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Homeland Security Planning Scenarios for Disaster Preparedness

Explore fifteen all-hazards planning scenarios developed by federal and state homeland security experts for national preparedness activities. Learn about response requirements and mission areas to enhance homeland security capabilities.

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Homeland Security Planning Scenarios for Disaster Preparedness

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  1. Homeland Security Planning Scenarios • The White House Homeland Security Council (HSC) - in partnership with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the federal interagency, and state and local homeland security agencies - developed fifteen all-hazards planning scenarios for use in national, federal, state, and local homeland security preparedness activities. These scenarios are designed to be the foundational structure for the development of national preparedness standards from which homeland security capabilities can be measured. While these scenarios reflect a rigorous analytical effort by federal, state, and local homeland security experts, it is recognized that refinement and revision over time may be necessary to ensure the scenarios remain accurate, represent the evolving all-hazards threat picture, and embody the capabilities necessary to respond to domestic incidents.

  2. Homeland Security Disaster Scenarios Chemical AttackBlister Agent Toxic Industrial Chemicals Nerve Agent Chlorine Tank ExplosionNatural DisasterNatural Disaster - Major Earthquake Natural Disaster - Major HurricaneRadiological AttackRadiological Dispersal DevicesExplosives AttackBombing Using Improvised Explosive DeviceCyber AttackCyber Attack Nuclear Detonation10-Kiloton Improvised Nuclear DeviceBiological Attack & Disease OutbreakAerosol Anthrax Pandemic Influenza Plague Food Contamination Foreign Animal Disease (Foot and Mouth Disease)

  3. 2Emergency Assessment/Diagnosis The ability to detect an incident(how will the community find out it is going to happen or has happened), determine its impact(how bad is it), classify the incident(is it top secret, general public knowledge, classified), conduct environmental monitoring(did it harm the environment),and make government-to-government notifications(how will governments talk to each other about this? Mail, e-mail, phone, conferences, ect.).

  4. MISSION AREAS The following Mission Areas were used to assist in scoping the response requirements generated by the scenarios.

  5. The ability to prevent (stop), deter(stop it very quickly after it starts), or protect against terrorist actions. Prevention/Deterrence/Protection

  6. Mission Area 1 Hurricanes You cant really stop a hurricane. Although, you could make a funnel with warm air. Use a Giant Funnel to Divert Warm Water into the Ocean. Also, with flying jets flying into them, but its very hard to stop a hurricaneand almost impossible to even stop them at all.

  7. Mission Area 2 Notes • Research on it or realize by the sky and the weather changing. • It can be very bad that it can destroy homes, trees, people, animals, and more.. • No, people should have the right to know about the weather so they can be ready and safe. • Yes by the falling parts of buildings and trees falling down in place. • Mail, e-mail, phone, and more.

  8. 3Emergency Management/Response The ability to direct, control, and coordinate a response(how are we going to control the situation and tell everyone how we are going to control it); provide emergency public information to the population at risk and the population at large; and manage resources - this outcome includes direction and control through the Incident Command System (ICS), Emergency Operations Center (EOC), and Joint Information Center (JIC).

  9. Mission Area 3 Notes • You cannot really control a hurricane but you can try controlling the situation by helping the people, what to do during the hurricane(s), and figure out how to take them to safety.

  10. 4Incident/Hazard Mitigation The ability to control, collect, and contain an incident at its source and to mitigate the magnitude of its impact(find what is wrong and how bad it is); this outcome also includes all response tasks conducted at the incident scene except those specifically associated with victim care. (What agencies need to help find what is wrong and how bad it is)

  11. Mission Area 4 Notes • To see how bad it is its by finding out how many homes and deaths there has been and also to see what’s wrong is not really available to answer. • By

  12. Public Protection The ability to provide initial warnings to the population at large and the population at risk, notifying people to shelter-in place or evacuate; provide evacuee support (e.g., transportation for evacuees, reception center, sand shelters); protect schools and special populations; and manage traffic flow and access to the affected area.

  13. Victim Care The ability to treat victims at the scene, transport patients, treat patients at a medical treatment facility, track patients, handle and track human remains, and provide tracking and security of patients‘ possessions and evidence

  14. Investigation/Apprehension The ability to investigate the cause and source of the attack; prevent secondary attacks; and identify, apprehend, and prosecute those responsible.

  15. Recovery/Remediation The ability to restore essential services, restore businesses and commerce, cleanup the environment and render the affected area safe, compensate victims, provide long-term mental health and other services to victims and the public, and restore a sense of well-being in the community .


  17. http://www.cdc.gov/ = Center for Disease Control • http://www.dhs.gov/ =Homeland Security • http://www.weather.gov/ =National Weather Service • http://www.topgovernmentgrants.com/cfda.php?CFDANumber=93.889 =National Bioterrorism Hospital Preparedness Program • http://nnsa.energy.gov/ = National Nuclear Security Administration

  18. http://www.us-cert.gov/ = United States Computer Emergency Redness Team

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