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Learn about the employment policies promoted by the County Employment Agency in Calarasi County aimed at increasing the employment rate and reducing unemployment. Discover the services provided to jobseekers and employers to stimulate employment and social protection.
The policies promoted by the County Employment Agency Calarasi in the field of employment are aimed at increasing the employment rate and implicitly reducing unemployment. The Calarasi County Agency for Employment aims to improve the quality of employment services provided to both jobseekers and employers in a well-organized administrative framework.
The Calarasi County Agency for Employment is a public institution headed by a tripartite consultative council which ensures the participation of social partners, trade unions and employers, together with Government representatives in the elaboration and implementation of the programs and measures to stimulate employment and social protection people not in work.
Through the attributions conferred by the law and its internal organization, the County Agency for Employment and its subordinated units develop a complex, integrated and integrated system of services aimed at jobseekers and employers and have the purpose of stimulating employment and the social protection of the unemployed.
On the territory, the County Agency for Employment of Calarasi works with two local agencies and a working point: -Local Agency Calarasi, under its subordination -Work Point Lehliu Station -Local Agency Oltenita
The County Agency for Employment Calarasi draws up the Employment Plan, taking into account the attributions of the legislation in force, based on the policies and strategies developed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Justice.
The main general objectives of the Employment Plan are: Increasing occupational chances and harnessing the professional skills of people seeking employment on the domestic labor market; Preventing long-term unemployment; Facilitate the transition from unemployment to employment.
The specific objectives of the Employment Plan are mainly: -Support employment of people belonging to disadvantaged categories of the population; -Stimulation of the unemployed to take a job with a focus on youth employment; -Supporting and stimulating employers for employment by targeting disadvantaged groups;
-Stimulating labor mobility in the context of structural changes occurring in the national economy; -Supporting school leavers to gain professional experience by conducting internships and, accordingly, stimulating employers.
Evolutia somerilor inregistrati in evidentele AJOFM Calarasi in luna iulie 2017
Numarul somerilor care beneficiaza de indemnizatie de somaj conform Legii nr.76/2002 in luna iulie 2017
Repartizarea somerilor care beneficiaza de indemnizatie de somaj conform Legii nr.76/2002 pe categorii de studii
Numarul somerilor absolventi ai unei forme de invatamant care beneficiaza de indemnizatie de somaj conform Legii nr.76/2002 in luna iulie 2017
Repartizarea somerilor tineri inregistrati pe grupe de varsta si niveluri de instruire in luna iulie 2017
Repartizarea somerilor tineri inregistrati pe grupede varsta
Repartizarea somerilor de lunga durata in luna iulie 2017
Repartizarea somerilor de lungadurata in luna iulie 2017
Taking into account the evolution of the young unemployed registered in the AJOFM records, the measures envisaged to be implemented through the Youth Employment Program consist of: -Providing mediation services on vacancies by providing information on the labor market and organizing job placement for graduates; -Providing information and counseling services; -Stimulating re-employment by completing wage incomes for unemployed before the expiry of unemployment;
-Stimulate labor mobility by awarding bonuses or installments; -Organizing and capitalizing on professional training courses; -Granting employer grants for graduates, young NEETs, long-term unemployed or graduates with disabilities; -Provide personalized accompaniment to young people at risk of social marginalization by concluding solidarity contracts, including by providing employers with subsidies for insertion;
-Ensuring the transition of higher education graduates from the education system to the labor market; -Stimulating student and student placement during the holidays; -Stimulating apprenticeship at work.
National employment program for young people at risk of social marginalization In accordance with the provisions of Law 76/2002 on the unemployment insurance system and the stimulation of employment, the National Agency for Employment ensures the participation in the labor market of young people at risk of social marginalization through: personalized social accompaniment, information activities and promoting the interests of young people at risk of social marginalization among employers and subsidizing the workplace.
The personalized social assistance is based on a solidarity contract and constitutes a set of services that are free of charge to young people at risk of social marginalization and consist of: a) information and professional counseling; b) mediation of work; c) placement for employment with an employer whose job offer has been selected as appropriate for the professional training and other conditions contained in the file prepared as a jobseeker in the employment agency's records.
Under Law 76/2002, a young person at risk of social marginalization is a person aged 16-26 who is registered with the employment agency in whose territory the domicile is located or, where applicable, the residence and falls into one of the following categories: a) is in or comes from the child protection system; b) has disabilities; c) has no family or whose family can not provide maintenance; d) has dependent children; e) has executed one or more custodial sentences; f) victim of trafficking in human beings.
The age limit for young people benefiting from the measures provided by the law is maximum 26 years and the duration of the solidarity contract is up to 3 years, provided that the minimum duration is 1 year.
The overall objective of the National Employment Program for young people at risk of social marginalization is to promote the participation in the labor market of young people at risk of social marginalization.
Specific objectives of the National Employment Program for young people at risk of social marginalization for the year 2017 are: - personalized social assistance, carried out by the National Agency for Employment through the territorial employment agencies, on the basis of a solidarity contract; - to stimulate insertion employers to employ young people at risk of social marginalization.
The indicators set out in the special program for 2017, are presented synthetically, as follows: - solidarity contracts concluded for a minimum of 5 persons; -the total number of people predicted to be occupied by 5 people.
Contact December 13 STREET, no. 12, Calarasi, 0242-318376 / 0242-318377 / 0242-316542 / 0242-331693 / 0242-318375 - Calarasi Local Agency Email: ajofm@cl.anofm.ro www.calarasi.accesibilitateajofm.ro