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Dragan Tilev State counsellor Secretariat for European Affairs

Republic of Macedonia -current situation and perspectives for integration in to the European Union-. Dragan Tilev State counsellor Secretariat for European Affairs. Macedonia/ Chronology in The Process 91-95 blockade, struggle to survive, humanitarian assistance

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Dragan Tilev State counsellor Secretariat for European Affairs

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  1. Republic of Macedonia -current situation and perspectives for integration in to the European Union- Dragan Tilev State counsellor Secretariat for European Affairs

  2. Macedonia/ Chronology in The Process 91-95 blockade, struggle to survive, humanitarian assistance 96-99 diplomatic relations, lost chances, Cooperation Agreements, PHARE, Kosovo 00-03 Post Kosovo, SAA, internal conflict, Ohrid Agreement, Thessalonica Summit 04-05 boom in the process, Application, EP, SAA in force, Questioner, Open process Macedonia in the Process and Perspectives

  3. Expectations: Positive Avis – Opinion – Nov 2005 Status of Candidate - Dec 2005 Negotiations – 2006 Membership – up to 2010 Management of EU Funds – 2007 IPA instrument 2007 Structural and Cohesion Funds – from 2011 Macedonia in the Process and Perspectives

  4. Copenhagen criteria Political Economic Other (EU Acquies and EMU) Madrid criteria Institutions - enforcement Criteria for Membership – Priorities

  5. Macedonia and Political priorities: Criteria for Membership – Priorities • Ohrid Agreement • Election system • Hague • Judiciary • Decentralization • Police • IBM • PAR • FAOC • Corruption • Money Laundering • Human Rights • Minority Rights • Roma • Freedom of Expression

  6. Macedonia and Economic priorities: Criteria for Membership – Priorities • Macroeconomic stability • Financial Institutions • FDI • Structural Reforms • Growth of Industrial Production • Competitiveness • Export • SME • Employment policy • Public exp. management • Pension system Reform • Social system Reform • Social Dialogue

  7. Macedonia and the EU Acquies: New Policies Approximation of Legislation EU Acquies in Macedonian language Institution Building Administration capacity Criteria for Membership – Priorities

  8. Strategic Policy Frame: PSA – as Political Frame Regional Cooperation (Stability Pact) SAA – as Legal Frame (2001 – 2004) EU Partnership – as Political Guidance (2004) Strategic Frame and Directions

  9. Macedonian Strategic Policy Responses: National strategy for Integration of RM in EU National Plan for Approximation of Legislation Action Plan for EU Partnership Strategy for EU Training Strategy for information and communication NPAA (in Preparation) NDP (in Preparation) Strategic Frame and Directions

  10. EU Funds: (PHARE) CARDS – National and Regional Macroeconomic support – Direct Budget Support TAIEX, Twinning Community Programs IPA (from 2007) Structural and Cohesion Funds (as Member) Financing the Process of Integration

  11. Other Resources: Financial institutions (WB, EIB, EBRD) Bilateral donors (MS of EU, USA, Japan, Swiss, Norway) Financing the Process of Integration

  12. National Budget (costs): Preparation of the new lows Enforcement Institutions/Judiciary Training Co-financing VAT + Customs Financing the Process of Integration

  13. Management of EU Funds: Centralized (EC/Aid Co, DG Enlargement) De-concentrated (DEC, EAR) De-centralized (Government Nat. System) – NAC National Fund, NAO CFCU, PAO Regional Development, Implementing Agency Rural Development, Paying Agency Financing the Process of Integration


  15. EU Partnership SAA Implementation CARDS priorities Working Groups 1. Free movement of goods 2. Freedom of movement for workers 3. Right of establishment and freedom to provide services 4. Free movement of capital 5. Public procurement 6. Company law 7. Intellectual property law 8. Competition policy 9. Financial services 10. Information society and media 11. Agriculture and rural development 12. Food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary policy 13. Fisheries 14. Transport policy 15. Energy 16. Taxation 17. Economic and monetary policy 18. Statistics 19. Social policy and employment 20. Enterprise and industrial policy 21. Trans-European networks 22. Regional policy and co-ordination of structural instruments 23. Judiciary and fundamental rights 24. Justice, freedom and security 25. Science and research 26. Education and culture 27. Environment 28. Consumer and health protection 29. Customs union 30. External relations 31. Foreign, security and defence policy 32. Financial control 33. Financial and budgetary provisions 34.Institutions 35. Other issues COORDINATION OF THE PROCESS OF EU INTEGRATION • Overall responsibility for EU integration process / PRIME MINISTER • Strategies, policies, priorities • Co-ordination of the policies • Positions/negotiations • Link between political and operational level • Coordination role • EU Integration Process • Coordination of Foreign Assistance / NAC • One voice policy / priorities • Main interlocutor to EC Delegation, AIDCO, EAR • Chairperson of the Working Committee for European Integration THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA • Chairperson / Deputy Prime Minister • Deputy Chairperson - Minister of Economy • Members: all State Secretaries + National Bank, Customs Office, Statistical Office • Monthly meetings / Agenda: SAp; EU Partnership, SAA Implementation, NPAL, CARDS • Permanent secretariat: Sector for European Integration Mission in Brussels DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER WORKING COMMITTEE FOR EUROPEAN INTEGRATION Ministry of Foreign Affairs • Department for EU • EU members countries • EU candidate countries • SAp countries SECRETARIAT FOR EUROPEAN AFFAIRS SUBCOMMITTEE FOR APROXIMATION OF LEGISLATION + 35 WORKING GROUPS Secretariat for legislation EI UNITS

  16. Organisation / Organigram Foreign Assistance Co-ordination Competencies - Strategies - Policies - Priorities - Programmes Government of the Republic of Macedonia, Prime Minister I Deputy Prime-Minister in charge of European Integration National Aid Coordinator (Chair Person of the CMCFA) - Co-ordination - Information Committee of Ministers for Coordination of Foreign Assistance (CMCFA) - Deputy Prime-Minister in charge of Implementation of Framework Agreement - Minister of Foreign Affairs - Minister of Interior - Minister of Finance - Minister of Economy - Minister of Education and Science II - Technical co-ordination - Database - Communication Co-ordinative technical group of CMFCA - representatives of the Ministers Central Donor Assistance Database of the Government of RoM - CDAD Secretariat for European Affairs - Aid Co-ordination Unit III - Registering - Financial effects - VAT, customs - Control Ministry of Finance IV - implementation Ministries Other state institutions Local self-government NGOs Other aid beneficiaries / V

  17. LEVEL I Organisation / Organigram Foreign Assistance Co-ordination Competencies - Strategies - Policies - Priorities - Programmes Competencies Government of the Republic of Macedonia, Prime Minister I - Strategies - Policies - Priorities - Programmes Government of the Republic of Macedonia, Prime Minister Deputy Prime-Minister in charge of European Integration National Aid Coordinator (Chair Person of the CMCFA) I - Co-ordination - Information Committee of Ministers for Coordination of Foreign Assistance (CMCFA) - Deputy Prime-Minister in charge of Implementation of Framework Agreement - Minister of Foreign Affairs - Minister of Interior - Minister of Finance - Minister of Economy - Minister of Education and Science LEVEL II Competencies II - Technical co-ordination - Database - Communication Co-ordinative technical group of CMFCA - representatives of the Ministers - Co-ordination - Information Central Donor Assistance Database of the Government of RoM - CDAD Deputy Prime-Minister in charge of European Integration National Aid Coordinator (Chair Person of the CMCFA) Secretariat for European Affairs - Aid Co-ordination Unit Committee of Ministers for Coordination of Foreign Assistance (CMCFA) - Deputy Prime-Minister in charge of Implementation of Framework Agreement - Minister of Foreign Affairs - Minister of Interior - Minister of Finance - Minister of Economy - Minister of Education and Science III - Registering - Financial effects - VAT, customs - Control Ministry of Finance IV - implementation Ministries Other state institutions Local self-government NGOs Other aid beneficiaries / V

  18. Organisation / Organigram Foreign Assistance Co-ordination Competencies - Strategies - Policies - Priorities - Programmes Government of the Republic of Macedonia, Prime Minister I LEVEL III Deputy Prime-Minister in charge of European Integration National Aid Coordinator (Chair Person of the CMCFA) Competencies - Co-ordination - Information - Technical co-ordination - Database - Communication Committee of Ministers for Coordination of Foreign Assistance (CMCFA) - Deputy Prime-Minister in charge of Implementation of Framework Agreement - Minister of Foreign Affairs - Minister of Interior - Minister of Finance - Minister of Economy - Minister of Education and Science Co-ordinative technical group of CMFCA - representatives of the Ministers II Secretariat for European Affairs - Aid Co-ordination Unit - Technical co-ordination - Database - Communication Co-ordinative technical group of CMFCA - representatives of the Ministers Central Donor Assistance Database of the Government of RoM - CDAD Secretariat for European Affairs - Aid Co-ordination Unit III - Registering - Financial effects - VAT, customs - Control Ministry of Finance IV - implementation Ministries Other state institutions Local self-government NGOs Other aid beneficiaries / V Central Donor Assistance Database of the Government of RoM - CDAD

  19. LEVEL I V Organisation / Organigram Foreign Assistance Co-ordination Competencies - Strategies - Policies - Priorities - Programmes Competencies Government of the Republic of Macedonia, Prime Minister I - Registering - Financial effects - VAT, customs Ministry of Finance Deputy Prime-Minister in charge of European Integration National Aid Coordinator (Chair Person of the CMCFA) - Co-ordination - Information Committee of Ministers for Coordination of Foreign Assistance (CMCFA) - Deputy Prime-Minister in charge of Implementation of Framework Agreement - Minister of Foreign Affairs - Minister of Interior - Minister of Finance - Minister of Economy - Minister of Education and Science II - Technical co-ordination - Database - Communication Co-ordinative technical group of CMFCA - representatives of the Ministers LEVEL V Central Donor Assistance Database of the Government of RoM - CDAD Secretariat for European Affairs - Aid Co-ordination Unit Competencies III - Registering - Financial effects - VAT, customs - Control - implementation Ministry of Finance Other state institutions Other aid beneficiaries / Local self-government Ministries NGOs IV - implementation Ministries Other state institutions Local self-government NGOs Other aid beneficiaries / V

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