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Bayesian Sensor Fusion for “Dynamic Perception” “Bayesian Occupation Filter paradigm (BOF)”

Concealed space (“shadow” of the obstacle). BOF. Unobservable space. Occupancy grid. Continuous Dynamic environment modelling Grid approach based on Bayesian Filtering Estimates Probability of O ccupation & V elocity of each cell in a 4D-grid

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Bayesian Sensor Fusion for “Dynamic Perception” “Bayesian Occupation Filter paradigm (BOF)”

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  1. Concealed space (“shadow” of the obstacle) BOF Unobservable space Occupancy grid • Continuous Dynamic environment modelling • Gridapproach based on Bayesian Filtering • Estimates Probability of Occupation & Velocity of each cell in a 4D-grid • Application to Obstacle Detection & Tracking + Dynamic Scene Interpretation => More robust Sensing & Tracking + More robust to Temporary Occultation Free space Occupied space Prediction P( [Oc=occ] | z c) c = [x, y, 0, 0] and z=(5, 2, 0, 0) Sensed moving obstacle Estimation Bayesian Sensor Fusion for “Dynamic Perception”“Bayesian Occupation Filter paradigm (BOF)” Patented by INRIA & Probayes, Commercialized by Probayes [Coué & al IJRR 05]

  2. Specification • Variables : • Vk, Vk-1: controlled velocities • Z0:k: sensor observations • Gk: occupancy grid • Decomposition : • Parametric forms : • P( Gk | Z0:k) : BOF estimation • P( Vk | Vk-1 Gk) : Given or learned Description Inference Question Robustness to Temporary OccultationTracking + Conservative anticipation [Coué & al IJRR 05] Autonomous Vehicle Parked Vehicle (occultation) Thanks to the prediction capability of the BOF, the Autonomous Vehicle “anticipates” the behavior of the pedestrian and brakes (even if the pedestrian is temporarily hidden by the parked vehicle)

  3. Application to Robust Detection & Tracking • Data association is performed as lately as possible • Tracking more robust to Perception errors (false positives & negatives) & Temporary occlusions Successfully tested in real traffic conditions on industrial data (e.g. Toyota …)

  4. Modeling (Predicting) the Future (1) • [Vasquez & Laugier 06-08] • Risk assessment requires to both Estimate the current world state & Predict the most likely evolution of the dynamic environment • Objects motions are driven by “Intentions” and “Dynamic Behaviors”=> Goal + Motion model • Goal & Motion models are not known nor directly observable …. But “Typical Behaviors & Motion Patterns” can be learned through observations

  5. Modeling (Predicting) the Future (2) • Our Approach [Vasquez & Laugier & 06-09] • Observe & Learn “typical motions” • Continuous “Learn & Predict” • Learn => GHMM & Topological maps (SON) • Predict => Exact inference, linear complexity Experiments using Leeds parking data

  6. Collision Risk Assessment (1)Probabilistic Danger Assessment for Avoiding Future Collisions [Tay PhD thesis + Collaboration Toyota] • Existing TTC-based crash warning assumes that motion is linear • Simply knowing position & velocity of obstacles at each time instance is not sufficient for risk estimation • A more accurate description of motion for PREDICTION by Semantic (turning, overtaking …) and Road Geometry (lanes, curves, intersections …) is necessary !!!!

  7. Collision Risk Assessment (2) • Motion Execution & Prediction :Gaussian Process GP:Gaussian distribution over functions Prediction:Probability distribution (GP) using mapped past n position observations • Behaviors :Hierarchical HMM (learned) Behavior Prediction e.g. Overtaking => Lane change, Accelerate …

  8. Collision Risk Assessment (3)

  9. Simulation Results Own vehicle Risk estimation (Gaussian Process) High-level Behavior prediction for other vehicles (Observations + HMM) Prediction Behavior models Behavior belief table Observations Evaluation Collision probability for own vehicle Road geometry (GIS) + Own vehicle trajectory to evaluate Behavior belief table for each vehicle in the scene Cooperation Toyota & Probayes Own vehicle + + An other vehicle + Behavior Prediction(HMM) + Risk Assessment (GP)

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