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Precision Teaching Method for Effective Learning in Portugal

Precision Teaching is a flexible and structured method that emphasizes practice in short intervals to enhance accuracy and fluency. This approach aims to develop automaticity in skills, ensuring long-term retention for students. It involves monitoring progress and providing positive reinforcement for improved performance.

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Precision Teaching Method for Effective Learning in Portugal

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  1. Precision Teachingfor Portugal Linda Austin and Mark Sherin

  2. Key features of Precision Teaching • It’s flexible • An optimistic approach • Highly structured • Involves lots of practice • Quick (3-4 minutes a day) • Monitors and shows success

  3. What is Precision Teaching? • It’ s really Precision Practise • It is a method that builds on accuracy and develops fluency. • Accuracy + Fluency = Automaticity • Automaticity = pupil can perform the skill without hesitation • A pupil is less likely to forget a skill if it is automatic

  4. What does the process involve ? • Choose a skill that the pupil needs to practise e.g. words learned for READING (also good for….spelling, number bonds to 10, times tables alphabet, colours, mathematical and scientific formulae.)

  5. What does the process involve? You will need a grid and a stopwatch time the pupil for 30 or 60 seconds On the first day show the pupil the grid. Explain what they have to do. Direct instruction Have a practise. Praise. First time 10-15 minutes. Then Precision Teaching should only take 3-4 minutes daily

  6. Next and every day • Give grid to pupil – cue for success  • Briefly explain what they have to do • If the pupil gets stuck move on after 3-4 seconds

  7. Then fill in the graph -Enter the number of correct and incorrect responses on the graph • Show the pupil their score and compare to previous performance • Highlight the positives e.g. more words read than yesterday, • Praise, Praise, Praise

  8. While pupil is reading words You observe + make notes • Write anything you notice while the pupil was reading words • Which words are secure ? • Which need further practise? • Re teaching? Teaching in a different way?

  9. Analyse • If the pupil makes errors on most of the words you may need to stop and reteach. “I didn’t teach you that very well.”  • Remember this programme is to practise words. • The aim is to speed up something they already know but do slowly.

  10. Remember to… • Be enthusiastic. Make it fun! • Ensure success; praise effort and success • Helpful tips…Kidology… kindness  • use some known words on the grid  • choose visually different words to reduce confusion

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