The goal of this project is to create a presence in Second Life for the paranormal investigation and research group Haunted ROC Paranormal. Though the group is based out of Rochester, New York, it is important to garner a presence which can be viewed locally, nationally and possibly globally. Our goal is to further the our reputation within the field, as well as expose as many people to the ideas, equipment and evidence which can be gathered from not only our group, but many other groups as well.
The instructional design aspects will be held within describing and explaining how we go about an investigation. This will include historical research (both before and after evidence review), preparing for an investigation, setting up and use of various equipment, investigation techniques, how evidence is reviewed (as well as showing how evidence is either confirmed or debunked). I would like to showcase different equipment used with models and presentations explaining each. Finally will be a showcase of some of the evidence caught with explanations of how each was captured or found. If I am able to script successfully, I would also like to include a space within the environment where people are able to participate in a mock investigation. My limitations in scripting may hinder this, though it is something I will try very hard to accomplish. I will continue with this part of the project long after the class has ended if I am not yet able to do this.
The space this will take place in will be a building with a series of rooms. I am planning on creating an environment where users will proceed with a progression of rooms all dedicated to a different aspect of the field. By the end of the tour, users will have knowledge of set up, investigating, equipment & evidence. My goal is to give users without experience in the paranormal field knowledge of the field. In addition, users with experience in the field may gain new information and techniques they may not have experienced before.
This space will need to be built by me, including the building, decorations & presentation spaces. All avatars will be involved, and everyone will experience this as themselves.
Upon entering, participants will be introduced to Haunted ROC Paranormal and our mission. Participants will then be able to proceed through the exhibits learning about the process, equipment, evidence and investigations. Participants will be able to access all rooms at any time and can enter as many times as they like. Each session will hold the same information, though it will be routinely updated with new equipment, evidence and information as it is gathered.
Second Life gives the advantage of producing an environment which users will be able interact and experience some of the investigation aspects without needing to gather equipment themselves to experience. I am providing an environment which is difficult to do outside of Second Life. Time and location constraints don’t allow us to interact directly with many of the people interested in the field and the process of paranormal investigation and research. This activity is possible in real life, though time and location restrictions make Second Life a much more viable option. In addition, we are considering Second Life as an option for providing evidence and investigation reveals to clients as an alternative for face to face reveals.
The obstacles I anticipate in developing this session are providing accurate models of the equipment used. I will need to develop 3D models, interactive presentations using: Flash, Power Point, Captivate, Video and Audio. This is worth doing as a very possible alternative to just a website for our group. Creating an environment which has interactive elements in a simulated environment can help peak curiosity, answer questions and give users hands on familiarity with the field. I am excited about this project because I have the ability to present a viable option for our group which may set us apart from many other paranormal investigation groups within the area. The ability to draw in new participants and create discussion topics can be a very positive thing for our group and the field.