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SLIM: Simple Language for Image Manipulation. Bardhi Shtylla Team Manager. What it is. Slim is a scripting language that makes image manipulation easy. It works with the following image files: .jpg, .gif, .png, .tiff, .bmp, .tga . What it does.
What it is Slim is a scripting language that makes image manipulation easy. It works with the following image files: .jpg, .gif, .png, .tiff, .bmp, .tga
What it does Slim works with a version of GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) it makes possible the usage of simple functions to make complicated image changes.
What it does For instance, to concatenate horizontally two images, $i1 and $i2, into the result, $i3, all the necessary command in SLIM is: $i3 = $i1 +_ $i2;
Properties 3 basic types: num (equivalent to a float) string (a sequence of characters) image (contains a GIMP image)
Properties Operations (all non-destructive): Simple arithmetic operations among num-s. String concatenation Image operations such as: Cropping, Concatenation, Scaling, Rotation, Contrast, etc.
Sample Program image $img1, $img2, $img3; $img1 = “img_file.jpg”; #/rotate 90 degrees counter-clockwise $img2 = $img1 @ -90; #concatenate horizontally into $img3 $img3 = $img1 +_ $img2;
Development Environment LEX and YACC More control Comfortable GIMP LINUX Coding environment CVS
Support Tools • Development • CVS • Communication • Wiki • Ultimately, email communication • Meetings
Source Code Lex (Flex) Yacc (Bison) Tokens Symbol Table AST Hash Lookups Tree Walker: C Code Inter-Process Communication The GIMP Scheme File I/O Standard Out Architecture Diagram
Sample Program #sample.slim num $n; #Declaration string $s; $n = 0; image $i[$n + 2]; #Must be run-time declared loop($n < 2 ) { #The next two lines have type promotion/coercion $i[$n] = “a” . $n . “.jpg” +_ “b”. $n . “.jpg”; $s = $n; save $i[n], “out” . $s . “.jpg”; $n = $n + 1; }
Test Plan Lexical Grammar and IR Structure Code and Error Reporting Regression
Test Plan … if { if( lex_printout ) printf("<Read IF>"); yylval.op = IF; return IF; } else { if( lex_printout ) printf("<Read ELSE>"); yylval.op = ELSE; return ELSE; } loop { if( lex_printout ) printf("<Read LOOP>"); yylval.op = LOOP; return LOOP; } width { if( lex_printout ) printf("<Read WIDTH>"); yylval.op = WIDTH; return WIDTH; } height { if( lex_printout ) printf("<Read HEIGHT>"); yylval.op = HEIGHT; return HEIGHT; } length { if( lex_printout ) printf("<Read LENGTH>"); yylval.op = LENGTH; return LENGTH; } random { if( lex_printout ) printf("<Read RANDOM>"); yylval.op = RANDOM; return RANDOM; } blank { if( lex_printout ) printf("<Read BLANK>"); yylval.op = BLANK; return BLANK; } num { if( lex_printout ) printf("<Read NUM TYPE>"); yylval.op = NUM; return DATA; } string { if( lex_printout ) printf("<Read STR TYPE>"); yylval.op = STR; return DATA; } image { if( lex_printout ) printf("<Read IMG TYPE>"); yylval.op = IMG; return DATA; } {id} { if( lex_printout ) printf("<Read ID>"); yylval.str = strdup( yytext ); return IDENTIFIER; } … Lexical: #define lex_printout 0/1
Test Plan … expression: l_value ASSGN expression { $$ = Node_new_binaryop( $1, $3, $2 ); if( yacc_printout ) printf( "LVAL=EXPR -> EXPR\n" ); if( graph_printout ) Node_draw( fpg, $$ ); } | expression ASSGN expression { $$ = Node_new( Item_new( TYPE_ERR ) ); Node_set_Item_str( $$, "expression = expression" ); printerr( "Semantic error, cannot assign value to an expression." ); if( yacc_printout ) printf( "ERROR: EXPR = EXPR -> EXPR\n" ); if( graph_printout ) Node_draw( fpg, $$ ); } | expression OR expression { $$ = Node_new_binaryop( $1, $3, $2 ); if( yacc_printout ) printf( "EXPR||EXPR -> EXPR\n" ); if( graph_printout ) Node_draw( fpg, $$ ); } … Grammatical: #define lex_printout 0/1 IR Structure: #define graph_printout
Test Plan #Guillotine - Mike Wasserman #SLIM Tutorial Program #3/26/06 # This tutorial program illustrates several important concepts while performing a task. # The task is to split each image within a set of images into 4 quardants using the concatenation operator. # Listing variable declarations at the top of the program is not necessary, but it is good practice num $a, $b, $c, $d, $w, $h; string $s; image $i; # You should print a quick description of your program to the user print "Welcome to Guillotine, this will split {0.jpg, 1.jpg,...,9.jpg} into qaudrants {q1, q2, q3, q4}."; # Initialize variables that a requisite for loop conditional testing before invoking loop $a = 0; … mike_tutorial.slim mike_tutorial.gif IR Structure: DOT & graphs (Semantic checking) digraph S { graph [bgcolor=azure2] ranksep=.2; 0 [label="NULL",shape=none,fontsize=12,height=.2]; 1 [label="START",shape=none,fontsize=12,height=.2]; 2 [label="END",shape=none,fontsize=12,height=.2]; node [shape=ellipse,fontsize=10,height=.2]; 1104770710 [label="$a",shape=hexagon,color=green]; 1104771060 [label="$b",shape=hexagon,color=green]; 1104771210 [label="$c",shape=hexagon,color=green]; 1104771340 [label="$d",shape=hexagon,color=green]; 1104771470 [label="$w",shape=hexagon,color=green]; 1104771620 [label="$h",shape=hexagon,color=green]; 1104771710 [label="NUM $a ",shape=house,color=brown]; 1104771710 -> 1104770710 [color=green]; … mike_tutorial.DOT
Test Plan Error Reporting program suite, manual Regression: lex_test_suite.slim program suite • Resources: • TUTORIAL PROGRAMS, • ASSEMBLED PROGRAMS, • BROKEN FEATURE INVESTIGATORS • PRODUCED IMAGES
Why SLIM? It is usually very complicated to do image manipulation with most mainstream languages. By adopting a syntax similar to that of C and making it possible to do complicated functions with a few simple commands, SLIM completely solves the problem.
Why use SLIM? Example of saturation in C++: Makes image manipulation extremely easy.
Why use SLIM? Example of saturation in SLIM: $pic = $pic ~ $factor;
Concluding Reflections • What worked well • What we learned • What we would have done differently
What We’ve Learned • Communication is key • Clear set goals • Timelining • Hard deadlines • Second pair of eyes help a lot • Realistic goals – second opinion