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The future: international research in atmospheric chemistry. Sandro Fuzzi Istituto di Scienze dell’Atmosfera e del Clima Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Bologna, Italy. A look to the past. In Europe The RTD Framework Programs of the European Union EUROTRAC (1 and 2)
The future: international research in atmospheric chemistry Sandro Fuzzi Istituto di Scienze dell’Atmosfera e del Clima Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Bologna, Italy EUROTRAC-2 Final Event March 18/19, 2003, Berlin
A look to the past... • In Europe • The RTD Framework Programs of the European Union • EUROTRAC (1 and 2) • At the international level • The International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project (IGAC) EUROTRAC-2 Final Event March 18/19, 2003, Berlin
A transition period... • EUROTRAC-2 is now ending and has produced the Synthesis & Integration Report presented here EUROTRAC-2 Final Event March 18/19, 2003, Berlin
A transition period... • IGAC has ended its first phase and is now refocusing. An Integration & Synthesis Report has also been produced EUROTRAC-2 Final Event March 18/19, 2003, Berlin
A transition period... • The EC has also produced periodic Cluster Reports on atmospheric chemistry research • With FP6 the EC is moving towards the European Research Area (ERA) EUROTRAC-2 Final Event March 18/19, 2003, Berlin
Issues and debates... • fundamental vs. applied research • top-down vs. bottom-up approach • local vs. regional vs. global scale EUROTRAC-2 Final Event March 18/19, 2003, Berlin
The Earth system approach • IGBP II: new questions, new structure, with focus on: • biogeochemical sciences with relevance to issues of societal concern • interdisciplinarity & Earth System science • scale integrated research EUROTRAC-2 Final Event March 18/19, 2003, Berlin
Atmospheric Chemistry within IGBP II • International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) • Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) • Integrated Land Ecosystem – Atmosphere Processes Study (ILEAPS) EUROTRAC-2 Final Event March 18/19, 2003, Berlin
Defining IGAC scientific directions for the next decade • Two overall Scientific Questions: • what is the role of atmospheric chemistry in amplifying or damping global change? • within the Earth System, what effects do changing regional emissions and deposition, long range transport and transformations have on tropospheric chemical composition and air quality? EUROTRAC-2 Final Event March 18/19, 2003, Berlin
IGAC Scientific Question 1 • What is the role of atmospheric chemistry in amplifying or damping global change? • what are the relative roles of stratosphere-troposphere exchange, anthropogenic and natural precursor emissions, and in situ photochemical processes in controlling O3 and its effect on global change? • what are the sources, sinks, distributions and properties of aerosols and their direct radiative effects on climate? • what are the effects of aerosols on clouds, precipitation, and regional hydrological cycles? • how will changing emissions and depositions of gases affect spatial patterns of climate forcing? EUROTRAC-2 Final Event March 18/19, 2003, Berlin
Radiative forcing by tropospheric aerosol EUROTRAC-2 Final Event March 18/19, 2003, Berlin
Suppression of precipitation by man-made aerosols Rosenfeld, 2000 EUROTRAC-2 Final Event March 18/19, 2003, Berlin
IGAC Scientific Question 2 • Within the Earth System, what effects do changing regional emissions and deposition, long range transport and transformations have on tropospheric chemical composition and air quality? • what are the export fluxes of oxidants, aerosols, and their precursors from continents (e.g., mega-cities, biomass burning, desert dust) to the global atmosphere? • what are the impacts of intercontinental transport on surface air quality? • how will human activities transform the cleansing capacity of the future atmosphere? EUROTRAC-2 Final Event March 18/19, 2003, Berlin
Garmisch-Partenkirchen, lidar measurements (May 28-29, 1997) Clouds Long range transport of O3 Stohl and Trickl, 2001 EUROTRAC-2 Final Event March 18/19, 2003, Berlin
from M.Lawrence, MPI Mainz 180°W 90°W 0° 90°E 180°E 100 250 Pressure (hPa) 500 750 1000 90°N 0° 90°S Asian monsoon plume EUROTRAC-2 Final Event March 18/19, 2003, Berlin
International interdisciplinary collaboration needed to: • accurately determine global distributions of both short and long lived chemical species in the atmosphere and to document their changing concentrations over time • provide a fundamental understanding of the processes that control the distributions of chemical species in the atmosphere and their impact on global change and air quality • improve our ability to predict the chemical composition of the atmosphere over the coming decades by integrating our understanding of atmospheric processes with the response and feedbacks of the Earth System EUROTRAC-2 Final Event March 18/19, 2003, Berlin
Strategy and tools SURFACE OBSERVATIONS High resolution but spatially limited AIRCRAFT OBSERVATIONS High resolution, targeted flights provide critical snapshots for model testing EUROTRAC-2 Final Event March 18/19, 2003, Berlin
13 distinct aerosol layers of different particle properties Howell et al., 2002 EUROTRAC-2 Final Event March 18/19, 2003, Berlin
Strategy and tools SATELLITE OBSERVATIONS Global and continuous but few species, low resolution SURFACE OBSERVATIONS High resolution but spatially limited AIRCRAFT OBSERVATIONS High resolution, targeted flights provide critical snapshots for model testing EUROTRAC-2 Final Event March 18/19, 2003, Berlin
Formaldehyde from GOME from University of Bremen EUROTRAC-2 Final Event March 18/19, 2003, Berlin
Strategy and tools SATELLITE OBSERVATIONS Global and continuous but few species, low resolution Source/sink inventories 3-D CHEMICAL TRACER MODELS SURFACE OBSERVATIONS High resolution but spatially limited Assimilated meteorological data AIRCRAFT OBSERVATIONS High resolution, targeted flights provide critical snapshots for model testing Chemical and aerosol processes CONCENTRATIONS, TRANSPORT, BUDGETS AND FLUXES EUROTRAC-2 Final Event March 18/19, 2003, Berlin
The IGAC mission for the next decade • IGAC seeks to promote and facilitate international atmospheric chemistry research that will lead to a better understanding of the Earth System... • …merging regional and global chemistry, air quality and global change EUROTRAC-2 Final Event March 18/19, 2003, Berlin
Implementation of IGAC research • IGAC research will continue to be defined and implemented by pro-active scientists. The research will be organized by Tasks that: • focus on specific scientific question(s) relevant to IGAC and IGBP; • outline a timetable of research activities with a completion date. Develop a quality assurance and data plan that includes public access to the data; • plan for educational and capacity building efforts; • provide a brief annual summary to the IGAC SSC; • have as a final product peer-reviewed manuscript(s). EUROTRAC-2 Final Event March 18/19, 2003, Berlin
The IGAC SSC 2003 • Bates,Tim USA Co-chair • Fuzzi, Sandro ITA Co-chair • Liu, Shaw CHN-Taipei Co-chair • Burrows, John DEU • Gallardo Klenner, Laura CHL • Ilyin, Ilia RUS • Jayaraman, Achuthan IND • Koike, Makoto JPN • Law, Kathy FRA • Lohmann, Ulrike CAN • Lowe, Dave NZL • Manning, Martin USA • Parrish, David USA • Rasch, Phil USA • Scholes, Mary ZAF • Wolff, Eric UK • Xu, Yongfu CHN-Beijing EUROTRAC-2 Final Event March 18/19, 2003, Berlin
A look ahead in Europe... • The 6th EU Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP6) has started • FP6 is the main instrument of the European Commission to implement the European Research Area (ERA), a completely new approach to international collaboration • New instruments have been created for this purpose: Integrated Projects (IP) and Networks of Excellence (NoE) EUROTRAC-2 Final Event March 18/19, 2003, Berlin
A Network of Excellence for Atmospheric Chemistry • A proposal will be submitted to the EC for a NoE called: “Atmospheric Composition Change: an European Network” (ACCENT) • The overall goal of ACCENT is to: “promote a common European strategy for research on atmospheric chemistry, to develop and maintain concrete means of communication and collaboration within the European scientific community, to implement this research and to reshape the way it interacts with policy makers and the general public” EUROTRAC-2 Final Event March 18/19, 2003, Berlin