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RF Design of CLIC main linac accelerating structure

RF Design of CLIC main linac accelerating structure. 17.10.2007 Alexej Grudiev. Cell geometry Structure design CLIC structure parameters Fundamental mode Dipole modes. Outline. WDS cell geometry. Waveguide Damped Structure (WDS) 2 cells. Minimize E-field

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RF Design of CLIC main linac accelerating structure

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  1. RF Design of CLIC main linac accelerating structure 17.10.2007 Alexej Grudiev

  2. Cell geometry Structure design CLIC structure parameters Fundamental mode Dipole modes Outline

  3. WDS cell geometry Waveguide Damped Structure (WDS) 2 cells • Minimize E-field • Minimize H-field • Provide good HOM damping • Provide good vacuum pumping

  4. Optimization procedure <Ea>, f, ∆φ, <a>, da, d1, d2 BD Bunch population Cell parameters N Q, R/Q, vg, Es/Ea, Hs/Ea Q1, A1, f1 Structure parameters Bunch separation BD Ns Ls, Nb η, Pin, Esmax, ∆Tmax rf constraints Cost function minimization YES NO

  5. Optimization constraints • Beam dynamics (BD) constraints based on the simulation of the main linac, BDS and beam-beam collision at the IP: • N – bunch population depends on <a>/λ, Δa/<a>, f and <Ea> because of short-range wakes • Ns – bunch separation depends on the long-range dipole wake and is determined by the condition: • Wt,2 · N / Ea= 10 V/pC/mm/m · 4x109 / 150 MV/m • RF breakdown and pulsed surface heating (rf) constraints: • ΔTmax(Hsurfmax, tp) < 56 K • Esurfmax < 250 MV/m • Pintp1/3/Cin = 18 MW·ns1/3/mm

  6. Optimizing Figure of Merit Luminosity per linac input power: Collision energy is constant Figure of Merit (FoM = ηLbx/N) in [a.u.] = [1e34/bx/m2•%/1e9]

  7. Cost model Total cost = Investment cost + Electricity cost for 10 years Ct = Ci + Ce Ci = Excel{fr; Ep; tp; Ea ; Ls ; f; Δφ} Repetition frequency; Pulse energy; Pulse length; Accelerating gradient; Structure length (couplers included); Operating frequency; rf phase advance per cell Ce = (0.032 + 2.4/FoM)

  8. Parameters of new structure

  9. Transverse impedances and wakes in cells Blue – first cell Red – middle cell Black – last cell

  10. Transverse long-range wakes in CLIC_G First dipole band Limit at 2nd bunch Tapered structure

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