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Mixed Translations. Use DDC data in the vernacular plus English-language classes from DDC 22 to form a single electronic edition Not bilingual in the sense of parallel records in both languagesIn general, the deepest levels will be represented in EnglishIn some areas, the deepest levels will be r
1. Mixed Translations Pia Leth
National Library of Sweden
Joan S. Mitchell
Ingebjřrg Rype
National Library of Norway
2. Mixed Translations Use DDC data in the vernacular plus English-language classes from DDC 22 to form a single electronic edition
Not bilingual in the sense of parallel records in both languages
In general, the deepest levels will be represented in English
In some areas, the deepest levels will be represented in the vernacular (e.g., geographic areas, history)
3. General Features Use existing DDC data in the vernacular to form base edition
Add English-language classes from DDC 22
Use standard terminology in the language of each record
Provide separate indexes
Provide segmentation to address needs of smaller collections
4. Case Study 1: Norway DDK 5
Norwegian abridgment of DDC 21
Includes Tables 1-7 (Table 3 in single development)
Some discrepancies in developments in history and geographic areas
5. Norwegian Model (1) Base edition = Level of notation in DDK 5
Revise captions and notes to match equivalent classes in DDC 22
Resolve differences in history
Add English-language classes for rest of schedule records
Segment numbers to level of DDK 5
6. Norwegian Model (2) Resolve differences in Table 2
Divide Table 3 into Table 3A-3C
Expand tables with English-language entries
Delete Table 7
Use DDK 5 index as basis for Norwegian index, but include full numbers
Include full English-language index
7. Case Study 2: Sweden DDC Summaries in Swedish
SAB-DDC mappings
SAB (Swedish classification system) mapped to DDC 21 schedule numbers (updated to DDC 22)
Svenska ämnesord
Swedish subject headings based on LCSH
8. Swedish Model (1) Base edition (under exploration) =
Classes in SAB-DDC mappings
Level of notation in Abridged Edition 14
Additional classes in DDC 22 where SAB or Abridged Edition 14 is insufficient for Swedish needs
9. Swedish Model (2) Translate Tables 1-6 into Swedish with the exception of parts of Table 2
Develop proposals for expansions in history, Table 2, and other areas of Swedish interest
Translate additional classes into Swedish as needed
10. Swedish Model (3) Include full English-language index
Map Swedish subject headings to Dewey numbers:
Swedish index (will need to include captions with Dewey numbers to reflect disciplinary focus)
Swedish version of People, Places & Things
11. Examples: 370 and 576 (see handout) Norwegian
DDK 5 classes + DDC 22 in English
SAB-DDC mappings + Abridged Edition 14 + selected classes from DDC 22 in Swedish + DDC 22 in English
Note footnote at 576 represented in both languages!
12. Open Issues (1) References to topics in vernacular and English
13. References in Norwegian and English 370.113 Yrkesutdanning (fagutdanning) [Norwegian] . . .
Klassifiser fagopplćring i arbeidslivet, fagopplćring drevet av bedrifter i 331.259/2
. . .
331.2592 Training [English]
. . .
Class here interdisciplinary works on on-the-job vocational training, on vocational training provided by industry
. . .
14. Open Issues (2) Indication of expansions in vernacular
Introduction and Glossary
Add tables and add instructions
Multiple indexes
Captions in both languages