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Data base: Miscanthus field trial results. Results of MiscandMod. Results of MiscandMod. For countries: Austria - Belgium - Czech Republic - Germany - Denmark - Estonia - Spain - Finland - France – Greece - Hungary - Ireland - Italy - Lithuania -
Results of MiscandMod For countries: Austria -Belgium - Czech Republic -Germany - Denmark - Estonia - Spain -Finland - France – Greece - Hungary -Ireland - Italy -Lithuania - Luxembourg - Latvia - Malta - Netherlands - Poland - Portugal - Sweden -Slovenia - Slovakia - United Kingdom Results of SwitchgrassMod Not yet available - Data from A & F are urgently needed!!
Biomass supply - choice of regions for miscanthus production • 2 x 4 regions are included. What is the goal of the selection? • To identify region which represent the range of variation in yields and/or climate and/or agricultural production system? • To identify regions with high yield potential for miscanthus? • Other criteria…? • One cost for each NUTS 2 region (€/t), or range of costs based on variation in land suitability within a NUTS 2 region?
Biomass supply - choice of regions for miscanthus production (example) PL 32 (Podkarpackie) 29 / 20 t DM ha -1 a-1 (peak / harvestable yield)
Biomass supply - choice of regions for miscanthus production (example) DE 14 (Tuebingen) 26 / 18 t DM ha -1 a-1 (peak / harvestable yield)
Biomass supply - choice of regions for miscanthus production (example) UK K4 (Devon) 23 / 16 t DM ha -1 a-1 (peak / harvestable yield)
Biomass supply - choice of regions for miscanthus production (example) ICT4 (Lombardia) 33 / 23 t DM ha -1 a-1 (peak / harvestable yield)
Miscanthus/switchgrass chain selection based on scan of market size and economic viability Excluded are: paper, animal bedding, PTT, ethylene, insulation, composites, concrete and other construction applications
Cost analysis - production (1/2) • Costs include production, transport and processing • Standard production system: • operations, input and output • costs: machinery costs • fertilizer input • fuel input (machinery, irrigation) • chemicals input • labour hours
Cost analysis - production (2/2) • Costs variation may include erosion prevention measures, type of N fertilizer (organic, mineral), harvest method, farm owned/contract machinery • Costs of transporation are important. Transport chains and distance will be selected later
Cost analysis - processing (1/1) • Processing costs are scale-dependant. Scale (and transport distance) will be selected later • Processing costs are not specified per NUTS 2 region • Processing costs are also calculated for reference chains
Environmental impacts – production (1/2) • Energy use (mainly NUTS 2 unspecific) • Greenhouse gas emissions (mainly NUTS 2 unspecific) • Erosion (EPIC; site specific analysis) • Nutrient leaching (EPIC; site specific analysis) • Water use (EPIC; site specific analysis) • Soil compaction (site unspecific analysis; literature) • Input agrochemicals (site unspecific) • Landscape (site unspecific analysis; literature scan) • Biodiversity
Environmental impacts - processing • Energy use (NUTS 2 unspecific) • Greenhouse gas emissions (NUTS 2 unspecific)
Environmental impacts – processing & production • For the reference chains only greenhouse gas emissions and energy use are included System boundaries • Including second order energy use (e.g. energy for fertilizer production) • Excluding third order energy use (e.g. energy for machinery production) • International standards