrs. Carey • Elementary Counselor- Mrs. Foster

  3. Principal, Mrs. Carey Text message information: Text 81010 with the message @tolare

  4. Counselor, Mrs. Foster

  5. Secretary, Mrs. Shultz

  6. School Nurse, Nurse Clark Notes were sent home last week explaining new laws regarding the dispersing of over-the-counter medications. If you are able to help out with the recommendations suggested for your child’s grade level, please do so. 

  7. Tolar Elementary Vision: • At Tolar Elementary our children come first. We will passionately provide a secure, respectful and challenging learning environment. We will: • Implement Rachel’s Challenge in order to help us instill values in ourselves, our students and in others. • Implement our Watch Dog program to provide community involvement, resulting in positive relationships and added security. • We will vertically align our curriculum and provide relevant and meaningful instruction. • We will continue to provide opportunities for team-building and professional/personal growth with our staff.

  8. Arrival Procedures

  9. Morning Assembly • Morning Assembly begins at 7:50 a.m. • Tardy at 8:00 (outside doors lock at 8:00) • 3 tardy=1 unexcused absence Children may be dropped off at 7:00 a.m., and proceed to the gym and sit with their class. If they are eating breakfast, they will be escorted the cafeteria at 7:30. • If you arrive after 8:00 a.m., you will need to walk your child to the office to get a tardy slip. • Please DO NOT drop your child off in the parking lot and allow them to walk in alone. Either drop them in the pick-up line or walk them to the door on the north side of the building. You never know when a child may quickly remember something and run back to your car.

  10. Absences/Illness • Excessive absences hinder a child’s progress. • Please do not send your child to school if he/she has a temperature. • Children must be fever & vomit free for 24 hours. • When your child returns, a parent note (ONLY 5 per semester) or doctor’s note is required in order for the absence to be excused.

  11. Dismissal/Transportation

  12. ow do I get Home? • If there is any change in transportation arrangements anytime throughout the year, we must have it in writing or we will stick with the plan that we have!!! • Bus • K-3rd grade pick-up line • 4th & 5th pick-up line • Walk-up Station • After School Program • (Siblings may be combined) • If a student will be going home with another student, we must have a signed parent note with a phone number. • School Ends at 3:25 (Please do NOT come in and sign your child out simply to avoid the pick-up line.) • Please notify the office of any transportation changes NO LATER than 2:30!

  13. Need to pickup early? • We encourage you to make appointments after 1:40 p.m.(**Rattler Buck incentive) • To check your child out, you MUST have your driver’s license with you. • The office will then send for your child to be brought to you. • If someone other than you is picking your child up early, they must be on the AGR card or we must have a hand-written note from a parent/guardian.

  14. Reading and Language

  15. Mrs. Crawford’s Class Reading/Language in Second Grade • This year I am using "Rooted in Reading," by Amy Lemons. Each week we will explore a fun book together. It will be followed up with comprehension and grammar skills that follow the TEK guidelines. Each book will have vocabulary to learn and we will have weekly comprehension assessments that go along with the story. My day for assessments are on Friday. *If you know that your child is going to be absent, please email me ahead of time, so that we can make arrangements for your child to be assessed early!

  16. Reading/Language Folders • I am using a Language Homework Folder this year. Inside this folder, there will be important information. I will send these home every Monday and they need to be returned on Friday! It's okay to send them to school on Thursday, but please do not send them any earlier, unless you know that your child will not be returning back to school until Monday. Try to return them on Friday though, I really need the weekend to look through your child's folder and reload them for the following week. The folder will be divided into the following sections:

  17. Spelling: I will have a copy of the updated spelling list and a spelling homework sheet to be completed at home. Please keep the homework inside the folder! Do not turn it in separately!

  18. Sight Words:There will be an updated list of sight words to work on at home. These will come home at the beginning of the six weeks. It will be in the form of flashcards that can be cut apart and used to study. You do notneed to return them in the folder. If you lose them or misplace them, please let me know inside the folder and I can give you a new set.

  19. Leveled Books: • As we begin working in our reading groups, I will determine the level of readers to put in their folder. I would like for you to listen to your child read them a couple of times throughout the week. They will also bring home their library book each night. Please record your child's reading on the sheet provided in the folder. I know with our busy lives, we do not always have time to sit down and listen to our child read. Please make an effort to sit down at least once a week to share this important time with your child.

  20. Poetry Section: • I will also include a fun poem each week that goes along with our unit of study. It will be included for you to read together. Poetry is one of our Second Grade TEKS, and we will be exploring lots of fun poems throughout the year! *Please take the poem out and keep at home before returning the folder on Friday.

  21. The folder counts as a participation grade toward your child's six weeks grade! Please help to establish a positive reading routine with your child at home. You will be so happy that you shared this time with your precious child.

  22. Science & Social Studies

  23. Mrs. Vahlenkamp • Labs in science are a privilege. If your child moves their clip down to red, they may not be allowed to participate in labs that day. • The only homework your child might have in my class is if they are absent. Ample time will be given in class to complete work. Projects will be assigned occasionally. Advance notice will be given. Usually, we will complete a week of Science, and then a week of Social Studies. Special cases around holidays may alter this.

  24. MATH

  25. Mrs. Anderson • FACTS PRACTICE!!!! (Incentive) • 1,000 Club (Incentive) • We will have weekly Timed Test ( **Please make sure you practice addition & subtraction facts at home.) • Some students are still writing a few numbers backwards. This is not completely uncommon; however, we need to address it. I make corrections and speak to students about this. Please practice at home • Financial Literacy Project (Christmas store) • **NEED: Large marshmallows, toothpicks and Cheerios (by Friday, 9/4)**

  26. I am currently in the process of building a new curriculum for math. I have purchased Unit 1, 2 &3 (there are a total of 9 units). Reagan Tunstall (teacher in Texas-TEKS aligned)First Grade started using this curriculum last year. K-2 adopted this year. It is very hands on, and centered around my rotation/small group classroom desires. **This curriculum is very expensive, and requires a great deal of materials. If you would ever like to donate neon colored and/or white cardstock, I would be VERY grateful!! Everything must be printed, laminated and hand cut. It is a great curriculum, and aligns with our 2nd grade Math TEKS, and I am very excited to get started it.

  27. Rattler Bucks Supports Financial Literacy TEKS (2.11A, 2.11B)~Encourage attendance ~Teach responsibility/honesty~Behavior Incentive (Explain behavior expectations)~Coupons/Rattler Buck Auction**Donations will be needed-in May**

  28. 2nd Grade TEKS Supporting Readiness

  29. Six Weeks Assessments

  30. Students will take an end of six weeks assessment (in each class)Assessments will cover ALL content (TEKS) covered for that six weeks period. These tests are difficult at first, but as the year progresses, their endurance and testing taking skills will improve!!

  31. 2nd Grade Procedures

  32. Lunch • We encourage you to pre-pay meals on-line or by sending a check or money in your child’s folder of any dollar amount but it must be in a baggie or an envelope and it must be labeled with your child's name. Visit TISD webpage, click on Cafeterias and sign up for “My School Bucks” • If your child has lunch money: they need to turn it in to their homeroom teacher first thing in the morning. • You are always welcome to eat lunch with your child (Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, too!) Please make sure you have your driver’s license with you. You must have it to sign-in and receive your Visitor Sticker • If you come to eat lunch with your child, You may only eat with your child. Your child is NOT allowed to have friends join‏ in on your lunch date. • We do NOT have snack time in 2nd grade.

  33. FREE & Reduced Breakfast and Lunch **Applications for free/reduced breakfast/lunch were sent home last week in your child’s purple folder. If you have not already, please EVERYONE complete this application…even if you THINK you will not qualify and even if your child NEVER gets a tray.** WHY?? • Our school will receive Federal Funds if we reach 40% in approved applications What Does This Money Do For TES? • Pays a salary for a teacher and an aide-and it also provides resources for our students and teachers FYI… • We did NOT make the quota of 40% this year. We lost our funds, and now money for the above is being taken from our budget. Two years ago, we missed out on a $100,000 federal grant to purchase new computers by ONE PERCENT!!! (That equates to about 2 or 3 applications!) Your application WILL help us! 

  34. Birthday’s • Each teacher will celebrate your child’s birthday in a special way. • Summer birthdays can be celebrated at the end of the year. • Invitations to parties can only be handed out in class if everyone in the class is receiving an invitation. • You may bring packagedgoodies and juice boxes on your child’s birthday. NO homemade goodies! Please contact your child’s teacher to make arrangements. • Please make sure you also bring napkins and plates. • Birthdays will be celebrated at the end of the day from 1:40-2:00.

  35. Grading Guidelines

  36. Make-Up Work: Students shall be given one day for each day missed due to an absence in order to turn in make-up work. • Homework: Homework may be assigned on a regular basis. Homework should be used primarily to extend and practice concepts and skills learned in class. • Late Work: Upon the due date of the assignment, if not completed the student will stay in during recess until the assignment is complete up to 3 days. 10 points will be deducted daily, after 3 days the assignment will not be accepted and a grade of a zero will be recorded. Students cannot correct failing papers due to late point deduction for a higher grade.

  37. Failing Daily Assignments/Homework: Students will have up to 3 days to correct a failing (below 70) daily assignment/homework one time for a maximum grade of a 70. • Failing Tests: Students will not have the opportunity to correct failing assessments for a better grade. Instead teachers will be re-teaching and re-testing the failed content during the school day. Re-teaching is about giving special attention in order to ensure clarity in understanding. The re-test grade will allow the student to earn points back to be added to the original test grade for a maximum grade of a 70. (points per question on the retest will be the as the points per question as the original test) • Each teacher will take a minimum of 10 grades per six weeks • Please remember, grades are EARNED, not GIVEN. 

  38. **Sent home the 3rd week of each six weeks**Please sign and return them the next school day! **These reports are a 3 week reflection. They are not a final grade. **Please make sure to monitor Parent Portal for up-to-date grades. Progress Reports

  39. Report Card • Report cards are sent home every 6 weeks • If you have any questions, please email your child’s teacher • **Please sign and return the following day!**

  40. Parent Portal • Online grading portal that enables your to track your child’s grades • Updates at midnight (if a teacher puts a grade into the computer, it will update at midnight) • Notification system (sends emails/text for any feature you subscribe to) • Contact Mrs. Shultz to get a user name • This tool is available for grades 1st thru 12th

  41. Discipline Procedures

  42. Discipline • CLASS RULES • Walk, talk and sit appropriately • Respect other people and their property • Follow directions the very first time • Be a good listener • BE KIND!!

  43. Team Player Chart • Green– Where we all start the day! Ready to work! • Yellow Warning- At the point of moving to yellow, the child will have already had a verbal warning most of the time. (Some exceptions are restroom behavior & being disrespectful or unkind) Students will walk for 5 minutes at recess and then conference with their teacher. (Starting next week, this will involve Rattler Bucks, too) $1 • Orange – • By this point, the student has likely had at least 3 infractions. The student will walk 10 minutes of their recess and conference with their teacher. ($3) • Red - Numerous infractions (or a severe infraction) Students will walk all of their recess, conference with their teacher, parents will be notified and they may have an office referral. ($5)

  44. Positive Choices Matter!!! • Blue-Good Job: Making Good Choices Going above and beyond, making great choices without reminders. (Students will earn $1 Rattler Buck) • Purple-Way to Go • Exceeding expectations/making awesome choices ($3) • Pink-Superhero Choices • OUTSTANDING Behavior! (Students will earn $5 Rattler Bucks) *For each student who moves their clip UP the chart, their name will be placed on in a ticket. Each Friday, we will draw a name for each homeroom and your child’s teacher will buy the winner ice-cream. (Each blue move=1 ticket, purple=3 tickets, pink=5 tickets)*

  45. Discipline Continued • SEVERE DISRUPTION A student who severely disrupts the classroom may be asked to immediately go to the principal’s office. (EX. commits bodily harm to others, destroys school or other student’s property, keeps the class from functioning or keeps the teacher from teaching.) • WELL BEHAVED STUDENTS ~A student who chooses to behave will earn the following: -Verbal praise and smiles -Positive notes -Stickers -Rattler Bucks -Tickets -Positive officer referrals

  46. CommunicationCommunication is vital to your child’s success!!

  47. Purple Daily Folder • Please return your child’s purple folder EVERYDAY!!!! • Please KEEP Calendar in the FOLDER! • Please make sure to remove all papers, return those that need to be returned and initial the folder-this shows us you saw the folder. • Folders are checked daily. • This is our way of communicating many things from school to home. • How your child’s day was • Notes to you (and from you)‏ • All papers from office, PTO, and other important information will come home in the purple folder • Lunch money needs to be in folder (in baggie with name) • Any other important information **Please take care of this folder. We do not get to order more until semester break.**

  48. Conference For any conference: • Our regular conference time is 8:05-9:05 Mon.-Thurs. (Friday schedule is different and short) • Please send a note, email or call 254-835-4028 to schedule an appointment with your child’s teachers. (We meet as a team) • If you have a concern throughout the day, email is the fastest way for us to respond. • Our Team Planning Day is Thursday, so we try not to schedule conferences on Thursday. However, if we need to, we certainly can! 

  49. Ways to Stay in Touch • Tolar ISD Webpage www.tolarisd.org • Teacher Webpages • E-Alerts -Go to TISD Homepage -Click “Register” at the top right side of screen -Fill in Date of Birth -Follow prompts thoroughly and provide valid information -You will receive a confirmation page indicating that your “Registration has Been Accepted” -Go back to the TISD Homepage and sign in (top right corner) -Once you’re signed in, you may “Access My Info” -You will be able to click on each teacher you wish to receive notifications from. Make sure to sign up for...Mrs. Carey, Mrs. Ives, Mrs. McAusland and any teachers your child/children have.

  50. Facebook: -Mrs. Ives P.E. Mrs. Yerigan Library -Mrs. Anderson’s Awesome 2nd Grade Class • Email -Mrs. Anderson aanderson@tolarisd.org -Mrs. Crawford ccrawford@tolarisd.org -Mrs. Vahlenkamp mvahlenkamp@tolarisd.org

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