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Six minutes to success - Then I stumbled upon "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. Millions of people have read this book. But the difference was unlike the "readers" and mostly "non-doers" I made my first million within two years of reading it. (I soon became healthy and still have more energy and vitality at 74 than most folks in their 30s.)
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I have found that our belief system is based on our evaluation of something. Frequently when we re-evaluate a situation our belief about that situation will change. Half of my life was wasted. I never even tried to accomplish anything of any importance because I did not believe in myself. The truth was I knew very little about me. Many years ago I was encouraged to begin studying myself, re-evaluate myself. I began to gain an understanding of my marvelous mind. Everyday I learned a little more and I suddenly began to believe in myself. If a loser like me can change... so can you. In our time together... I'll share with you step-by-step as to how you can begin to believe in your dreams... and change your reality... no matter what your current "reality." Can begin to believe in your dreams... and change your reality... no matter what your current "reality." If you’re interested in getting more free content and information, just access the Six Minutes To Success page. Cheers, Justin