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Explore the latest findings from Belle detector at QFTHEP 2010 in Moscow regarding CP violation measurements, SM elements, BSM searches, and more. Learn about theories confirmed in B factories, methods to search for BSM and exotics, and CP violation in B decays.
Recent results from Belle A. Drutskoy, ITEP, Moscow Mt.Tsukuba: Nyotai-san 877m, Nantai-san 871m QFTHEP’ 2010, Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8-15, 2010 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
Belle cavity e+ source Belle detector and KEKB collider Belle detector 8 GeVe- 3.5 GeV e+ KEKB is asymmetric energy e+e- collider Belle is general purpose detector with high efficiency and accuracy charged track and photon reconstruction, good particle identification and precise vertex resolution. 2 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
Integrated luminosity collected by Belle _ ~7.7 x10 8 BB ((4S)) _ ~6.4 x10 6 B*s B*s ((5S)) ~9 x10 8t t 3 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
Theories confirmed in B factories with high precision • Standard Model elements: quarks, leptons, • photon, gluons, Z boson, W± bosons. • No effects beyond Standard Model have • been observed with >5s in particle physics. 2. Hadrons have fixed combinations of valence quarks: quark-antiquark pairs, or three quarks. GOAL now: find effects contradicting to 1 or 2 4 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
How to search for BSM and exotics in B factories Search for BSM: • Test unitarity of CKM matrix • It’s very smart and subtle method. • Many BSM contributions will destroy • unitarity. However it’s not easy to • make predictions and conclusions. 2. Compare branching fractions and asymmetries of B, D, and t decays obtained experimentally and predicted theoretically within SM. If Bf is unobservably small in SM => just search for such forbidden decays. Search for exotic hadrons: Look for hadrons with exotic masses, quantum numbers, decay rates and decay final states. 5 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
A = B0 fcp - B0 A 2(a) * Vtd Vtb * Vud Vub fcp B0 3(g) 1(b) B0 * Vcd Vcb CPV in B0 mixing and decays _ A mixing Decay: A -hf [Ssin(Dmd Dt ) + Acos(Dmd Dt )] S = sin2f1 B0 _ B0 Prob. sin 2f1 ACP Dt (decay time)[ps] 6 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
CP violation measurement in B0 K+ K– KS0 _ Physics motivation for CP violation measurement in b sqq transition _ _ bccs tree bsqq penguin _ _ c w _ _ J/ψ b s b φ, f0 c w t g B0 B0 s _ _ s d d s K0 K0 d d S = sin2φ1, A ≈ 0 S = sin2φ1eff, A ≈ 0 In case of extra CP phase from NP in penguin loop sin 2φ1 ≠ sin 2φ1eff 7 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
BSM contributions in bs penguin loop SM Charged Higgs Chargino+squark 4-generation Simplest BSM processes which could contribute in b->s loop 8 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
CP violation measurement in B0 K+ K– KS0 Belle preliminary, arXiv:1007.3848 657 x 106BB pairs at (4S) Dalitz-plot fKS0 f0(980)KS0 • B0 KS0K+K– signal => 1176±5 • Background Continuum ~ 47% • Other B decays ~3% s– = M2(K–KS0) Significant part of signal K+K-KS0 goes via intermediate f->K+ K- and f0->K+K- Non-resonant Unfortunately 4 solutions were obtained for phases and amplitudes of signals. These 4 solutions are consistent with each other within statistical errors. First solution (preferable) was used to measure CP violating parameters. s+ = M2(K+KS0) 9 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
CP violation measurement in B0 K+ K– KS0 _ [solution #1] 657 x 106BB pairs Belle preliminary, arXiv:1007.3848 Only in the φmass region Only in the φmass region SM prediction BG Third error accounts for uncertainty from Dalitz model. f K0S f1eff = (32.2 ± 9.0 ± 2.6 ± 1.4)0 f0(890) K0Sf1eff = (31.3 ± 9.0 ± 3.4 ± 4.0)0 f1(all charm, J/y K0 …)=(21.1 ± 0.9)0 S(all charm) =0.673±0.023 S(f K0)~0.9 10 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
Summary of New CPV search All charm, B0-> J/y K0... Reference point of SM Bellenew B0->f K0S Difference between Sin 2f1 in b-> ccs tree decays and b ->sqq penguin decays disappeared. _ _ No clear deviation seen in all modes (1~2s). Results are in agreement with SM. New CPV effect can be seen with much larger data 11 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
CP violation measurement in B+ J/ψK+ Previous measurementsof ACP (B+->J/ψK+) [%] Physics motivation . • In SM interference between the tree and penguin diagrams can cause small direct CP violation in B+-> J/ψK+ . SM:ACP (B+-> J/ψK+) ≈ 0.3 % • BSM contributions in b->spenguin loop can increase asymmetry Tree Belle –2.6±2.2±1.7 Phys. Rev. D67, 032003 (2003) BABAR +3.0±1.4±1.0 Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 141801 (2005) D0 +0.75±0.61±0.30 Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 211802 (2008) W/A +0.9±0.8 (PDG2009) Penguin 12 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
CP violation measurement in B0 J/ψK+ Belle preliminary, arXiv:1008.2567 _ 772 x 106BB pairs Complicated method is used to obtain K+ reconstruction (detector) asymmetry. Corrections for detector asymmetry obtained using Ds+->fp+ and D0-> K- p+ decays. Signal = single Gaussian Background = ARGUS function Peaking BG is negligibly small. ACP (B+-> J/ψ K+) = (-0.76 ± 0.50 ± 0.22) % Result is in agreement with Standard Model prediction (~0.3%). 13 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
Measurement of B+fK+g and B0fKS0g Belle preliminary, arXiv:0911.1779 fK+g 1176±5 _ 9.6s 772 x 106BB pairs 136±17 fKSg Radiative penguin diagram 5.4s In SM: S(b->s)~0.03 S~2(ms/mb)sin(2f1) • First measurement fK+g : • Drutskoy et al (Belle) • PRL 92, 051801 (2004) B (B+-> f K+g) = (2.34 ± 0.29 ± 0.29 ) x 10-6 B (B0-> f Ksg) = (2.66 ± 0.60 ± 0.32 ) x 10-6 14 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
CP violation measurement in B0fKS0g Belle preliminary, ICHEP10 f Ksg S (B0-> f Ksg) = (+ 0.74 +0.72 +0.10) % -1.05 - 0.24 A (B0-> f Ksg) = (+ 0.35 ± 0.58 +0.23 ) % - 0.10 ACP (B+-> f K+g) = (-0.03 ± 0.11 ± 0.08) % Results are in agreement with Standard Model predictions. More results in H.J.Hyun talk: “Rare electroweak penguin decays in Belle” 15 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
Measurement of BXSh _ Belle preliminary, arXiv:0910.4751 657 x 106BB pairs Xs = K+ or Ks + up to 4p sum BvsM(Xs) AcpvsM(Xs) Penguin loop diagram can potentially contribute to charmless B decays with h. Difficult to predict: s,u,d quark content of h meson and h - h’ mixing. B (B-> Xsh, Mx< 2.6GeV/c2 ) = (26.1 ± 3.0 +1.9 + 4.0(model) ) x 10-5 - 2.1 - 7.1 2.6s from 0 (incl. syst.) Acp(B-> Xsh, Mx< 2.6GeV/c2 ) = - 0.13 ± 0.04 +0.02 - 0.03 Results should be explained theoretically, interpretation is not straightforward. 16 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
Search for B+D-ℓ+ ℓ+ Belle searched for decay B+->D-ℓ+ℓ+ (ℓ,ℓ)=(e,e),(e,m),(m,m). This is first search! Elegant idea to look for Majorana neutrino Majorana n allows lepton number violating process, B+->h-ℓ+ℓ+ (h=p,K,r,K*,D,…), while this process is impossible with Dirac n. Due to CKM matrix element, B+->D-ℓ+ℓ+ will be most sensitive. Anyway, this process is expected to be very very suppressed. 17 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
Search for B+D-ℓ+ ℓ+ _ Belle preliminary, ICHEP10 772 x 106BB pairs B⁺->D⁻e⁺e⁺ B⁺->D⁻e⁺µ⁺ B⁺->D⁻µ⁺µ⁺ Signal regions: no events are found in these 3 channels. UL(x10-6) First experimental upper limits for these decays. 18 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
¡ (4S) e+ e-hadronic cross section - - - - - + (cc,ss,uu,dd) bb CLEO PRL 54, 381 (1985) (4S) e+ B (5S) _ B e- (6S) _ 2M(Bs) e+ e- ->(4S) -> BB, whereBisB+orB0meson _ _ _ _ _ e+ e- -> bb ((5S)) ->B(*)B(*), B(*)B(*)p, BBpp, Bs(*)Bs(*), (1S)pp, X … where B* -> B gandBs* -> Bsg KEKB, Belle,(5S): 2005 ~1.86 fb-1 2006 ~21.7 fb-1, S today ~121 fb-1 19 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
Hadronic event classification at (5S) hadronic events at (5S) u,d,s,c continuum (5S) events b continuum bb cross-section ~ 90% Bs events bb events Bs*Bs* Bs events B0, B+ events (1,2S) X fs = N(Bs(*) Bs(*)) / N(bb) Bs*Bs f(Bs*Bs*) BsBs Bs* Bs* channel Bs* Bs Bs Bs 20 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
DGsCP /Gsmeasurement from B(Bs ->Ds+(*) Ds-(*)) Belle preliminary, arXiv:1005.5177 L = 23.6 fb-1 Bs-> Ds* Ds Bs-> Ds+ Ds- Bs-> Ds* Ds* DGs = DGsCPcosfs In SM : cosfs≈ 1 Assuming Bs -> Ds+(*) Ds-(*)decays dominating CP=+ Due to CP violation directly measured DGs/Gs can be smaller than one from Bs rate B [Bs(CP+)–Bs(CP-)]. CPV in Bs decays in SM is small (small phase of Vts element). 21 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
Belle results on Bs0 decays at (5S) B (Bs-> fg) = (5.7 +1.8 +1.2) x 10-5 -1.5 -1.1 Belle coll., PRL 100, 121801 (2008) B(Bs-> gg) < 8.7x10-6 (90% CL) Belle coll., PRL 102, 021801 (2008) B(Bs-> Ds+p-) = (3.67 +0.35 ± 0.65 ) x 10-3 - 0.33 Belle coll., PRL 104, 231801 (2010) Belle coll., arXiv:0912.1434 B (Bs->J/y h ) = ( 3.32 0.87 +0.32 0.42 (fs)) x 10-4 - 0.28 B (Bs->J/y h ) = ( 3.1 1.2 + 0.5 0.38 (fs)) x 10-4 - 0.6 B ( Bs-> K+K-)=( 3.8 +1.0 0.5 0.5 (fs)) x 10-5 Belle coll., arXiv:1006.5115 - 0.9 Obtained results on Bs decays are in good agreement with expectations 22 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
g W- t nt nm (orne) Lepton flavor violation (LFV) in tau decays Branching fractions for lepton flavor changing decays are negligibly small in the Standard Model even taking into account neutrino oscillations. m (or e) (EPJ C8 513 (1999)) Observation of LFV is clear signature of New Physics. Several extensions of the SM predict LFV decays.Some BSM models (SUSY-seesaw, SUSY-GUT, specific coupling neutral Higgs) predict rather large branching fractions which are comparable with current experimental sensitivity. Tau lepton decays => good place to search for BSM 23 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
1 prong + missing ( tag side) m+ h(signal side) Experimental method to search for decay t+m+h g h g m t e+e-gt+t- e e t generic t decay g g Signal extraction: Mmh - DEplane 3s ellipse signal region The size was obtained from MC (resolution). Number of BG events is estimated using sideband data and MC 24 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
Search for decays t+ℓ+P0 (p0,h,h’) with 901fb-1 Belle preliminary, ICHEP10 UL(x10-8) UL(x10-8) 25 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
Search for decays t+ℓ+V0 (r0,K*0, w,f)with 854fb-1 Belle preliminary, ICHEP10 UL(x10-8) UL(x10-8) 26 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
New upper limits for LFV tau decays Our sensitivity reaches O(10-8)! The world best upper limits are obtained. No evidence of LFV tau decays. 27 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
Charmonium spectroscopy s2 s1 S12 L Potential models, energy splitting L (S1 S2) Energy splitting: singlet and triplet. 1- cc Y’ 2S 0- h’c Potential models predict masses of conventional states with fixed quantum numbers. Generally, accuracy of mass predictions should not exceed few tens of MeV/c2. 2+ cc2 Mass 1+ 1+ 1P L=1 cc1 hc 0+ cc0 1S 1- J/Y L=0 0- hc 28 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
X(3872) > J/yp+p- decay First observed by Belle in B± ->K±(J/+-).Then confirmed byCDF, D0andBaBar. Belle X(3872) 304M B’s ’ X(3872) ’ Events/10 Mev 220 pb-1 PRL 93 (2004) 072001 PRL 91 (2003) 262001 X(3872) 230 pb-1 X(3872) 455M B’s M(J/yp+p-) PRL 93 (2004) 162002 PRD 77 (2008) 111101 29 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
X(3872) interpretation ? Y(4260) < 1 MeV/c2 DD* X(3872) DD Is X(3872) D*D molecular? Interpretations of X(3872) and X(4260) are unclear. Most popular for X(3872) is molecular interpretation (X(3872)-> J/ygbranching fraction is small for 1++ c’c1 ). 30 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
Conventional and unconventional mesons 1. Conventional quark-antiquark mesons (qq). 2. Glueballs (gg, ggg). Lightest glueballs JPC = 0++ and 2++. 3. Hybrid mesons (qqg). Ground states JPC = 0-+,1-+,1--,2-+. 4. Tetraquarks (qqqq). Large binding energy. Non-qq flavor? 5. Molecular states (qq qq). Small binding energy. Deuteron-like. 6. Mixture of these states. Small admixture of exotic state. Exotic states can be separated using information on masses, widths, quantum numbers, production and decay modes (rates). Theoretical calculations, potential models, lattice calculations. 31 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
424fb–1 X(3872)→γJ/ψ 3.6σ 3.5σ X(3872)→γψ’ PRL102, 132001 (2009) M(γJ/) M(γ’) Experimental results on X(3872) 1. Bound state scenario supported by: 2. CDF angular analysis: JPC= 1++,2-+ favored 3. Large isospin violation: 4. Radiative decays are important to test molecular interpretation. E. S. Swanson, Phys. Rept. 429, 243 (2006) : < 0.01 for molecular Belle, 256 fb-1 (hep-ex/0505037) BaBar (2009) The BaBar result seems to be serious problem for molecular interpretation. 32 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
Belle results on radiative X(3872) decays _ 772 x 106BB pairs ψ’->e+e-,μ+μ- Belle preliminary, ICHEP10 X(3872)→γJ/ψ X(3872)→γψ’ X(3872)Ks0 B0->X(3872)Ks0 B+->X(3872)K+ ψ’->J/ψπ+π- X(3872)Ks0 No X->y’ g signal was observed by Belle. Upper limit is smaller than BaBar ratio. However uncertainties are too large to conclude. 33
Other Belle results Many new interesting Belle results are not included in this talk due to limited time. Sorry for that. Search for CP violation in D decays PRL 104 181602 (2010) B -> D(*)+/0t n arXiv: 1005.2302 B -> t n arXiv: 1006.4201 Bs -> J/y h, J/y h’, J/y f0 arXiv: 0912.1434 B0-> Ds- K+ , B0-> Ds+p- arXiv: 1007.4619 and others … 34 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
Conclusions Belle continues active studies of B, D and t decays with full data samples collected at (4S), (5S), (1S), (2S), and (3S). No evidence of Beyond Standard Model effects was found in recent Belle measurements. Generally, current measurements of B, D, t decays are equivalent to New Physics (for some of models) around 1 TeV scale. Belle II experiment is needed to move further. 35 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
36 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
Background slides 37 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
- + New measurement B0-> Ds K+ and B0-> Dsp- decays W exchange diagram Final state interactions (FSI) b to u diagram with Ds Within factorization approach Cabbibo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element Vub can be obtained from ratio: Bf(B-> Ds p+)/Bf(B-> Ds D+)= (0.424 ± 0.041) x |Vub/Vcb|2 It is expected (but not proved) that W exchange diagram dominates. - - Specific diagrams : it’s important to perform precise measurements 38 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy
- + New measurement B0-> Ds K+ and B0-> Dsp- decays _ Belle preliminary 657 x 106BB pairs - - + + Ds K+ Ds K+ Dsp- Dsp- - B (B0-> Ds K+)= (1.91 ± 0.24 ± 0.17) x 10-5 + B (B0-> Dsp-)= (1.99 ± 0.26 ± 0.18) x 10-5 Results are in agreement with previous measurements, accuracy is better. 39 QFTHEP 2010, Recent results from Belle Golitsyno, Moscow, Russia, September 8 - 15 A. Drutskoy